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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. objectively speaking the only problem warrior realy has is dont having a good suport/heal full fledged build, and i mean mainly in pve, all 3 specs are dps and the boons and sup from banners and shouts arent really enought, i dont play warr usually so i think there might be some problems lingering but the most notorious is not having a sup build, there was even a time bs was one of the top dps benchmarks on raid, with banners and tons of cc, it got nerfed but its still strong, i dont think warr is by any means one of the weak classes/elites, untamed is much worse, vindicator is inconsistent (well rev, herald and vindi), as for classes too strong the new mech, firebrand, spectre and nigros are being found everywere anytime
  2. the main problem i see in this elite is inconsistency, i mean pets wich are the main focus of this elite dont get any benefit, 3 new skills are cool, 2 are mostly utility with slow, freeze and the dome, but the main one should at least change being power or condi based on the pet, pet archetipes are already made so just making one more skill for power is doable i think. now that being said, the pet becomes much more condi like with untamed, spores also poison, but hammer just deals power dmg, a trait that makes all hammer unleashed skills create spores on hit would be good for a condi or hibrid build (thats if pets unleashed are to keep being main condi), if you go for a pure power build as i said, one power skill for the pet instead of the poison skill, and maybe making so using hammer(and only with hammer) hammer base skills that cc have very low dmg, but once unleashed the cd of hammer skills reduces, like a trait or smth with internal cd (like ambush skills) that way you can use hammer to cc, unleash and hit you can make use of your own cc to get all the dmg of unleashed hammer, other option would be making the base hammer cc skills and the unleashed skills that make use of cc diferent, like on base hammer 3 and 4 cc and unleashed 12 and 5 get more dmg on cc enemies, right now it more or less works but i think it can be made more.... easyer? organic? now back to pets, i understand you cant buff pets a lot, but mech for example is pretty awesome if not broken, maybe making untamed pets more resistant allways, like dunno 1k more life for all pets on untamed, and then in traits, the same as you get more dmg or dmg reduction, make your pet deal more dmg while its unleashed and receibe less dmg while youre unleashed, that way it feels more like team play and pets would be more relevant, even if pets got broken id be a problem of numbers so itd be easy to solve
  3. the colection includes the expansions wich are only pay to play, living world is either free if you are lucky to play when released, you buy it with gold or you use real money, again people complaining about having to play the game, would you rather they make you pay triple the price to get all lw inside the expansions? because theres 5 lw right now man
  4. story what? sry but silverwastes counts as central tyria man, and all youll see is a huge meta event with strange plant enemies, are you realy saying thats spoilers? i mean wtf lions arch is a literal spoiler of lw1 being also the main city what are you gonna ask anet to do make lions arch go back in time to the people that havent played lw1? stop being a crybaby, play the game or pay to get the content, if you cry for lw seasons i cant imagine you on raid or fractals XD
  5. silverwastes is a free to play map that you can enter without seing the story nor knowing anything, also spoilers? wich spoiler that theres a dragon made of lettuce? man if you have hot its on the trailer and everything
  6. i have literaly never paid a cent for living world, i mean you can get gems for gold IN game, so just go to world boses and silverwastes, farm a bit of gold and youre good to go, think that lw1 still has 4 or so chapters left to come so you can farm in the meantime and youll probably have all lw2 unlocked by the time lw1 ends, then on heart of thorns there are more farming metas that give more gold than silverwastes so lw3 shouldnt be a problem, pof is the same and lw4 is a literal farming heaven, youll have to spend more time playing but.... its a game, and you still have fractals raids wvw and pvp where you can go freely, i mean i understand you dont like having to pay for lw but it isnt expensive and you can get it by playing without need for real money. its not that terrible and spending rral money or not is just about how fast you want those chapters
