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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. Look i could understand if they didnt listen to every player feedback, there are lots of coments after all, but i think they could make better job, comunicate more, instead of a balance patch each 4 months, make someone from the balance team spend time on the forums, making polls, looking through the coments, etcetera, the same goes for discords like sc etc, ittd be like a marketing investigation. And would make their work easyer because the can make sure that after a patch they wont have all the comunity on their necks, maybe some people but much less than they have had till now.
  2. the thing is, where do you see rotations? in raids and endgame instanced content. That tipe of content is gonna make so people optimice their gameplay so they can beat the content. I see lots of people complaining about rotations and arcdps but do you really understand what youre complaining about? Just as an example, VG, vale guardian, is the first boss of the first raid wing, you need one tank with more thoughness to take agro and control the boss movements, you need healers because the self heals are not enought to deal with enviromental tic dmg and mecanics, you need boon suports because self boons are usually difficult to maintain, have short duration, and dont cover all necesities of a group, you could try raiding with everyone wearing thoughness, self healing and self booning stats, youd end up with half the scuad dead before 2 minutes have passed, with the boss spinning and changing targets each 5 seconds and everyone panicking. (if you dont believe it just enter a raid with your friends with whatever stats and youll see). NOW dps wise, as a reference, the base dps i consider decent for a new raider would be 30k on golem, more or less, you can go full exotic, maybe take a trait or two for survival, and still get those 30k with little effort, do you know how much dmg people who dont know their rota do? i have seen from 20k to 14k and some times 24-25k, maybe a 5k diference doesnt look like much but once you get in a boss and you fail at 3% 5 fimes in a row those 5k start to be noticeable, now imagine if the 6 dps in a scuad lacked those 5k, youd have a hard time in every boss you encounter and then youd start shooting knives blindy at each other. Now ingame there is a dps meter that only you can see, and it doesnt matter because even without arc you can see when theres lack of dmg in a boss and theres ways to see who is it, arc is just another tool, whether someone is toxic or not has nothing to do with the tools they use. As for rotations, if you have 10 min to kill a boss you want 2 things, 1 kill it, 2 kill it as fast as possible because the less time you spend less mistakes you make and more time you have for other bosses or to sleep if you want, you might like it more or less but if it makes easyer and faster and encounter, you dont need to teorycraft nor investigate because someone else creates the rotation for you and gives it to you written and on video, and you anly need to practice like what, 30 min a day for 3-4 days? Also you know you dont need to do what others tell you right, if you dont like how it works just create YOUR own scuad, you make your rules, recruit people that want to do the content like you and see how it goes, if it goes well then great, if it goes badly maybe theres something not working there, you have freedom to do as you want so instead of criing because people optimize their groups create your own and play as freely as you can.
  3. if i had to say anithing is, if a game has 9 clases and needs a balance team there should be 9 people and each one should have a diferent main, its difficult but another option is for the team to work with 9 testers or players, so each tester is a main of onw class and so each class gets the buffs it needs without worring about other classes
  4. think that both the cc and the bite skills are melee so you just need to make it use those skills, if youre not using untamed though... well then its more difficult, anyway i think its good that it has ranged attacks, in wvw you can attack canons and some things from range when in a siege. If i had to change anything id be more duration on its jade shield and a better ai when targeting in a siege, sometimes it just behaves like an idiot when it should have line of sight, id much better they make other pets better and left turtle as a kind of mini siege weapon XD
  5. I don't think mec has that amazing of a IA at least compared to pets, the main diference i see is the way they were made, pets are a core ranger mecanic and have been in game since launch, the pets good traits are spread in diferent traitlines and those traitlines are a bit irrelevant (well nature magic isnt but its a suport line so getting more dmg on your pet kinda gets irrelevant anyway), pets without those traits have very underwelming stats and no boons on them, while mech was made so with a skill it gets your boons and it allwais takes a % of the engi stats for itself, that makes a huge diference, mec survives better, hits harder, faster, and is stronger overall, even if its just one and pets can be 2 (pets are weak and die too easily). Also mech skills all have a purpose and good utility, be it the power canons, condi blades, or suport fists all 3 are usefull in their own way, the same can be said about the other 2 skills, while pets.... just take turtle as example, it hits from range but its incredibly slowand some times it works strange, also the auto has very low dmg for being a slow canon, then turtle has 3 skills, one bite that doesnt realy have much use because its melee, a cc thats also melee and a protection and projectile block wich duration is like 4 seconds? toooo low. Ranger needs a pet overhaul if untamed is to become a good elite.
