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Everything posted by Cyndercat.7615

  1. You wont ever fix the problem. As you can see from the OP in the other thread they have already decided they are right and nothing will ever change their mind. They do not want to listen and they do not want to learn, they just want their opinion validated.
  2. I said for NEW players. Experienced players can avoid more than half, if not all of the requirements purely through skillful play and very in depth knowledge of each fight. New players will never be able to do that and trying to do anything other than follow requirements will lead to a wipe. It is possible to 4 man every boss in this game. Does that mean its reasonable for a totally new training group to try and 4 man dhuum? No that would be rediculous. For them to have a chance of success they will need to fill the basic requirements for dhuum. If new players want a successful W1 run, I stand by they will need every position I listed covered. And yes like I argued previously, lack of hard enrage or oneshot mechanics leads to issues like this. Bosses being soloable for skilled enough players, which shows they failed in their purpose to be really challenging content. Cairn also has this issue. VG gets a pass for being an intro boss. However, go to gorseval or sabetha and this becomes impossible, due to them having hard limits on minimum DPS, through limited updrafts, and platform health.
  3. W1 an intro raid for new players needs;Toughness based tank, might source for each sub, fury source for each sub, alacrity source for each sub, quickness source for each sub, protection source for each sub, warrior banners, 2 healers, 1 person who has a low cd aoe knockback, 2 condi dps, boonrip, enough cc to break multiple breakbars on short CD, a full group of power dps, 1-2 ranged dps, 1 person who can pull adds, 1 person who can perma immobalize multiple enemies, a flak kiter, 2 cannoneers, everyone to have gliding and updraft mastery. You will not beat the raid as a new group unless you have all of these things, with the exception of maybe warrior banners. You have 10 spots. What exactly is the LFR going to search for to make sure all these ESSENTIAL things are covered, no role is covered more than once, and that there are enough DPS players to beat the enrage. Again this is only for the very first introduction raid wing. Later wings are alot harder and have many more requirements. Do you people supporting this understand yet.
  4. anet can define a minimum of roles for each raid to be possible to finish it, if it's possible to finish it with 1 or 2 healers then the mm should know it and search for players that signed as healers, gear checking should not be a thing, if players want to check everything they should make a manual raid, also this is toxic. It is possible to finish most raids with 0 heals. That does not mean 99% of the playerbase will be capable of doing the raid with no heals. In fact, most players would wipe within a few minutes without at least 1 healer. This is why I ask, what should the LFR ask for. In general 3 healers are considered too much for a raid, but there are many groups that do raid that NEED 3 healers to complete it. anet can define a minimum, simples as that, if you join as dps and want to change to healer if the raid will be easier with 3 healers and everyone on the raid agree, nothing is blocking you. And im asking you what that minimum should be. Since different groups need different amounts of healing. Some groups need 1 healer for a boss and other groups need 3. But the LFR cant know that, so what should it ask for. Very few people playing lfr are going to have the ability to swap to a healer on demand if they queue as dps. about the gear anet can implement a system and info that everyone should have at least a purple gear to do it, they can auto check if the player is using some healing power gear if they queue as healer or a minimum heal power, if not he can't queue as healer.they should know a minimum to finish it. players that want min max should do their own raid. And then immedatly say the game should gear check you. i said stats check and purple gear, a bare minimum, a gear check would be forcing players using all Minstrellike to join as healer you should pass the minimum check of xxx heal poweror to join as dps xxx condi or power just a little filter, so no one join with weird stats and fake the role That is exactly the definition of a gear check. it's a stat check not a gear check, because on gw2 you can have multiple gears with multiple stats. The only way to get those stats, outside of a few select utilities/traits, is gear. Same difference. meta should not be a thing. does the raid demand a druid or a healer? if a healer, the class should not matter, scrappers should not be queued as healers if they can't heal, if the dps is low and the party going to have a hard time does not matter, if they can finish it.if druid is a bad healer it's anet problem on balacing classes. You clearly have no idea how raids work then. It does matter if the dps is low. Too low dps and the boss will enrage, usually wiping everyone instantly. enrage timer is the most kitten thing on raids imo, this force dps meters toxic people on the game, a raid should be about mechanics not how you can dps. Enrage timer is one of the core features of raids and is arguable the most important one that makes raids challenging. Otherwise players could bring 10 healers, leave them afk autoattacking the boss and ignore mechanics by healing through them. This would not be hard or challenging completely defeating the purpose of the raid. I think raids should be about both using the combat system (dps boons and heals) and doing mechanics. Regardless of whether you hate them or not. Raids do have an enrage timer. And your group does need to deal with it. if the 10 healers don't know the mechanics they going to wipe like u said :) I did not say that. I said if there is no enrage or instakill they will ignore mechanics and heal through them. it's not like druid is the only class that can buff might, also if you join as support/healer you should know that u need to buff and heal, if someone on the raid is already doing it you can always change if necessary; It is one of the only classes that can give permanent might to the entire group on every boss. The other being tempest. Again, most people who would use LFR do NOT have multiple classes to swap too, let alone multiple healers. If people joining should know they need to buff might as a healer, then you say they should only queue as druid or tempest heal. Basically enforcing the meta. Because thats why people in LFG ask for a druid in the first place. if