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Everything posted by Cyndercat.7615

  1. Im sick of this constant argument that raids are dead because their playerbase is too low. When raids came out, player participation was much higher than anet ever anticipated. Raids died because anet pulled people from raid team to work on delayed living world episodes and then merged raid and fractal team, doubling time between instanced content releases. If you give less than 1 update to a game mode a year, yes players will be bored and leave. Its anet's fault raids died, due to focusing so hard on living world, and living world only.
  2. For all of endgame PVE you will have to be stacked in melee unless you are performing a special role. Boons are melee/mid range so there is no option. If you hate this type of gameplay you may want to reconsider gw2 as this isnt going to ever change. As for ele, being super squishy and forced into melee most of the time has been an ongoing complaint for years. Hopefully anet will listen and rework staff eventually. You really don't need to be jumping into raids in endgame gear after only two weeks of playing though. Id advise unlocking your elites if you havn't already done so, and learning how they work while playing through some living story or expansion maps. That will get you a few ascended accessories for cheap and let you start progressing in fractals. You can start raiding in exotics no issue but you will need a good understanding of your class to be successful there.
  3. Masteries I feel were a great idea with not great execution. Some are really fun and impactful like gliding offensive skills and wall climbing with vines but they are only usable in their respective maps which really limits them. I disagree with story, but ive always felt it went downhill after Zhaitan's death and just got worse over time. The most recent story release really took the cake on that. I do think the big impactful moments are the one thing that does improve in later episodes due to better cutscenes though. As far as removing small distractions, I am still annoyed over the removal of human female idle animations which they promised they would reenable and then never did, so I don't trust them to sort that issue without ruining other aspects of the game. Agree with you on combat still feeling great and performance needing an upgrade. Trait system is great in that its flexible and problematic in that the flexibility can create huge performance differences between players, more than any other non p2w game and it shows which isn't ideal for the cooperative nature of the game.
  4. Since people really seem incapable of understanding i will make it as clear as i can. HOT - maps, story - core features - elite specs, gliding - game changing features -adventures, guild halls , raids - side features POF - maps story - core features elite specs, mounts - game changing features -adventures, bounties, raids - side features EOD - maps story - core features elites specs that are lazily done - Totally lacks the game changing features we had from other expansions which is why I think anet is lazy promoting side features like this fill this gap. fishing, skiffs, turtle - side features EOD therefore is a lazy and disappointing as it lacks the game changing features from other expansions that made them worthwhile. And its a joke they try and make side features seem like main features. And its sad people will defend this from them. If you still cant understand my issue then I cant be bothered to explain anymore.
  5. I literally said I consider epspects a main feature, but they are lazily done in eod due to overuse of old animations. Clearly you dont read either.
  6. Can we finish domain of korna while we are at it. Unfinished meta and dead eastern side is really noticeable. I dont think theres anything wrong with the zhaitan story. But it really really needs a dragonstand/dragonfall type of map to finish zhaitan once hes fallen.
  7. Anet did by setting expectations with previous expansions, cancelling half a living world season and then giving players much much less value and replability in this expansion due to lack of game changing features. Again, I already typed my opinions on this already which you clearly didn't bother to read. And to address you edited point, story and maps are basic features. Expansions wouldnt even exist without them and even living world has this content. Elite specs I agree with but even they are done lazily. reusing animations so much.
  8. I already did define it in an above post. And again i do think side features like minigames are relevant expansion features. I have said over and over fishing and skiffs are fine as part of an expansion, but as the main feature they are incredibly disappointing. It is a massive problem to me and others. When anet hypes up and advertises a single minigame as the main draw of an expansion I think its sad people will accept that, when we have seen anet can do so much better.
  9. Because there is no main feature to go alongside the side feature. Thats the whole point. I have no issue with fishing or skiffs in their current form being a side feature of an expansion like adventures were in HOT. But EOD lacks the actual main feature which is the problem. Dont see how u cant understand that.
  10. I have no idea how you could ever say that and genuinely think its true. It cannot compare to other main features from past expansions. Its equivalent to adventures in HOT. A side feature. Its a minigame. Bizarre how people defend this.