  6. massive dmg... in pvp maybe because in pve its the worst dps by far, also its a pet oriented elite of the ranger and the pet is even less usefull than the soulbeast one, as for nerfing mech, seriously? since when has anet nerfed one of their favorite elites, just look at the patch notes
  7. man im sry if this sounds offensive but you shouldnt talk at all if youre gonna say things like these, right now engi is one of the strongest classes, mech and firebrand are ridiculously overpowered and braindead to use, that means any of the new alac or quick sources are completely irrelevant and unless youre a main with experience and want to experiment noone will play them, the 4 dps changes are mostly irrelevant (like untamed changes) or plain nerfs (like soulbeast). I can respect that you like rifle being buffed, i think its good too, but engi is one of the classes that didnt need a buff because it was already good, while other worse classes didnt get anything or worse, nerfed. If anet realy listened they would have buffed untamed, changed vindicator, made alac and quick sources much better than they did, but instead just buffed engi and left fb as the god it still is, thats favoritism and those mesages we saw just show some of them dont care about players at all, i wont say what should be done with that kind of people but, is anet realy gonna antagonize the playerbase because of a person like that? its a bit sad id say
  8. the thing is, in my opinion open world is like a sandbox mode, it doesnt realy matter wich build or elite you use, even those incredibly bad in raids (namely untamed for example) are good in open world and even builds that wouldnt work in any chalenging content are good there. now once that said, and knowing some people just play open world, it has to be atmitted that raids, fractals, wvw and pvp are the real endgame content, dungeons are meh and strikes are raids in the end, of course you can not like it but out of archievements and world bosses open world doesnt have any chalenging content, if you balance for raids and fractals in pve, open world players wont realy feel those changes so i think its normal for pve balance to be oriented that way.
  9. the main problem is that, as people mentioned, hfb, mech, scrapper are a thing, it doesnt matter in wich game mode you play hfb is a must, stability, heals, quickness power, protection, now it will give aegis in wvw and pvp again, mech is almost an alac hfb and scrapper is the wvw version of mech, new druid will still be too static, tempest is still skeasy and lacks utility if youre comparing with ham and hfb, warrior new banners are strange at the least and herald quickness is a bit... dificult to maintain. And hfb and ham are incredibly easy to use builds so in reality this patch has done little to suport builds, just the basics so that they can be improved at a later date in my opinion, now the other balances out of suports are plain bad. For a big balance patch it is too lacking and wrongly directed, unless it is a joke from anet amd thus were making a fuss over nothing.
  10. im worried the alac source on druid isnt gonna compete well with heal mech, ham and hfb are too strong and easy for others to truly compete in my opinion
  11. also in pvp there are classes that work much better than untamed too, its not broken in pvp, in wvw sb is a bit better i think and in pve its simply the worst elite or at least one of the worst dps wise, its like a sb but worse there
  12. yeah mech should be nerfed, but if fb is an example it prob wont happen, it has too much utility and the mec is too strong, untamed might hit hard on pvp or roaming but in pve its pretty weak, buffing pets would make untamed better without making it broken, because pets right now are very very weak
  13. the best way to buff untamed in my opinion is balancing pets, right now pets traits are spread in beastmastery, untamed and nature magic, i think its those 3, where the trait that increases pets stats is in one line, the trait that clones your boons on your pet is in another line and untamed has realy no buff to pets out of the new 3 skills. I have said it again amd again, but making all pets traits be in beastmastery, so taking it your pet has better stats( like 20% or so) they get your boons and have more utility, then making so untamed woks on both, you and the pet, the same buffs you get while unleashed your pet gets the same but the other way around, if its unleashed more dmg, if youre unleashed more resistance to dmg. then make a trait that makes hammer unleashed skills create spores, all of them, and you get a possible hibrid weapon. Just those 3 things, and untamed would probably be a good competitor to mechanist as a pet oriented elite.