someone want to min max stats they should make a manual raid, the mm should be for players that want to have fun and try to finish it, so everyone can enjoy end content even if having a harder time. Once again, raids are balanced around the expectation that the group will have permanent alacrity and quickness buffs. If you have a group without those buffs you lose more than half the squads damage. Most LFR groups will not be able to beat the bosses with no buffs. This once again shows you dont even understand the most basic stuff about raids.does not matter if they can't beat it, it's better than only 1% of the player doing it, at least they joined a raid and tried, also they can always talk to each other to try to change a class if needed. It does matter. Like cyninja said if players try to raid in a horrible group setup with terrible boons and fail, which they will, they will get a horrible impression of raids and never want to go back. it's like saying people will hate dark souls because it's "too hard", if someone dislike hard content to begin with they should not even raid. It is not too hard if you bring the basic things needed to beat the boss. It is if you lack them. the only way to kill the raid boss is with that role? players defined it or anet? if so something is very wrong with the class balance.if you can kill with other classes should it matter? min max players should do their own raid. Yes the only way to kill that boss is with that role. While several classes can hand kite on deimos, if you dont have someone who knows how to do it you cannot kill the boss. You will wipe within the first minute. This is true of several bosses who need special roles. so just because they going to fail first time does not mean they need to disband, they can just try until they learn. I am telling you if they do not have the proper build to do that mechanic they will die. Over and over. Nomatter how much they practice they will die. Here is a good example so you can maybe start to understand and stop arguing about this you have no idea of. Deimos is a raid boss. Once of his mechanics is he puts an aoe on the feet of the person furthest away from him. This aoe stacks 5 times, a few seconds pause and begins stacking again. 1 stack alone is enough to instakill an average dps player. They need to constantly keep moving and never stand in a stack to survive. However if they do this the aoe will be spread ALL over the arena, leaving no space for the group to fight the boss. So at minimum the person dealing with this aoe needs to stand still until 3 stacks are under their feet before they can move on.To do this they need alot of self heal and some damage absorption. On top of this, deimos does a oneshot attack. They need to be able to block it. You can see now hopefully why they need a special build and be experienced with the aoe mechanic to not wipe the whole group. cool, so you learned the mechanics why other people can't? BECAUSE YOU NEED A SPECIAL BUILD AND A SPOT IN GROUP TO DO IT AND LFR WILL NEED TO RECOGNIZE THAT. this is a complex question, but anet can put a info to players that they should have more than one gear available to change the type of the dps for different types of bosses or they going to fail, players at first time will not know what they going to face until they learn the raid, older players should teach them, everyone using the mm should know they going to face random players. if the raid really need that special role because of anet definition then the mm should look for someone at that role without losing the raid progression.a vote kick can be a good thing only if all the players accept it, the problem is toxic players using dps checks that can be a cancer. You havnt answered half my questions. IF its only 1 boss how will the LFR even make sure the boss can be opened. Older player should not be forced to teach new , but many choose to through guilds. What do you do if your LFR doesn't have any old players to help.so older player that join with the MM should know that's for random players and can't rage, if he want he can always go and do it with his guild, this is a system for players without 10 people to play.I am talking about special roles that also double as a default position in the group. EG. A pusher at desmina that also heals. WIll the LFR be able to understand that the prevsious person who left was duoing as both pusher and heal, and search now for someone queued as push heal. Or will it just look for push, leaving the group down 1 heal. What if it cant find someone queued as both push and heal? it's a matchmaking not a 100% win rate raid making, of course people are gonna fail, but at least they tried, also they can always learn how to do it. I have told you. You MUST have special mechanics covered or you will instawipe the group. anything less than 100% when it comes to these roles is worthless. you wont even get to try. You will die almost instantly every single time. if only one class can do this role something is wrong with the game balance don't you think? there's nothing to do with the matchmaking No there is nothing wrong with balance. Not every class can heal, Not every class can give certain buffs. Not every class can do special mechanics and thats fine. It means even if a class is weaker one role, they can excell in another and still be useful in a raid. Its a good thing. it's toxic to kick someone just because he is new or because of dps meters, now if he is ignoring everyone and not even trying, kicking is the option, also if someone join a raid with a big warning telling you to bring more than one gear, he should know he is joining a harder end game content and can't complain if they kick him or fail. It is not toxic. If that person fails to do the bare minimum damage needs to beat the boss, which is about 25% of what the class is capable of, they should not be in a raid. Like you said , they should know they are joining harder end game content and should not complain if they get kicked because they were unprepared. Whether that is bringing the wrong gear, or not learning how to play their class. it's better having a hard time doing a raid with randoms than never do itI disagree no one is forcing you use it, it's a system for players that don't have a 10 premade raid, like 99% of the player base, also everyone know that a raid is a end game content and will be hard, the matchmaking isn't to sure a win, it's to find people to group simple as that With your version of matchmaking no group would ever ever have even the slightest chance to win. they would all fail, horribly. And as people realize they have no chance to win ever by joinging LFR they would stop using it. Very soon, it would be totally dead, just