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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. rev overall is one of the most team oriented clases out there, yea you can be selfidh but on deva(de power dps traitline) you allwais choose AP because it buffs a lot your alies while notoriety is a huge personal dps increase and even then you usualy never see it, herald has selfish traits but again the group oriented ones are incredibly op in a game like this that focuses on group playstile, herald id like it to be more like an unique boon giver, instead of power fury etc each facet giving an unique buff that helps alies around you and then the active exploding them for a burst efect before switching to other legend, i hope with eod all 10 man boons and buffs will change to 5 man and then theyll work to make all clases have some apealing boons or buffs exclusive to each one so everyone can choose wich class they prefer, nothing overpowered just more options
  2. i dont really mind the dodge as it is now, i mean id prefer if you could choose when to land and while on air youre constantly evading, with how much endurance you can generate, evades on sw3 block on gs4 and so on i think its a good change, mirage is similar, you have a lot of skills on sword axe etc that help you evade/blovk dmg, proof is twin largos raid where as mirage you are constantly evading and hitting without stoping, maybe its not as good as mirage but well have to wait and see for release
  3. id change facet of nature, i mean the speed is not bad but on raid its not that good either, at least make it so the active is a power dmg dragon breath or a skill like the dragon rythlock launches on the cinematic
  4. if skill flip returns vindicator will become a dead spec unless it deals 40kdmg and heals like a beast with a rare build
  5. if ihad to make a change on gs would be gs3 making a pull at the end, its a skill that works a bit meh right now and it doesn't need to make any dmg, also vindi is in need of more cc so a pull could help a lot, as for ice dmg id agree if we got a trait that made chill deal dmg, even so renegade is a good condi dps id like if anet focused on doing a good power dps elite with enought dmg(around 37-38k on pve) and decent cc (a couple skills) as for the healer vicky needs more buffs, and they could make gs skills work based on legend, like arche dmg and vicky heals on gs5
  6. id prefer if the cc came from gs3 instead, like an area pull after the dash, the evade stuning could make sense but it would make it too good and anet would nerf the dmg, we have other skills, like the explosion on arche that fit cc too
  7. the pve dmg is mostly tested by snow crows on golems because pve is mostly raid and fractals or strikes, open world is just irrelevant, on that enviroment a 37,5k dps that needs a huge hitbox as vindi needs because of gs5 is not a great dps moreso when it needs more cc to be truly competitive against other dps builds, if most dps builds had 37k dmg then id be fine but you have clases with 34k and classes with more than 40k, vindi isnt bad but if it got to 38~39k in medium or small hirboxes and big ones just increased it to 40k, thatd be the perfect thing, renegade also needs huge hitbox to do dmg and is relegated to be an alac suport, while herald is rarely seen in pve and shines in pvp wvwim not asking for 60k or 50 like cata is doing, but something neutral so revenant is not a suport class with a mediocre power build as it has been till now
  8. if vindi gets nerfed please do so only in pvp wvw, in pve it needs more dmg
  9. i dont think it needs nerfs, i mean if you burst someone unprepared youll delete him, archemorus focuses on dmg so it makes sense to delete people if they do nothing, i have been deleted many times in pvp because of that, that said it is a good elite, needs some improvements in some fields but its good
  10. in my opinion, vindi is in need of more dmg, not a lot but yes a bit on both scavengers burst and the spear and taking the burning and torment out, vindi also needs a bit more cc, id say on gs3 making it a pull like raptor dismount skill
  11. i shared my opinion on the oficial post already but i guess i can shere here too. Vindi is already a decent elite, much better than in the previous beta, but archemorus lacks cc and a bit dmg, as for vicky i think just giving unique boons,/ effects could make it a desireable healer in normal groups. For arche changes id say, make gs3 pull enemies around you like the raptor skill, itd give you cc on pve and would be a great pressure skill for wvw pvp, scavengers burst should get more dmg and not burn, like why does it burn if you are clearly power oriented, and no if uou want hibrid you wont go with vindi just for a single burn, the same goes for the spear, torment is nonsense there, instead oncrease its dmg maybe by enemy health thresholds loke, under 50% you do x1. 5 dmg or smth or maybe give cc to the spear, also sry but skills like gs5 that are so dependant om luck and huge hitboxes are awfull in my opinion, but well i guess if it doent get one random skill its not rev.
  12. i dont think it has so much one shot potential, moreso because it doesnt hasve as much dmg as other classes so you could say its at most average oneshot potential
  13. Id be fine with a suport healer but not with the sup dps, we already have alacrene completely overshadowing prene, i dont want vindi to be seen as an alacrene without alac so its useless, a bit more utility in cc and more dmg is fine but the suport should be covered by vicky so it is an appealing healer.