  14. I think than more than cjanges being bad, wich yeah, there are bad changes, the main problem is different. We have been from the 4th beta till now without relevant changes, yeah we had a patch with some changes, some of those had to be reset because cata and other things, but this is suposed to be THE BIG patch, i can understand if they said, were gonna ful focus on suports and healing, not gonna touch anything else, and make all clases and all unused eites get something good. the problems are. 1 they are adressing things that have nothing to do with suports/healing and doing it in a bad way, tell me how is soulbeast broken right now in pve that it needs one wolf pack nerfed only in pve and left almost dead... if it was in wvw because of pew pew well but in pve with condi meta and virtuoso? its a joke guys, the same happens with other classes too, and untamed? 0.2 and 0.5 coeficients in 2 skills... if youre doing just that do nothing, or at least dont put it in the preview because its completely irrelevant. 2 issue, i think its great that they give all classes quick and alac, yeah sone classes loose unique buffs like spotter, AP etc but i think its worth because those buffs made classes unable to compete, and in cases like revenant even full dps builds were using AP because it was a huge group buff, something that made no sense in a selfish dps traitline like Devastation, hope that with this change AP finaly goes to the invocation line where it belongs. Now once unique buffs covered and changet to boons lets talk about implementation... i dont see it working that well, druid has to use active spirits to give alac wich isnt that bad because it will still bring at least 3 spirits or so most of the time, but in wvw meh, herald needs to consume upkeeps, hope it also works consuming non dragon upkeeps because otherwise it'll be almost impossible to maintain the boon, and being herald the eternal booner it has allwais been it feels rare not being able to maintain a boon, as for warriors... i feel conflicted, i like being able to take banners and boon while running, but at the same time i think that its not worth a change, i mean i suppose you can only take one banner with you, so you just give one boon running, not having any skill while having a banner sounds strange, maybe i read wrong there? but in the end is a similar bs with a strange mecanic in my opinion, as for its quickness uptime... dunno, sounds strange, we cant have classes like firebrand that spam quickness like madmans while still having tons of other utilities, and no drawback and then have herald and warrior strugling with boon uptimes because its boon mecanic is strange and probably needs a good rotation, while again hfb is just spamming. We have been waiting a long time for good changes, and again the idea behind the boon changes is good but the implementation sounds troublesome, makes you fear if itll work and so on, a simpler implementation of boons, more changes like the ones made to ventary and salvation(wich i realy like a lot btw) and not adressing things half assedly to the elites/roles that dont fit the suport/healer would have felt better in my opinion. I also think its incredibly bad that we have been since 4th beta saying there are problems in untamed and vindi mainly, spectre being too strong with mech and virtuoso, etc etc, and we have had no relevant feedback from anet there, no mention to how theyre adressing those things, and this patch mentions to new elites is... not what id expect from the big patch after the launch of eod. That much time to work on things and not just a patch preview that feels strange and unnerving but also no mention to other things, its a new exp, new elites, new suport balance, and just now we get this change that doesnt feel enought, maybe more comunication from anet would be good, maybe on streams even, a stream about the changes, where we can see them in action from a beta tester view.
  15. sooooo anet now wants to kill the ranger, theres lots of things i could say but lets just let it at, months of waiting for a polar bear bugfix, wow, amazing, great work. Not realy XD
  16. yeah also.... pets? please? theyre pretty bad right now and none of its trait lines, not beastmastery nor untamed (wich is a pet oriented elite) help pets in any way, oh but mech does get things. It has been months anet, please at least dont bully baby classes
  17. i mean, you could say its something but.... all this months and the suposed BIG balance patch is pretty.... small. i hope there are more things the 28 because otherwise the patch isnt that relevant
  18. mmmthe thing is... builds arent just for optimisation, most encounters are thoughness based, everyone doing raids has been in one where someone was wearing some self made build were thoughness changed when swapping weapons and thus the boss starts to run amok and everithing turns chaotic. also stacking is not for facetanking and not doing mechs, yeah some mechs like VG greens can be facetanked but everyone has done greens more than enought, we facetank it because we prefer to do it faster and easyer. stacking isnt an issue of just facetanking, fury might, protection, healing, alacrity, quickness even swiftness, all buffs and healing a class gives has an aoe that is certainly limited, someone kiting or far from their group wont get any of those boons unless the suport is running behind them, and all bosses arenas have a tiking dmg that can certainly kill if youre not very carefull and are far from the group, you could argue that people can go with more vit, healing and boons themselfs, but when you get lots of stats you end up lacking in all aspects too. basically someone with a self made self sufficient build not stacking will end up making the others have