like the LFR in strike missions is. What you seem to refuse to understand is that raids have basic requirements in order to beat them. They are balanced around having these requirements fulfilled in your group. If you group does not fulfil these basic requirements you have no chance at all. It is pointless even trying. This is not bad game design nor is it toxic. These requirements are there because the content is suppose to be challenging and force you to take advantage of all the tools available to beat it. If these requirements did not exist, anyone who was choosing to fully use these tools would find raids to be extremely easy and have no challenge at all, which would defeat the point of raids themselves. A LFR that does not guarantee your squad has all these requirements met is useless as the group it forms has no chance of beating the boss. However, creating a LFR that meets these requirement is very difficult and has many unsolvable problems like the questions I originally gave to you. You however are totally unable to answer even a few due to your total lack of understand of how raids work. so let they fail horribly, there's not a problem in that, people who not like harder content will stop using it sure, but they also will lose the chance to get legendary set, it's not supposed to be easy in first place.how it's now, people who want to try can't because they don't have 10 people to play with. Noone will use it and you will have less chance getting 10 ppl together in LFR than in LFG just like strikes. If you still cannot understand now after ALL the massive wall of text explaining I have given you then I give up. You simply do not want to understand.If you ever in the future actually care about giving raiding a chance and actually want to learn how they work properly, I would be happy to explain them to you myself and help you get into raiding groups, provided you are willing to listen. Or I could direct you to guides made by much much more experienced players than me, who have summarized it all very well. However due to your constant nonsense arguments about toxicity, dps meters ect I have the feeling you do not want to learn anything and like so many others in the game, would rather continue to argue and flame about something you have never even tried. Either way GL with your gaming.
  5. anet can define a minimum of roles for each raid to be possible to finish it, if it's possible to finish it with 1 or 2 healers then the mm should know it and search for players that signed as healers, gear checking should not be a thing, if players want to check everything they should make a manual raid, also this is toxic. It is possible to finish most raids with 0 heals. That does not mean 99% of the playerbase will be capable of doing the raid with no heals. In fact, most players would wipe within a few minutes without at least 1 healer. This is why I ask, what should the LFR ask for. In general 3 healers are considered too much for a raid, but there are many groups that do raid that NEED 3 healers to complete it. anet can define a minimum, simples as that, if you join as dps and want to change to healer if the raid will be easier with 3 healers and everyone on the raid agree, nothing is blocking you. And im asking you what that minimum should be. Since different groups need different amounts of healing. Some groups need 1 healer for a boss and other groups need 3. But the LFR cant know that, so what should it ask for. Very few people playing lfr are going to have the ability to swap to a healer on demand if they queue as dps. about the gear anet can implement a system and info that everyone should have at least a purple gear to do it, they can auto check if the player is using some healing power gear if they queue as healer or a minimum heal power, if not he can't queue as healer.they should know a minimum to finish it. players that want min max should do their own raid. And then immedatly say the game should gear check you. i said stats check and purple gear, a bare minimum, a gear check would be forcing players using all Minstrellike to join as healer you should pass the minimum check of xxx heal poweror to join as dps xxx condi or power just a little filter, so no one join with weird stats and fake the role That is exactly the definition of a gear check. meta should not be a thing. does the raid demand a druid or a healer? if a healer, the class should not matter, scrappers should not be queued as healers if they can't heal, if the dps is low and the party going to have a hard time does not matter, if they can finish it.if druid is a bad healer it's anet problem on balacing classes. You clearly have no idea how raids work then. It does matter if the dps is low. Too low dps and the boss will enrage, usually wiping everyone instantly. enrage timer is the most kitten thing on raids imo, this force dps meters toxic people on the game, a raid should be about mechanics not how you can dps. Enrage timer is one of the core features of raids and is arguable the most important one that makes raids challenging. Otherwise players could bring 10 healers, leave them afk autoattacking the boss and ignore mechanics by healing through them. This would not be hard or challenging completely defeating the purpose of the raid. I think raids should be about both using the combat system (dps boons and heals) and doing mechanics.Regardless of whether you hate them or not. Raids do have an enrage timer. And your group does need to deal with it. it's not like druid is the only class that can buff might, also if you join as support/healer you should know that u need to buff and heal, if someone on the raid is already doing it you can always change if necessary; It is one of the only classes that can give permanent might to the entire group on every boss. The other being tempest. Again, most people who would use LFR do NOT have multiple classes to swap too, let alone multiple healers. If people joining should know they need to buff might as a healer, then you say they should only queue as druid or tempest heal. Basically enforcing the meta. Because thats why people in LFG ask for a druid in the first place. if someone want to min max stats they should make a manual raid, the mm should be for players that want to have fun and try to finish it, so everyone can enjoy end content even if having a harder time. Once again, raids are balanced around the expectation that the group will have permanent alacrity and quickness buffs. If you have a group without those buffs you lose more than half the squads damage. Most LFR groups will not be able to beat the bosses with no buffs. This once again shows you dont even understand the most basic stuff about raids.does not matter