  7. mmmin fact you could just cjange trait lines to get more dmg bonuses and youd probably be good to go, the same way a pure berserk dps can just take a bit of survival in traits and go to open world without troubles, i mean if you want to solo arah then.... well theres that but most open world players do bosess bounties and etc in groups so... for the story mobs etc a simple trait change is usually enought
  8. well first id exclude those open world players that use builds only usefull in pve for playing solo, why? cause in open world you can go however you want and still do all the content with help of the other 10 players you have near you. That said builds diferenciate between game modes, a pve raid, fract or strike build snt the same as wvw or pvp. for raid you have just 10 people, the boss has tons of health, has mecanics that hit hard and usually a timer of around 10 min to do the boss, that forces people to specialize a lot, a dps needs to focus on dps and nothing more, a healer heals and usually gives boons because harrier stats and healer usefull skills make it posible, as for tanks they are usually suports too because they dont need that much thoughness either, all this makes builds more tanky or sustainable less viable, if everyone has similar thoughness its dificult to manipulate boss agro as desired and having specialized healers make it so dps with sustain deal less dmg with no real advantage. moreso certain builds can realy be good on certain strategies, a scourge healer is great for new groups or to make sure people survive the bosses, that said those groups then have to change a bit to make space for this builds, sometimes its easier to just say 2 alacs 2 quickheal 6dps and get it done XD for wvw and pvp i cant say much but at least i know you need more sustain than in pve. wvw is usually zerg fights, 20vs 20 or so, that means more focused burst dmg and being all players everyone is in more risk, so any stability, projectile block pulls, corrupts etc are very valuable and so you need more life to survive. More than that id say ask some main wvw players. for pvp is 5vs5 so pretty much duelings and builds that make it possible to defend a point till your alies arrive or builds so you can kill people and capture points. Once all this said people usually rage when you say, this class needs a buff on this raid build, or that class already has this other build so we dont need what you say. If you want something you can ask for it but please at least be sensible, if a class has a great condi elite with wich you can already make a hibrid, or a build is great in wvw only, dont say that class doesnt need a power elite on pve content, maybe you dont need it but surely some else does, same with asking things you already have.
  9. well necro sure is a good choice, it is good in pvp and wvw and open world is like a walk in the park, as for raids fract etc its in a good spot too, as for bether choices... well depends on builds and so on but guard is a great choice being one of if not the strongest class right now, thief is great too with the spectre being a fusion of thief and necro. that said play whatever you want, right now all classes and elites are good with untamed and a couple more being the weakest but meh its pretty balanced nontheless
  10. but my question is, can in really be called a tradeoff? i mean a tradeoff is something that makes you sacrifice something to get something else, but fb tomes... theyre too strong to be a tradeoff, the 1 one gives huge dps while 2 is one of the best heal skill combos of all classes and 3 one has tons of utility, in fact you could argue that the fb tradeoff would be not being able to use tomes 24/7, a tradeoff would be something like rev leyends or holoforge or the new necro shroud, with those you habe to play in a way you get most benefit with the less loss, and also you are at risk of doing things wrong, fb tomes are more of a, oh we need heal... tome 2 and everyone up, i need to burst the boss, tome 1 and brrrr. yes you could argue that in pvp and wvw, with tomes cd, you have a tradeoff of using a tome in a bad moment or to miss click but i dont know if its that much of a tradeoff.