to worry about him, if he falls people have to rezz him, no buffs or enought health you need a sup to go help him, and also the boss changing target and thus the new guy with a self suficient guy runi g around in panick with a boss behind and putying the raid in risk. raid comunity might seem elitist but look at it carefully, you have webpages that tell you from the most optimal builds to guides on how to do things, youtuve has tons of videos on bosses, getting an exotic build right now is fairly easy and affordable, and still people cry about elitism because they want to play open world or wvw on raids. When you play a game mode and someone else tells you, this is the easiest, most common and most simple way to do it, you dont need to worry about theorycrafting, creating a build that is usefull or anything else because were here to give it to you, and still people complain, i could understand if you said " i did 18k and the top dps was 22k and he kept calling me noob and behaving like an idiot" yeah there are people like that, and in wvw they call others pvers and everywere you can find idiots. But my statement is still valid, you shouldnt complain when others give you an afordable simple and free way to do a raid encounter, if you dont like the vommon ways of doing it you can create an scuad yourself, even without a tag, and do the raid your way, it will be more difficult, youll spend more time per encounter, but its the way you like and you can do it. Also how much time do you play? some people play 2h or so and want to do their raids in that time, its easyer to do a basic sc composition where people know their job, do decent dmg and just get it done than each time creating new unique groups with strange classes roles, you call it elitism but wouldnt it be more elitist if you meeded to have a full legend pj with tons of diferent builds, compositions, for when noone stacks, for when people do stack, for self healing, for self buffing, for just dmg..... its just too much. The real problem is that people dont want to google snow crows, spend 20g in a build and then learn an easy rotation like thiefs or necros, they want to go as they are, with an armor where each piece has diferent stats, no 2 same runes, the weapons they like whether they make use of them or not, and when they find groups dont want people that dont make a minimun effort, are a burden to the group, complain when diing, etc etc, they throw a tantrum as if they were slothasor. easy mode will make those people be able to raid without effort, because the moment a wipe mech that cant be countered with dmg appears they will die and never go there again, and i dont think an easy mode should reward a legend armor, gold yes, exotics or ascended gear, yeah, but not legendary things. Its time people stop making excuses for others and for not doing raids, you have the right to not want to use the sc builds, you have the right to run your own scuad the way you want, and its perfectly fine if all you do is go to open world and kill spiders, but DONT say other people are elitist and because of others you cant play your game, when AGAIN you can create your own scuad, look for friends or people that play the same way you do and play how you want.
  19. mmm in fact if youre talking about open world pve ranger is prob one of the best ranged clases out there with its long bow, lots of dmg on lb2 and autos, lb5 cleaves, and lb 3 and 4 are great utilities in open world. In raids.... yeah you misunderstood me, theres almost no class that can do that thing you mentioned of being far from the group and come back for boons, what would be the benefit when being melee range behind a boss is 1000 times more safe and easy. also scourge im not that sure because it only swaps torches i think but virtu has to swap to either gs or sw/focus on raids to maintain a good dps, while soulbeast usually has longbow and dagger/axe, you can use gs instead of lb but the dmg is almost the same, maybe lb a bit higher? also..... how do i say this? engineers are better melee than ranged, just because grenades have very little range and pistols and rifle too. If i had to make a tier id say lb soulbeast is one of the 3 strongest ranged clases out there, maybe not in wvw zerg fights but everywere else? yeah id say top 3, power of course, shortbow on ranger is not that good.
  20. ok i have seen some things about ranged weapons and similar, i think theres still lotsof people rhat need clariffication on this topic so please read this and then think about it carefully. In gw2 you can diferwnciate 4 main game modes, open world pve ( mainly world bosses, hearts, events etc), high end pve (mainly Raids, fractals and strikes, you could argue dungeons even), then theres pvp and lastly wvw (with wvw having roaming and zerg playstiles) Once thats clear then theres the thing about weapons, in raid, not counting some bosses that you need kitters or certain strategies, the best way to maintain boons, health and dps is being next to the boss at melee range, that doesnt mean ranged weapons arent used, rangers long bow, virtuoso dagger, or augur pistol are weapons that work there at melee but are ranged. On wvw you can make much more use of ranged weapons, pew pew soulbeast is one great example being pretty annoying to say the least, on zerg plays when youre atempting to take a tower or castle you need rangeds to kill defenders or canons, pvp is similar you can play it ranged but being an arena you have to be more carefull. And finaly open world... well its open world, almost anything works there and being ranged there is pretty good to kite or tag things. To sum up, playing ranged or not is more of a game mode thing than a weapon thing itself, almost all ranged weapons have some use one way or another.