if they can't beat it, it's better than only 1% of the player doing it, at least they joined a raid and tried, also they can always talk to each other to try to change a class if needed. It does matter. Like cyninja said if players try to raid in a horrible group setup with terrible boons and fail, which they will, they will get a horrible impression of raids and never want to go back. the only way to kill the raid boss is with that role? players defined it or anet? if so something is very wrong with the class balance.if you can kill with other classes should it matter? min max players should do their own raid. Yes the only way to kill that boss is with that role. While several classes can hand kite on deimos, if you dont have someone who knows how to do it you cannot kill the boss. You will wipe within the first minute. This is true of several bosses who need special roles. so just because they going to fail first time does not mean they need to disband, they can just try until they learn.I am telling you if they do not have the proper build to do that mechanic they will die. Over and over. Nomatter how much they practice they will die. Here is a good example so you can maybe start to understand and stop arguing about this you have no idea of. Deimos is a raid boss. Once of his mechanics is he puts an aoe on the feet of the person furthest away from him. This aoe stacks 5 times, a few seconds pause and begins stacking again. 1 stack alone is enough to instakill an average dps player. They need to constantly keep moving and never stand in a stack to survive. However if they do this the aoe will be spread ALL over the arena, leaving no space for the group to fight the boss. So at minimum the person dealing with this aoe needs to stand still until 3 stacks are under their feet before they can move on.To do this they need alot of self heal and some damage absorption. On top of this, deimos does a oneshot attack. They need to be able to block it. You can see now hopefully why they need a special build and be experienced with the aoe mechanic to not wipe the whole group. this is a complex question, but anet can put a info to players that they should have more than one gear available to change the type of the dps for different types of bosses or they going to fail, players at first time will not know what they going to face until they learn the raid, older players should teach them, everyone using the mm should know they going to face random players. if the raid really need that special role because of anet definition then the mm should look for someone at that role without losing the raid progression.a vote kick can be a good thing only if all the players accept it, the problem is toxic players using dps checks that can be a cancer. You havnt answered half my questions. IF its only 1 boss how will the LFR even make sure the boss can be opened. Older player should not be forced to teach new , but many choose to through guilds. What do you do if your LFR doesn't have any old players to help.so older player that join with the MM should know that's for random players and can't rage, if he want he can always go and do it with his guild, this is a system for players without 10 people to play.I am talking about special roles that also double as a default position in the group. EG. A pusher at desmina that also heals. WIll the LFR be able to understand that the prevsious person who left was duoing as both pusher and heal, and search now for someone queued as push heal. Or will it just look for push, leaving the group down 1 heal. What if it cant find someone queued as both push and heal? it's a matchmaking not a 100% win rate raid making, of course people are gonna fail, but at least they tried, also they can always learn how to do it. I have told you. You MUST have special mechanics covered or you will instawipe the group. anything less than 100% when it comes to these roles is worthless. you wont even get to try. You will die almost instantly every single time. it's toxic to kick someone just because he is new or because of dps meters, now if he is ignoring everyone and not even trying, kicking is the option, also if someone join a raid with a big warning telling you to bring more than one gear, he should know he is joining a harder end game content and can't complain if they kick him or fail. It is not toxic. If that person fails to do the bare minimum damage needs to beat the boss, which is about 25% of what the class is capable of, they should not be in a raid. Like you said , they should know they are joining harder end game content and should not complain if they get kicked because they were unprepared. Whether that is bringing the wrong gear, or not learning how to play their class. it's better having a hard time doing a raid with randoms than never do itI disagree no one is forcing you use it, it's a system for players that don't have a 10 premade raid, like 99% of the player base, also everyone know that a raid is a end game content and will be hard, the matchmaking isn't to sure a win, it's to find people to group simple as that With your version of matchmaking no group would ever ever have even the slightest chance to win. they would all fail, horribly. And as people realize they have no chance to win ever by joinging LFR they would stop using it. Very soon, it would be totally dead, just like the LFR in strike missions is. What you seem to refuse to understand is that raids have basic requirements in order to beat them. They are balanced around having these requirements fulfilled in your group. If you group does not fulfil these basic requirements you have no chance at all. It is pointless even trying. This is not bad game design nor is it toxic. These requirements are there because the content is suppose to be challenging and force you to take advantage of all the tools available to beat it. If these requirements did not exist, anyone who was choosing to fully use these tools would find raids to be extremely easy and have no challenge at all, which would defeat the point of raids themselves. A LFR that does not guarantee your squad has all these requirements met is useless as the group it forms has no chance of beating the boss. However, creating a LFR that meets these requirement is very difficult and has many unsolvable problems like the questions I originally gave to you. You however are totally unable to answer even a few. Here is a secret. I cannot answer them either. Neither I imagine can anyone in this thread. This is because these problems have no answer due to the way raids and groups work in this game. However most other people in this thread understand this. You however do not due to your total lack of understand of how raids work.