  11. if i had to change vindi: make one skill from gs CC, vindi is almos allwais gonna be aliance + shiro or aliance+ ventary, ventary has staff so it doesn't mind but shiro doesnt have cc, jade winds is one of the most useless skills in instanced pve, in fact shiro is almost useless in raid if it werent for impossible odds, so having for example a pull on gs3 would do wonders, it doesnt even need to be an awesome pull just enought to get some cc, also vindi theme is attacking groups and hitting as many enemies as possible, but it dorsnt have a pull... like.... it would be the perfect cc for it right? just tone it down a bit in competitive and rdy to go. the dmg, it is completely dependant on huge area enemyes, exacrly the same as power renegade with citadel bombardment, and oh surprise both gs5 and citadel are the big dmg skills, couldnt gs5 have been a tornado or something? or at least make pve one no rely on huge area, like increasing explosion areas and reducing skill overall area of effect so you hit enemies with normal hitbox, its fine to fail small hitbox but at least the medium golem hitbox should be good to go, also its stupid that archemorus spear does less dmg than the evade, and it has the same dmg as scavenger burst and nomad advance come on, also its condis, ren is the hibrid and works well as one, take out condis from vindi and make scav a fire field and spear a 10% increase dmg or so. with that vindi becomes a good power dps build, like it woukd have a more stable dps, more cc and fields to suport if needed(and to do the hearts in eod). now for vicktor... it needs some interesting buff for alies, first and foremost, second? maybe making gs skills have diferwnt effect on vicktor would be good, like gs5 healing alies it hits but has no dmg, gs2 the same gs4 blocks for 5 alies on vicky and then heals, i mean it doesnt have power, nor fury, no quick, alac is provided by ventary if you know how to do it only and is not that easy, just a bit better boons and gs healing and vicky would be a great healer nothing as oustanding as hfb but something is something. also sry to say it but willbender is a vindicator but a hundred times more rewarding to use, at least you dont feel bad playing it, no energy to cry for, skills that you can choose, the same movility or even more, fskills that are usefull and so on and so on....is it just me or it isnt fair? nor normal, that i mained rev for some years and now i feel more rev like with a guard than with a rev, at least it feels complete somehow, its sad
  12. for raids/fract/strikes its conpletely troling, for other modes dunno but having renegade as an alternative i dont know why would anyone go condi vindi just for 2 skills
  13. wellllll i better not give more ideas as someone told me before XD
  14. As far as ranger is concerned soulbeast is good, it might need a bit of a dmg buff to keep on with other dps clases but it has good dmg good cc and can bring spirits and leader of the pack, overall its pretty good, untamed on the other side needs something, anything either more dmg (power or even condi) or maybe something more unique. thief is good as far as i know the same goes for engi necro and guardian. Mesmer is good the new mesmer is already very unique and diferent from other mesmer elites and also has good dmg and cc. Revenant... id like it deleted and remade from 0 but as thats not posible ill say one thing, diversity is not that every elite can do everything in a mediocre and undesiable way, for me herald should be made a great boon dps elite, its not bad now and with druid spirita nerf in summer i hope to see it in a better light, renegade is already the ultimate revenant, it is a better power boon than herald, has good condi dps(even when nerfed coz yes the sigils stuff was a nerf not a bug fix were not stupid,) renegade also is a better power dps than vindi because the dmg diference is not that much but it brings lots more utility with kalla and just 2 swords than vindi with 3 legends and gs, sw/sw (something id like anet to notice, because gs is just swords but needs huge area enemies, they are fixed on making rev a titan slayer or something but most raid bosses are not big) as for vindi, well herald is better healer because it at least brings boons consistently and renegade is better in power, condi and even hibrid dps sooo not much point in exiating even, ah also sry but am i the only one that feels willbender is a vindicator but much better overall and less stressing and burdensome to play? ill leave it at that. warrior... i hope when summer comes and banners get their remake they will bring boons and warr will have something out of berserker, berserker and banner berserker XD as for ele, i almost never use it, as i dont know better not to talk but its good to see someone getting buffed after an absurd nerf(absurd because when you balance youre suposed to... you know find a BALANCE, i mean if something is too high and something too low you balance bringing dow one thing and up the other, just taking one class from heaven and into hell isnt balancing its just being absurd, so good to see them taking a step back. out of that PLEASE ANET please, if you see complaints, even if you cant balance it right at the moment at least say something, like : we have seen the complaints, well look into it, test it and solve the things we want to solve, at least that would be something, or maybe a post with an update each 2 weeks about how balance team is looking at things and what theyre working in.