  14. As far as i have seen its going in the right direction, having the aliance split is much more usefull and smooth, the dodge is much better too ( maybe dps one needs a bit more of dmg for the time youre on air), and archemorus skills are better too, i have a couple suggestions for changes so here we go: 1 I think archemorus spear should be a bit better, the torment is useless and seriously noones gonna play condi nor hibrid vindi having renegade, so 2 options there, either make it knockdown or stun (basicaly a cc to have more cc on legend), the other one would be increasing dmg based on target current life, for example if target is under 50% life make the damage be 1.5 and under 25% life x2.5 dmg for example, that way you get either more utility or dmg being usefull in pve and in pvp and wvw you make use of the range of the skill to either cc or lasthit an enemy. 2 I think gs3 could get a pull, like the pull made by the raptor when you dismount, you could decrease its dmg and make it a pull so it is much more usefull overall. 3 all archemorus skills have similar dmg wich is fine but i think the explosion should have a bit more dmg as its more aggresive than a dash and a stun, that increase could also cover the dmg lost on gs5 on medium and small hitboxes 4 gs5 is too similar to citadel bombardment where you need a big hitbox enemy to land it, or being surounded by enemies, truth be told its not bad on pve but that random component makes it loose too much dmg sometimes, maybe making explosion areas bigger or smth could help. Also archie heal is a bit meh i think but dunno how to change it. Im not talking about vicky because im not that into healers, if i had to say smth itd be, give vindi healer an unique buff and a good roster of boons to make it apealing on raida fractals. Hope you like my proposals and if so please like so anet sees them ^^
  15. As far as i have seen its going in the right direction, having the aliance split is much more usefull and smooth, the dodge is much better too ( maybe dps one needs a bit more of dmg for the time youre on air), and archemorus skills are better too, i have a couple suggestions for changes so here we go: 1 I think archemorus spear should be a bit better, the torment is useless and seriously noones gonna play condi nor hibrid vindi having renegade, so 2 options there, either make it knockdown or stun (basicaly a cc to have more cc on legend), the other one would be increasing dmg based on target current life, for example if target is under 50% life make the damage be 1.5 and under 25% life x2.5 dmg for example, that way you get either more utility or dmg being usefull in pve and in pvp and wvw you make use of the range of the skill to either cc or lasthit an enemy. 2 I think gs3 could get a pull, like the pull made by the raptor when you dismount, you could decrease its dmg and make it a pull so it is much more usefull overall. 3 all archemorus skills have similar dmg wich is fine but i think the explosion should have a bit more dmg as its more aggresive than a dash and a stun, that increase could also cover the dmg lost on gs5 on medium and small hitboxes 4 gs5 is too similar to citadel bombardment where you need a big hitbox enemy to land it, or being surounded by enemies, truth be told its not bad on pve but that random component makes it loose too much dmg sometimes, maybe making explosion areas bigger or smth could help. Im not talking about vicky because im not that into healers, if i had to say smth itd be, give vindi healer an unique buff and a good roster of boons to make it apealing on raida fractals. Hope you like my proposals and if so please like so anet sees them ^^
  16. I think untamed should have a trait that makes pet gain the buffs the rangers gets, maybe with less duration.
  17. One thing id like to see is a dev or someone from anet comenting on the post. Something like, "Ok we are listening to the feedback and we might be able to chsnge this or that, or maybe choosing some proposals and letting us vote, like. options for dodge anet can implement: 1 you can dodge once and dodging again makes you land 2 on some traits you get a shorter dodge so you get dmg modifiers/heal/barrier faster but also being more exposed 3all traits on dodge make them 75 instead of 100 so you can dodge more and also buffs/dmg/heal are incemented. and then we can vote one. I know its a huge work and also they would have to do it for each elite, but i thik its worth, also betas were of 3 elites each so work would be better distributed and last beta with all elites would be just a last minute tune like a bit bigger numbers here or less numbers here.
  18. okay ill admit youre right, i dont know that much of wvw or pvp or hibrid builds so i thought vindi would be worse than rene or herald.
  19. sry but 3 stacks of burn on one archemorus skill, 6 torment i think? on lance, no condi on gs and you say its to make a hibrid? mmm if thats true then i dont know how hibrids could ever work i mean at least renegade has condis and power on both the legend and weapon but vindi doesnt need condis it should be a power or healer depending on the legend you choose, also if herald already does that why would you want the same in another spec, those condis are just either a bad design or an excuse to not give vindi more power dmg, or cc that could be better, the same with buffs, i dont want a skill that burns hits like a sneeze and gives buffs i want a skill that hits hard and burns and a skill that gives boons and does something else, no more skills that do 5 things awfully give me 2 skills that each do 1 or 2 things great, or at least give traits so we can focus on one of those things so we can CHOOSE what we want to do, like guardians can for example be great at everything.