  6. anet can define a minimum of roles for each raid to be possible to finish it, if it's possible to finish it with 1 or 2 healers then the mm should know it and search for players that signed as healers, gear checking should not be a thing, if players want to check everything they should make a manual raid, also this is toxic. It is possible to finish most raids with 0 heals. That does not mean 99% of the playerbase will be capable of doing the raid with no heals. In fact, most players would wipe within a few minutes without at least 1 healer. This is why I ask, what should the LFR ask for. In general 3 healers are considered too much for a raid, but there are many groups that do raid that NEED 3 healers to complete it. You say gear check is toxic about the gear anet can implement a system and info that everyone should have at least a purple gear to do it, they can auto check if the player is using some healing power gear if they queue as healer or a minimum heal power, if not he can't queue as healer.they should know a minimum to finish it. players that want min max should do their own raid. And then immedatly say the game should gear check you. meta should not be a thing. does the raid demand a druid or a healer? if a healer, the class should not matter, scrappers should not be queued as healers if they can't heal, if the dps is low and the party going to have a hard time does not matter, if they can finish it.if druid is a bad healer it's anet problem on balacing classes. You clearly have no idea how raids work then. It does matter if the dps is low. Too low dps and the boss will enrage, usually wiping everyone instantly. The druid is taken to give might to the entire group. Without any might you lose +750 power and condition damage massively reducing the groups dps. Raids are balanced around the assumption the whole group will have max might stacks the whole fight. I imagine anyone using a LFR will not beat the enrage timer on some bosses, especially largos without might. This is why meta exists. To make sure the group has the buff it needs to beat the raid. So I ask again, do you demand a druid and ensure the group has might, giving a reasonable chance of cdlearing the fight? Or do you not ask for one, rejecting the meta but chancing you will get 3 scrapper healers who cannot give any might. if someone want to min max stats they should make a manual raid, the mm should be for players that want to have fun and try to finish it, so everyone can enjoy end content even if having a harder time. Once again, raids are balanced around the expectation that the group will have permanent alacrity and quickness buffs. If you have a group without those buffs you lose more than half the squads damage. Most LFR groups will not be able to beat the bosses with no buffs. This once again shows you dont even understand the most basic stuff about raids. the only way to kill the raid boss is with that role? players defined it or anet? if so something is very wrong with the class balance.if you can kill with other classes should it matter? min max players should do their own raid. Yes the only way to kill that boss is with that role. While several classes can hand kite on deimos, if you dont have someone who knows how to do it you cannot kill the boss. You will wipe within the first minute. This is true of several bosses who need special roles. this is a complex question, but anet can put a info to players that they should have more than one gear available to change the type of the dps for different types of bosses or they going to fail, players at first time will not know what they going to face until they learn the raid, older players should teach them, everyone using the mm should know they going to face random players. if the raid really need that special role because of anet definition then the mm should look for someone at that role without losing the raid progression.a vote kick can be a good thing only if all the players accept it, the problem is toxic players using dps checks that can be a cancer. You havnt answered half my questions. IF its only 1 boss how will the LFR even make sure the boss can be opened. Older player should not be forced to teach new , but many choose to through guilds. What do you do if your LFR doesn't have any old players to help. I am talking about special roles that also double as a default position in the group. EG. A pusher at desmina that also heals. WIll the LFR be able to understand that the prevsious person who left was duoing as both pusher and heal, and search now for someone queued as push heal. Or will it just look for push, leaving the group down 1 heal. What if it cant find someone queued as both push and heal? If anet warns people they need 2 different dps builds, but they ignore it and only bring 1 what then? You do realize raids have an enrage timer. Some which will instakill you if you do not deal enough damage to beat it. What if someone in your group is not doing enough damage to beat the timer. What if it is causing the group to fail over and over? Isnt that person toxic by joining as a role they cannot do and causing the group to fail? Should they be kicked? Is it still toxic then? it's better having a hard time doing a raid with randoms than never do itI disagree