  15. dunno, i mean for those kind of things i use my raid build and just rise comander tag, there's allwais people to help, if you want to do it alone i guess you could do it too, maybe dragon gear or somwthing like that? dunno
  16. using jalis, changong gear, using heal evade theres a lot of ways to have a huge sustain on vindi, but the problem is most of those things are already on renegade and even more on herald, and those 2 already are superior to vindi if we dont count pure raw power dmg output on a golem, the thing is vindi, more specific archie, looks like its designed a a pair to shiro, a full fledged fast and hard hitting power dps that can evade most things, the problem is once you get to play it it feels bad, the jump is sometimes too long to load, or lands too late, or you get it and loose the dmg buff and have to dodge baddly etc, it is usable but i have played willbender too and it fells more of a vindicator than the vindicator, willbender literaly has the same tipe of skills as vindi, but you get much more options and have better survival options too, its sad but if you want a vindi go willbender itll be less frustrating.
  17. My opinion only. make scavenger burst create a fire field and get rid of its default burn, a fire field can either burn give power or just incrrase dmg wich woukd help not just power but even heal vindi. spear needs to take out torment and either hit harder by default or become a carged skill, like an upkeep but a bit diferent, dmg based on energy used for the skill, like first use activate upkeep and carge, second use launches the spear and deals dmg based on energy used, much more rewarding if used well and punishing if used wrongly. gs3, ok its not 900, no mater jow you see it, also making it hit less and pull enemyes would be a thousand times better and would sinc much more with the other vindi skills. evade, its good, but making it 75 or making it so you can choose when to land instead of just waiting would be mich better, cleaner playstile and again more rewarding well used and taxing if wrongly used. Actualy it has around 37k dmg on pve benchmarks with no cc and little survival, then you have virtuoso with around 39k much more cc and mich better survival, also virtuoso dont need to care about energy or the evade, soooo please if rev has to micro manage a lot of things make it rewarding and also more usefull.
  18. you know you have renegade for a full out condi build or a hibrid build even right? like please let vindi become a full fledged power elite so it can be even a bit decent, just please ok?, some people want a power revenant and we dont have it while all you condi/hibrid rev fans alrwady have renegade wich is great at it. let us enjoy a bit too ok?
  19. Ill just say, untamed buff is just a lazy balance, maybe it gets better stuff later but this one is a lazy one, also sry but sigils working on legend swap on rev was a feature not a bug, juat say you wanted to nerf it but dont think were stupid please. If anet doesnt have time to fix ghings say so, were working on it please wait, and thats better than making nonsense fixes
  20. soooo Vindicator, the new elite spec, made for pvp and wvw purposes( because even a kid can read ans see that all the kittening skills are made to use in group fights) gets nerfed to the ground in its designed gamemode. hey i get it you hate revs, ill go change to guard or something, just one tip for anet, if you create a class that needs a expansion to be playable, then you create elite specs because the class itself is half baked and then nerf the specs to the ground and make it stupidly weak and unusable you will get raged you know? why the fk you had to make a gs5 that needs not only huge hitbox but also is almost all rng like citadel bombardment, havent you heard that a lot of people hate that fkng rng? why not giving rng to guard ah? naaaa guard is the golden baby of course, then why not a cool dodge mecanic? ah but you need to make it 100 each dodge, lock us in an animation and make it awfull, cc? use staff its not like archemorus( the full power dps legend made to be paired with shiro as we have been asking for for ages) needs to deal dmg at all, combo fields (yeah those things you force us to use on story now)? arche doesnt need a fire field on scavengers burst at all just use mallynx and go hibrid AGAIN, yeah cos it makes sense to use arche as hibrid with 2 skills with diferent condis and a gs that has NO condis at all itself. At least you didnt reimplement the auto legend swap because if you did id have deleted my rev already, i mean come on whe the hell was vindi overpowered for you to need to nerf it more, moreso in wvw and pvp just dont make ALL arche skills scale with targets hit and thats enought nerf itself, also you say gs5 has too many dmg? have you fkng seen