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Everything posted by Friday.7864

  1. Honestly, I'm tempted to give FFXIV a go just to play a catboy in a swimsuit LOL
  2. I'm dreaming of outfits which let you change head skin.
  3. I'm just sitting here and wondering how a 32 slot bag managed to ruffle someone's feathers so much... Always considered 32slot bags convenience/luxury items I don't need. And yes, Bag slots on sale is the best deal you can get when it comes to getting extra inv space. The ones who go for 32 slot bags are usually ppl who max their Bag slots first and THEN fill them with 32 slot bags.
  4. They said it's ok to use autocliker for consuming stacks of items, macros (one key press results in hundreds of automated ones) for playing music on in game instruments were also given the green light. What you're trying to do falls under those categories I'd say, a menial task you want to automate. They don't ban people for no reason. You'd have to do match manipulation in ranked play, use bots that take control over your character (botting), or make use of some serious exploits like item duping - those are the confirmed permanent bans I heard about. Everything else I know of are suspensions that lasted a few days - afk farmers get those sometimes from what I understood. Don't mess up your hand because of a game lol People interpret things differently but it's a fact Anet doesn't punish or ban people for dumb reasons.
  5. They won't ban you for automating some mindless action. They whisper you first to check if you're afk farming anyway, and only after someone reports you (tbh i'm not even sure they do that regularly with all the afk farmers around).
  6. gw2timer.com has the spawn timings. You have to kill creatures of the same type in the map around the time it spawns I think
  7. Should have kept it simple with a thumbs up or like/heart. This is a forum, not a social network.
  8. They have a ton of issues when it comes to object interaction priority tbh. It's like they don't pay attention to that at all
  9. At least they noticed by the time Sunday is almost over here in Europe. Sigh... Can't believe they leave things unattended for so long Goodbye diamond chest
  10. Same principle. I'll refrain from using examples or posting anymore as some of you seem to be taking things too literally and derailing the thread. Bye.
  11. Nonsense. Does everyone's opinion matter when there's presidential elections even though they didn't vote? No. If you want your opinion to matter you vote/tell people about it. End of discussion.
  12. I'd be super happy if I could swap out the headpiece only tbh. But yeah, the nature of outfits is that they're not separate skins you can mix with others.
  13. True, true. But it's also true that opinions don't matter unless they are voiced. The people who care about it have left their feedback and are, for the most part, in agreement.
  14. Yup, for anyone on the EU server they should be gramatically correct and change it to british english aka offline. Don't care if they decide to torture their American players with off-line tho 🤷‍♂️ Looking for a british english dict leads to this: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/offline
  15. Player opinion matters, a dictionary does not, at least when it comes to games. In this case the majority has spoken: Bring offline back please. You know how communities have slang? Yeah, how about we keep using offline instead of off-line? You can explain it like that. Do you plan to bring grammar check to chat next? Don't do unnecessary things and stop wasting your time please 🙂
  16. Conversely, if it were easier to get into a valid Dragon Stand map (y'know, without spamming party finder and constant "join in.." taxiing, and literally dying to secure a map), we might have more people willing to just do it and not need a home instance pod. I fully support having one available, though! Dunno, I never had those issues. While I was farming for leges I managed to join when they were at 3 bosses or about to kill mordy a few times.Guess it depends when you play.Oh, i remember at some point that the map locked at entering the final fight with Mordy stage and allowed only people that dc'd, but no new arrivals. Did that change?Ufff, it was a couple of months ago I farmed that last.I might have gotten into the map and farmed pods first and then just joined the boss fight when he was about to die.
  17. Conversely, if it were easier to get into a valid Dragon Stand map (y'know, without spamming party finder and constant "join in.." taxiing, and literally dying to secure a map), we might have more people willing to just do it and not need a home instance pod. I fully support having one available, though! Dunno, I never had those issues. While I was farming for leges I managed to join when they were at 3 bosses or about to kill mordy a few times.Guess it depends when you play.
  18. Think it would be much harder to get a DS meta going after a few months if people could farm map currency in home instance.I also want to go the lazy route, but if I'd ever want an ach or map completion there it would be more of a pain than it has to be.It's good to give people a reason to come back to a map.
  19. Gathering tools with useful glyphs on discount. Would buy some extra that way.
  20. Even with that it's just a "fix" on a broken feature that shouldn't be there at the first point, the commander should be able to recruit everyone by himself, and what happend when he is playing wiht pug ? this should be fixedAgreed, for 300g it should work properly without workarounds and having to rely on others...
  21. The apps are called Twitter, Facebook or whatever other platform they're on.Them not providing timely and regular updates is a separate issue.
  22. You just don't know what to do with it. I have to be careful with karma spending or I end up not having any when I need it.Do pact supply daily trades for starters if you want to consistently spend it.On wintersday you can burn through all of it in one go converting it to gold if I'm not mistaken.
  23. I kill enemy plyers all the time in a mode designed to pit 3 servers against each other.I'm so toxic. Honestly, if you have nothing better to do than complain about people killing you in WvW, then you missed the point entirely. No one is just going to let you go up to a camp and go "here you go, do your legendary, it's ok, take our camp it's fine".So toxic it hurts. I doubt it. I've seen people do that, and they just get the "there's a tag [here], join squad" response.If that's toxic then boy do i have news for them in regards to other game modes. Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat. But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight. Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW. If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that. And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on. Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable. But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date. This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.For gen 1 they can at least avoid any frustration by paying a bit extra, but it's still a bit underhanded to push uninterested people into wvw with such tactics. I literally just told you (or someone else in this thread), that you can treat WvW as PvE entirely and not have to fight other players if you'd rather just get the reward track over with instead of actually playing it. WvW or not - you can literally treat it as PvE Silverwastes style and do your thing without ever having to actually play WvW like most people do. And you have to do it for 4-8 hours depending on boosts.How is that in any way bad or detestable compared to other boring stuff that lasts way longer, is more grindy and harder to do that you have to do for the same legendary?You're trying to tell me that you can walk around in wvw for 8 hours like you're taking a walk in the park? That it's the same as PvE?That you can do that without getting killed several dozens of times or even getting chased by some bloodthirsty elitist players? Make a video and show us please.I can't even call this a fairy tale, you're straight out lying to my face. The nerve... Just wow.I just... wow... I'm speechless hahah. Anyway, I'm outta this thread. Since you have no reasonable arguments I have nothing to discuss with you anymore.
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