  7. Questions for OP How will role selecting work. BY self selecting roles or gear checking and auto placing roles?If its the former, what about players who say they are healer, but have dps gear. If its the latter, gear checking is controversial enough as it is. Will it ban you if you dont have good enough gear/stats? How will the LFR decide whats needed in the first place. E.g 1 heal vs 2 or even 3 Is this LFR going to enfore the meta?Will it demand each group has a druid or will it only request healers. If it lacks a druid, what happens when 3 scrappers join and the group has 0 might uptime. What about alacrity and quickness?There are multiple ways to obtain 100% quickness and alacrity, most of these roles also double as healer or dps. Will the lfr be able to adapt and changes its requirements for example if a hfb joins, removing the need for 1 healer but necessitating an alcren instead of boon chrono for alacrity. What about specilized roles?Many raid bosses need a special role, that often needs a special build in order to function. Will the LFR recognize these roles, what about roles where the player is expected to not only do the special mechanic, but also provide dps or heals. e.g pusher for desmina, lamp for qadim. How will it check the player who joins is suitable for both these jobs. What about wing full clears?Will the LFR be limited to 1 boss only. How can it check that players can even open that boss. If it accounts for full wing clears, what about special mechanics there. Will it be able to put together a sufficient group for say, desmina that needs full condi dps and a special mechanics and then power dps for statues, and finally 3 special mechanics for dhuum. I assume gear checker will be in place for single bosses but thats not possible for multibosses, what about people who lie and join saying they can do special roles, then when the group reaches that boss they are useless. Can you kick them? If yes will the LFR recognise which role was kicked and replace it properly? All in all, it would need a very complex algorithm to even come close to being effective at making useful groups and the amount of work it would take to make that happen seems excessive when LFG can perform almost the same function, with more agency to players at the cost of some convenience.
  8. Come on, don't exaggerate. If the wiki and my calculations are correct: going from full Soldier's (5% crit chance & 150% crit dmg) to full Berserker's ascended gear (51% crit chance & 214% crit dmg) translates to about 54% more damage (assuming everything else stays the same), not 100% - 200% as you claim. You can achieve the same for instance with two +20% and one +10% damage multipliers from traits (granted, it's mostly conditional, but still). It appears to me that this community has an unhealthy and unwarranted fixation on critical hits. I dont play full beserker. I play assassin/zerker to get 100% crit cap. I would also have to change some traits, losing more damage.I would also have to spend way more time blocking or dodging attacks since I cant oneshot burst adds, adding more time to combat.
  9. Im sure they were. I would not have been. I never found a tank needed on lupi. If you want to bring soldiers into instanced groups that are happy to have it go for it. I just choose to not play with people in stats that make no sense in group content.The game has evolved so much since vanilla and there are many many better gear sets to use where having a tank is appropriate.
  10. From what I can tell, people seem to completely ignore that mechanic in favor of just rotating around the boss and avoiding the damage. Makes the chieves hard to get sadly Its actually easier to get hold onto the light with the cheese strat. Either bring 2 necros and use spectral grasp to instakill wisps, or hold dps until bone puts out all torches, then kill him. Wisps will have no torches left to put out. Light the torches can be done solo without touching the boss.
  11. Personally I dont care if people run soldiers in open world, as long as they dont bring it into instanced content with me. I do think its a horrible gearset and a noob trap though. Answering your question, no I would have no issue surviving in soliders, everything would just take 2-3x as long.
  12. Great news. Hoping for a turtle, dolphin or shark skin.
  13. Guardian ranger warrior and rev all are meta classes in both raids in fractals.
  14. Comparing HOT to dark souls is ridiculous. HOT is about normal difficult for your average single player game. You only need to understand how active combat works, and play your classes advantages to have little issue with standard adds. Unfortunately, most people in this game dont have a clue how to actually play and just run around in random builds, never dodging then we get posts like this. Hero points are a different issue, and making them require groups was controversial. Personally I dont mind it but I do understand the complaints, one which was addressed in POF, which are soloable. Luckily, to max out your character, you never need to complete a single champion hero point in the game so just stick to the ones you can do.
  15. Anyone who considers whisper of jormag as hardcore content is beyond casual, and shouldnt speak for all casual players. If OP does not like grind and grouping, then an MMO was the worst choice of game, its like joining an FPS game and complaining you hate shooting.