spear hitting like a noodle EVERYWERE? i do more dmg with the dodge in open world than i do with the spear, does that make any sense? and nomads advance? how can a dash do as much dmg as the elite skill? a dahs!!!!! ahh talking about dashes gs3 still works like kitten thats not 900 range thats like 600 or so? come on just delete rev alrwady if youre gonna do this, or if you cant do but awfull balances just say hey no balance till summer, or revs go fishing coz you cant do anything else. come on im enraged now, how can you treat us like idiots like this? you have had from 4th beta till now, with hundreds of coments on how to improve the vindi, what things it lacks what is not good and what is good, and we end up with the same vindi as in beta 4, with is just an inferior renegade that noone will use ever out of pvp or wvw, and now you nerf it on those modes too, COME ON, wake up a little and balance your game properly, or if you wont and youll just do whatever you want at least dont touch anything till you can do proper changes. Also nerfing DEVASTATION is nerfing POWER builds more than CONDI ones, for CONDIS nerf CORRUPTION/MALLYNX. You know i hope you delete rev and create a new class in its place, at least we wont have the kitten bugs we allwais have on skills legends weapons traits etc
  21. ok i agree it might be unintended and they didnt got to solve it, but how come they solve "bugs" as they call them that are beneffiting a class and not the true bugs like skill disorder and all those bugs rev has, also i could understand saying, it makes rev too powerfull so were gona nerf it, ok but this nerf only works on hibrid and condi builds, hibrids i guess are only played on pvp wvw or open world? cos i never saw one on raid nor fract, if it was a mean to nerf condis/hibrids great because i hate them nerfing devastation, the power traitline to nerf condi rene when that just makes power nerfed too and much more than condi, id like if, at least, they made changes to rev that were reasonable and were well thought, not just " condi rene ia op so nerf devastation" wouldnt be better to nerf corruption mallynx or something like that? the same goes for vindi, compared to renegade (both on power builds) rene has just a tiny less dmg but has a fire field, has a ton more cc and is overall better than vindi, even on hibrid, condi, or whatever build you want to use renegade just has the upper hand, wouldnt it make more sense if renegade got less power dmg and focused more on its condi/hibrid builds and vindi focused more on power and healing( yeah im not counting herald because in end pve you can only use it as a somewhat heal alac wich vindi can also do but a bit worse) dunno i mean pve pvp and wvw are separate now so we could get a good balance for once, not just vindi but other clases too
  22. why would they nerf it? i mean golem benchmarks are around 36-37k dmg wich is good but nothing out of this world, it lacks cc itself(yeah i knoe about staff but staff would thrash your dmg to like 30k so) then you have much less survival than other clases one evade, gs4 is a block but has cd and energy costs, no combo fields even if it has combo finishers, i mean yeah you could use jalis or maybe mallynx to have that cc and fields but just think about it, we have renegade for that, it has fields cc 2 evades and the dmg difference is like 2k at most, im sorry but i dont see why would anyone change from warrior to vindicator, moreso when warrior has been and still is one of the best classes out there. If anything vindi should get a couple buffs, like cc on gs, a fire field on scavenger burst and more dmg on the spear(yep spear has the same dmg as nomads advance and less dmg than the dps evade, why? dunno) i dont play pvp nor wvw usually but i think those changes would be good even there, maybe vindi would need a little nerf in pvp and wvw but as far as pve is concerned its just inferior to renegade, maybe making evades of 75 energy instead of 100 would be better? dunno
  23. i at least like how they go now, i mean archie is full offensive while vicky is full defensive, it doesnt make sense to force the skill swap, i mean out of lore the 2 legends have nothing in common, and also, yeah on pvp or wvw maybe autoswap wouldnt hurt but on pve its killing the spec, now you can just press a button, choose wich one to use with no cost and go on, it works everywere just fine, if anything it would have been good if we got a new f4 mechanic like... dunno spend energy to charge mist energy and then use f4 to u leash it and do a special attack depending on your legend, or upgrading one of your skills or making your next skill energy free, something like that. not just a copi paste of swap between 2 legends? ok make it 3 and thats new mechanic.
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