  21. well i have some things that might be neede to say. For the lone wolf playstile soulbeast does it pretty well, i might be better but merging and getting not only the boost but also the skills is pretty good, and soulbeast has been in a great place before (now its weaker but still something to be carefull of in every game mode) the pet skills.... well untamed helped making it so we have more control over it than usual, and while it would be good to have untamed control in core ranger its not realy that necesary as druid and untamed dont rely that much on the pets but more on their avatar and merging. if i had to remark some problem with traits id say that the trait that boosts pets statsand the one that copies your boons to your pet arent in the same spec, both should be in beast mastery in my opinion, leaving the other specs to deal with condis, bows, spirits etc. that would benefit untamed a lot for pet diversity, well first of all, I WANT MY KIRIN PET DAMMMMMIIIIIIT, how could they release a cantha expansion, make a kirin hp on the first map and not give us a kirin as a pet? the same goes for some id say emblematic creatures, rock hounds, sand sharks, at least those 3 should have been made pets in my opinion, theyre just too eyecatching and some of them are used as pets by ogres.... like pleaseeeee. Now for pets we already have, turtle needs to have a bit more time with its shield, 4 secs is too low, maybe 6 or 7 would be better for a 40 sec cd, cheetah, i get it its water cat but instead of swiftness making it freeze or create a water field? also why does a cheetah give health on sb?, out of that hienas can sumon alies and wolf cant? i mean i can understand a wolf howl to scare but i think wolfs sumoning and other species fearing would be better, at least i can understand white wolf freezing, its not bad, then drakes and other species having diferent condis per race... it makes sense, but how can a ranger maintain confusion for example with only 1 pet skill, iboga has 2 confusions but other pets have just 1, they need more tweaking
  22. i think ranger runes could be interesting, druid doesnt realy make use of them because its heal and boon oriented, but untamed can make pretty good use of them in my opinion, maybe even being a cheaper choice from scholar runes, and who knows, if untamed gets buffed on the 28 maybe it would be worth using rangers instead of scholars for power dmg
  23. i agree with the statboost, the problem i see is, theres already a trait that boosts pet stats and also a trait that copies your boons to your pet, the thing is both traits are in specs rangers dont realy use that much and both are in diferent specs if both were in beast mastery line and untamed got a trait that made unleashing pets makr them deal, for example 10% more dmg, or maybe a 10% increase in ofensive stats, while you being unleashed made pets receive 10% less dmg, now that with beastmastery would make untamed much better, as for the boon untamed.... i think its better to leave druid as the suport ranger, maybe making druid pets give boons while youre on celestial avatar ( kind of like a shadow from scourge) with that wed have a dps when you want to go solo and be more of an asassin with soulbeast, more dmg but squeasy and alone, untamed being more of the bruiser tipe, much more agressive in group fights and the pets truly being dangerous and posibly creating caos. lastly the mech right now has much more life and better stats overall than pets, yeah untamed has 2 pets, but 2 pets that die almost instantly in a group fight, leaving you alone and being like a sb but weaker, making pets a bit stronger (and tweaking a couple of them a bit like turtle, cheetah or others) would make 2 pets become at least a threat similar to 1 mech.
  24. i havent read all the comments but i have to remark one thing, in content like raid the dps of each member is important for 2 reasons. 1 the boses have a time limit, while you can kill a boss in enrage if you only need to kill the last 1% its far from ideal. 2 reason is personal effort, in a raid of 10 people you are playing not just for yourself but for others too, if you dont take it with a basis of seriousness and the group ends up failing, or you end up being a hidrance... well noone wants that in a group, if its a training its understandable but a full fledged group doesnt want to keep carring some random person that cant think of being usefull. That said yeah, some people use dps meters to rage or kick people in awfull ways, but thats a problem with the player behind the screen and not the tool hes using, if someone tells you in a low li or training group "hey you have low dps you need to work in that" its just natural and you shouldnt feel offended by that, its not normal to rage at someone because of bad dmg but its also not normal that someone sais hes a dps and then he has much less dmg than the healer. Also people create their own scuads with their rules and freedom, if you disagree with a comander you can create your own scuad with your comander tag and lead the way you think is best, everyone can do raid or lead others in a scuad, so dont loose confidence just for a comentary. GL gg wp
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