  16. This is just another rant of someone wanting everything handed to them with 0 effort hidden behind a massive wall of text, with some unsubstantiated claims about 'hardcore' and group content players thrown in for good measure. For what its worth, I disagree with basically everything the OP argues about and think its borderline hilarious for someone to be complaining gw2 ignores its casual playerbase, considering thats the ONLY playerbase the game is currently supporting. I am a player who does group content , occasionally raiding and doing cms and I am permanently broke in game, usually sittting on 3g max. If i want something from the gem store, I have to pay for it with rl money, which I used to do, but dont anymore since anet stopped making content I enjoy.
  17. Not more raids being developed , a casual playerbase surely doesn't need the toxicity of raid players , that toxicity did cost you dearly now...hope you lot "pro players" are happy now The only toxicity in regards to raids that I see are from those that call raiders toxic. “Toxic casual” is a real thing. Players that want to play with others with the same mentality as them are not toxic. Those wanting to force other players to play with them are toxic. Those joining groups that they do not meet the requirements for, get kicked as a result, and then complain/demonize those players for it are toxic. As has been the case since the beginning of the game when we saw similar complaints about LFG, you’re always free to create your own LFG and play with those that have the same mindset as you (e.g. casual, no meta, whatever). If you have standards...then put the requirements in the LFG! Right now there are "Tags" who display : LFG for more and you join with makeshift DPS build, no raid material but not even a so called leecher, you may not reach 35k snowcrow benchmark table..but you do enough to earn Gold reward and yet.....people then complain saying you're leeching? If you're dying to use ArcDPS...put the LI req and spare people your toxicity I see....you don't find players fast enough with your LI reqs? No I don't try to join your l33t team with LI reqs....you ask for normal players while secretly using ArcDPS then throwing a tantrum if the DPS not up with your speed run standardsI stopped making all welcome groups because I got toxic people who would leech the first 3 bosses, barely doing more than autoattacking then leave before the 'challenging' ones in a all strike lfg. Now I ask for kp. Groups take about 5 mins more to fill but people actually contribute, and dont leave halfway. I have had many many people join, refuse to ping kp and then flame me in whisper and map chat though. Compared to the 2-3 toxic raiders who didnt think the group was good enough back when i ran all welcome. In my experience toxic casuals are far more common and have made my experience much worse than toxic raiders, along with driving me away from accepting new players.
  18. Loads of people are doing new meta all the time however Its very hard to jump into north maps atm as they are almost always full with people who have completed south, which is also why there are no LFG.New south meta maps fill up in less than 5 mins so if you want to join an active map you have to be quick with LFG. Alternatively, if you land in a dead map you can tag up and will find an almost full squad in minutes to do both metas.
  19. I see no issue with listing maps as full in lfg and do it myself. There are several resons why;-Main one being bottlenecking is a thing, so while a map may appear full, there are still spaces and people can continue to join if they wait-If someone wants to try their luck and spam to join a full map, I think its fine to give them the option to do that-Maps fill up very fast but people still do leave slowly. It is more courteous to mark it full than make it appear to have spaces in lfg. Listing a full map when squad has space is not in any way against TOS so i see no reason to report it.
  20. Agree it takes way way too long but I think they already made troop moral increase faster this patch. Definitely want your last 2 points to happen. Downtime in the middle of the meta is just bad design and should be moved to the end, with the northern chests being condensed.
  21. While this doesnt really affect me as I havnt even made T1 yet, I will say I think the 'warning' they gave on the weapons was terrible inadequate and I dont blame people for not noticing it. It took the place of flavor text, which most people dont readIt was in plain grey writing, instead of redThere are multiple other systems in game designed to prevent people destroying important items which work 10x better which anet chose to not useBjora set the expectation that even if the weapon was destroyed, a replacement could be bought for a small amount of gold/currency
  22. Agree except for smodur. I dont think he did anything wrong last chapter, his actions were fitting for a charr, and the choices I would have made, if given the option. Humanizing all the charrs was a horrible choice. However those actions were unfitting for smodur himself. Anet ruined him with story bias meant to make him into the impuslive baddie, and retconned his whole character who was suppost to be level headed and diplomatic. At least they cant make it worse anymore.