  11. Good content would be new systems that change up core gameplay and add new ways of combat or movement. They keep the game replayable and make even old content feel fresh. What anet has done is looked at the list of requested features and chosen the 2 cheapest and low effort ones that offer nothing in terms of game changing additions and hyped them to be main selling points. Fishing and skiffs would be great additions as SIDE features but a minigame even I with limited coding knowledge could code in a month, and a reskinned skimmer without even any animations, are such lazy efforts for the main draw of an expansion that they charge full price for. Its disappointing that people would defend this minimum effort after we had great main features as well as great side features, like fishing should be, in Hot and Pof. If they really wanted to make boats the main draw they could have put in effort to actually make them different to skimmers, giving them sailing mechanics and possible combat features, or used the bounties/world bosses to add big fishing targets that need squads of players to take down. That would have given the game replayability at least, instead of doubling down on the semi afk gameplay that makes 0 use of the combat system. Such a shame they cancelled half a season ruined the entire gw1 storyline that was carried over for close to 10 years for this. And anyone who thinks there are going to be significant improvements between now and release are kidding themselves. That has never happened in gw2 history.
  12. Sad state of the game industry when people will defend such disappointing and lazy content so hard 😞
  13. Some people don't want to play a game where there are more bots than actual people. You might not care but I do and reporting is clearly not doing enough for anet to act so it needs to be discussed. Over and over if necessary. Until anet either does something about the bots or changes the TOS to allow them.
  14. Are people confused by the OP? In sandswept isles anet implemented a stupid feature where instead of spawning your bounty, it has a chance to give a random event to kill adds instead. This happens regardless of the number of people in your group. I guess it was a measure to draw out the content more but it was annoying and frustrating then, and is still annoying and frustrating now. Luckily they got rid of this 'feature' for the rest of s4.
  15. Agree with both of these. Legendary sigils are still a total annoyance to me which I hoped would be fixed with the armoury. They also need to add a visual toggle for the legendary accessories. Yes I know its complicated and difficult to do and will take alot of time to fix the spaghetti code, but for a game based around cosmetic customization, having a forced ugly ball above every character needs fixing imo.
  16. I think for the warrior elites, charrs are more fitting than humans. I think norn could also fit well in the druid specialization. I cant see charr being a deadeye or holo personally. Would definitely add asura to weaver and chronomancer. Other than that i agree with your list.
  17. 2. Fishing as a main feature is laughably bad. Did they really cancel half a living world for that. 😕 such a let down. And only 1 new mount when pof gave 5. Feels more like a feature patch than an expansion. I do like canthas aesthetic and look forward to the elite specs though, so it gets a 2 from me.
  18. I was wondering if this years lunar festival has a mini ox to collect. I cant seem to find it and am hoping I've just missed it. Almost all other festivals have added a mini of the zodiac animals and it would be a shame for this years to be missed.
  19. It would lose all the fun if it was permanent content.
  20. I did this on my 4th try with one hand, using wasd and space. You get more than enough time to turn with the keyboard on the slowest path, I wasnt even at half health once. I dont see any reason why someone with only 1 hand would be unable to complete it. I dont think it needs changing. There are plenty of rewards that not everyone will be able to achieve due to time, skill or disabilities and thats fine. Everyone doesnt need everything. If we remove or give alternatives to every single reward that could be considered challenging, then we remove almost all incentive to actually do the challenging content which is terrible for a game. I do find it ridiculous that some people here have compared not being able to get a cosmetic in a video game to an accessibility issue. That just completely makes a joke of the real accessibility issues some disabled people face and is pretty insulting imo. If this is eventually changed, then I feel the right to complain that there are PVP rewards I cant gain due to my own issues left 'inacessible' to me.
  21. Sanctuary pulses knockback for its duration which does a huge amount of the breakbar. Since both the boss and the sorrows have big breakbars, it lowers the risk of pug groups not being coordinated enough to break them.
  22. Well there is a market for selling raids so people will offer services if it makes them money. Raids being the hardest content to complete in PVE do have a fair few people willing to buy. Dont get me wrong I dont like raid selling either but its not against TOS and can just be ignored so its not really an issue outside of devaluing some titles.If it bothers you seeing them that much you can type -sell or -[ into the search bar at the top. You are not going to find many real lfg in super off hours on EU. Middle of the night being one of them. Raid lfg population is not big enough anymore to sustain that and will keep shrinking the longer raids go without any new content. If you look at lfg in prime time hours or on reset day however, there are many raid pug groups.Its not a good idea to get into raiding through pugging anyway. It requires more time than any random group can commit to to properly learn each boss. Finding a guild will be a much better experience.
  23. Tengu playable raceCompletion of SABReturn of TA fw-upDoubtful any of these will happen but I can hope.
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