  20. if i had to make changes on the dps side(wich i am more interested in) 1 an f3 to lock archemorus or vicktor and f2 simply refills the dodge without energy drain or swaps to vicktor if were not locked(most people will lock surely) 2 make the dodge trigeable i mean you press dodge once and start the dodge and press again to land when you want(of course if you dont press you stay on air a certain amount of time) also the dps dodge being 150 endurance is toooooo much make it 100 or make it stronger please. 3 buff archemorus dmg all skills deal dmg but please at least the lance and the explosion you should give it more dmg also the heal istead of a chanel make its dmg being pasive(so you can attack and have heal dmg tic, not much but less is what we have now) 4 gs needs more dmg, at least make gs5 deal more dmg or a way to land more hits on enemies because right now unless youre surounded you just land a couple of hits (i know it is meant this way but on smaller boses we need more targeted dmg instead of a, be lucky to land hits dmg)
  21. Ok where do i start. I dont mean to be disrespectfull if i am somewhere sry because i expressed myself badly ok? Also i know its a beta just think making a beta its better to tone it too powerfull first and make it weaker bit by bit instead of the other way around First a lot of people had high hopes for vindicator and hoped itd give us a reason to stay with this class, we were wrong, as most of revs elites the concept is cool but once you play it it doesnt feel rewarding. Second a LOT of people wanted a greatsword and a power dps class, yeah a lot wanted ritualist and its great that we get both worlds but thats no excuse to get a less than mediocre power dps and a healer that, lets be clear, herald could take the heal elite role and be usefull for once. Also sry but how in the world can you make a warrior elite and give it those dmg numbers when berserker is there and then have the courage to give rev a kitten dmg again, come on, if you jate rev just remove it from the game but dont give false hopes. And please those people that say, one class cant do everything good, guardian?, or it would be broken, warrior, guardian?, or dunno its good on pvp or its not bad on wvw, ok and for people on pve? you could make herald for pvp and wvw or vindicator or whatever but come on, giving it a higher coeficient on pve wont make it different on pvp or wvw, also if theres a class that cant work on pvp or wvw its also unfair, what i mean is we have 3 elites plus the core specs how come some clases still have things theyre awfull at?
  22. If we got focus id like it to be both main and off hand focus and the elite working like a pugilist , using the focus to suround your hand with mist and punching with it , you could also make it so the attacks have a little ranged hit , that gives us a melee and ranged weapon at the same time .Also people want either a power or condi dps weapon , you could make the melee attack based on power and the ranged projectile have a condi effect based on legend , for example on mallynx the melee is just dmg but the projectile inflicts torment on the auto , while in shiro you just make dmg on both the melee hit and the projectile , jalis makes the enemy attack lower and ventary heals an ally when the projectile goes through him , and the new legend can be more of a mixed dmg legend , a trait line that takes out the projectile but makes your melee hit harder and other line that makes the projectile deal more condis but reduces the power dmg when youre melee, about the elite lore i think you dont realy need to use a class that already exists , mist power itself is interesting and maybe instead of using a legend revs could just learn to use the mist itself to attack , an elite that takes out the legends but lets you choose a skill for one legend and then you have pure mist skills could be goon , i mean you get 6 skills , and like other clases you can choose any of those 6 skills to have and also get to choose 1 skill from the 4 legends you have as core , as example you build a condi rev so you use 4 skills from the new elite and take mallynx elite to complement that condi build , this takes out legends and the legend related skills and traits but could be intereating to see
  23. The former sevenshot might have more dmg ( i dont know) but its a fact that in actual combat you almost never got the 7 shots to hit , also , when an enemy was close the dmg would be reduced greatly, now at least we can hit mid and close range enemies with more than 1 arrow wich is a buff , and even in pvp or wvw the acuracy would be the same as the att speed is the same and the range too , well maybe you can no longer make predicts but seriously those predicts would be more luck than skill most of the time because even the slightest movement could make you fail .Now that said its true that the skill is an upgraded version of sb2 , so maybe changing sb2 for a skillshot would be the way to go ,now everyone wants movement skills but i think we have enought mov with legends already , i mean shiro has 2 , mallynx 1 , jalis has dmg reduction and kalla , well kalla has its summons that can help in defense, i think it would be better changing one summon from kalla , maybe the cc , to a movement skill , maybe a retreat while leaving a summon that makes cc ( but less cc than now to compensate).So sevenshot is fine now , we dhould focus on other skills to complement it , also we have citafel bombardment , wich , in anything thats not a huge hitbox fails half of the shots , i realy dont like that a class dmg depends on the rng that much , if the enemy is in the area of the skill it should be possible to make all the dmg with the skill.
  24. I think there are few things that could make orbs better :1: try making orbs so that they explode on their own after a some time if noone steps on them.2 : orbs should heal in a bigger area , we have ventari heal wich is good and orbs are more of secondary heal than anything , so its fine if its healing is low but at least make it so the heal has more range3 and i think the last thing would be making orbs easier to see ( bigger and clearer to diferenciate) also orbs should spawn all arround the rev and close to it so we can predict where orbs are even without directly seeing them
  25. The difference between the bs and the reve with AP is that bs has much more dmg than rev , if rev had reached 33k dps with AP im sure there would have been more revs in raid , now we have alacgade and the full power rene wich gets to 31~32k dps , but still bs is a scuad buff ans AP is 5 group buff so bs still wins by a huge margin ( and gets buffed a lot while we are still triing to get rid of bugs )
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