  23. I preferred the story in this release over the previous. Charr felt more charrish and less human. The events in A simple negotiation were unexpected but at least fixed some questionable character directions made in the previous one. It wasnt anything spectacular, but given how much I hated No quarters story, I am happy with this. The map itself is just more of the same. I am meh about it. Its good enough as filler content. Final boss battle was disappointing, literally just another 'smack the foot' boss and no more innovative than the original jormag we had 7 yrs ago. I was hoping for them to incorporate some of the advancements they have made in content design and combat to at least make it interesting. Reusing drakkars model was pretty bad too. We already have a full claw of jormag model so why chop him in half?The keep wasnt a very visually impressive area. Was hoping for more ice palace than frozen dredge base. I still think the rest of the map is beautiful and its my favorite of all maps from a purely aesthetic point. I really dont like how the old meta needs to fully complete to start the new. I appreciate they have made participation easier to get, so its more of a drop in and out type of map, but 2 hours to complete the full meta is pretty extreme for a LW map. The WvW feel they were going for has failed IMO. The whole point of WvW is the back and forth between enemies capping bases but the dominion charrs are never a real threat and dont even push back in the new meta. Defeats the purpose. The new adventures are half baked imo. The OX one is ok and fits well enough with the adventure model. The eagle one was disappointing, it should have been alot more challenging. The wolverine is literally just a boss fight instance that they called an adventure, it feels out of place and should have been just a story mission/strike imo. Finally im disappointed there was no new fractal OR strike in this release. They could have easily made wolverine a strike boss without much effort. I am also still waiting on the legendary armory each release which seems to be never coming.
  24. I think that reading this we can easy find the main reason of the raids state - It is something abnormal for this game. Let's explain: in order to raid we should first join a guild, adapt our schedule to the raid schedule of the guild, make trainings, and after all of this we can successfully raid. Did you see? The raids, as concept, breaks one of the main points of this game (you can find it in the Manifesto): "we don't want you to prepare to have fun". With this in mind the game started and created a playerbase pleased by this approach. And these players are the majority - it is the oldest part of the playerbase. And suddenly - starting from a certain point on, ample preparation before doing something in this game are required. What? As a consequence: Yes, if all you accept is the PUG and LFG, then organizing 10 people will be hard - YES, it is hard. But many players played this game because for LFG you did not use a planning activity before. It was SIMPLE, not HARD. And it was for 5 not for 10. BTW - the things were very simple. The game started without LFG if I remember correctly. And still the players completed 5 man instanced content. As a conclusion - the main reason for the raid state is the simple fact that this anomaly exists in GW2 in the actual form. We'll that ignores the portion of the population who finds this preparation fun It sure does .. but the argument here is that it should have never existed in the first place because of the expectation in the manifesto by Anet to the original adopters of the game. We can see the consequences of Anet's decision to ignore their OWN commitment to players ... Id argue that the current living world model breaks the commitment to players just as much as raids ever have done.Firstly, as I mentioned above, 90% of achievements in the living story are 'do this event 20 times' 'kill 500 of these mobs' which directly go againt the manifesto.Furthermore the manifesto promised that new content wouldnt leave old content obsolete which it absolutely does.Shortly after launch anet made a promise to rework old content regularly to keep it relevant, and never followed through, instead choosing to release new maps.I dont feel the current living world model is bad for the game, its probably better than anets original ideas, but it does break all the initial promises anet made. The argument 'it should never have existed because it breaks the manifesto' just doesnt hold up when you look at the game as a whole. I think raids were absolutely beneficial for the long term health of the game, and the game is worse off due to their , and every other side modes, abandonment.
  25. I think that reading this we can easy find the main reason of the raids state - It is something abnormal for this game. Let's explain: in order to raid we should first join a guild, adapt our schedule to the raid schedule of the guild, make trainings, and after all of this we can successfully raid. Did you see? The raids, as concept, breaks one of the main points of this game (you can find it in the Manifesto): "we don't want you to prepare to have fun". With this in mind the game started and created a playerbase pleased by this approach. And these players are the majority - it is the oldest part of the playerbase. And suddenly - starting from a certain point on, ample preparation before doing something in this game are required. What? As a consequence: Yes, if all you accept is the PUG and LFG, then organizing 10 people will be hard - YES, it is hard. But many players played this game because for LFG you did not use a planning activity before. It was SIMPLE, not HARD. And it was for 5 not for 10. BTW - the things were very simple. The game started without LFG if I remember correctly. And still the players completed 5 man instanced content. As a conclusion - the main reason for the raid state is the simple fact that this anomaly exists in GW2 in the actual form. Almost nothing of the original manifesto is left in current gw2. New achievements have you grinding mobs and events 20+ times. When the manifesto said grind would never happen. We have dedicated healers in all game modes, and tanks in raids, when they said they would get rid of the trinity. They said pvp would be developed around esports and now its half dead and full of bots. The manifesto says environmental weapons would be a huge part of combat, but they are almost never ever used. And yes the manifesto said you shouldnt prepare to have fun, but 2 months after launch people were leaving in masses saying there was no endgame content and no challenge left to the game. As the game has grown, anet has realized alot of what they originally envisioned just doesnt work in the context of an MMO, at least for long term player retention. Edit: players created their own LFG outside the game for instanced content before LFG in game existed. http://gw2lfg.com/ and you still had to learn the speedrun strategies from guides or other players in order to farm dungeons.
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