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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. well gw2 base line was precisely to break that clasic fantasy... you could say limitations, i mean guardian is the tipical fantasy paladin, but then it becomes dh and hits like a truck or fb and burns everything, willbender is breaking the tipical slow guardian and making it faster and agresive, more active so to say. as for boons, true alac was the uniqueness of chrono but now alacrene has orders from avobe, lorewhise having a comander or veteran giving orders is meant to increase efficiency so it giving alac makes sense, right now an elite shouldnt be unique because of boons, dunno in pvp but in pve it would be disastrous for the meta, instead chrono gives alac and quickness in its way and has his unique mechanics like continuum split, while rene has his( though rev is in fac inneed of a rework cof cof) and then willbender has his and so on, thus i think its well done, clases able to do the same thing in their unique way is what makes people try them and choose the one they like the most, not like " oh i wanna suport, but the only good suport in the game is a chrono that i dont like or im not skilled to use it so im going to leave the game" its true that being... jack of all trades in one elite, like willbender or vindi having bith power and condi is more of a bother, if both were just power id be better( mostly vindi because rev needs a pure power while willbender is a bit different) but i can understand they wanna try it st least. and last.. yeah elites right now are more different playstile to cores but... i think that only applies to pvp, maybe wvw and a couple on pve, if you go to raids, fractals etc youll see everyone running elites, maybe a core guardian around but meh, thing is cores really have a big diference in dmg, suport healing etc but un pvp modes its more difficult to see, because its pvp, i think you understand
  2. ok i think i need to clarify, im not too into wvw, even so wvw is a pvp open world mode and you have zergs, people soloing camps, thiefs being like mosquitoes etc, i think it is more flexible in the end, at least more than static boses like raid or fracts. might be mistaken tho
  3. but in wvw you are in a scuad with 50 people, sure there are metas but i think wvw is less restrictive in some aspects, while on others it is much more just because of the game mode, in pve fractals, raids etc you need most clases to be around the same because otherwhise youll never see variety in 10 man or 5 man groups. firebrand is too powerfull in a pve enviroment, the same comes to renegade, and that difference can be seen on benchmarks for example, a benchmark of pve tells you the full power of a class/elite what that thing can do optimiced and in a raid or fractal the difference is just mecanics or boss stats, wvw is completely diferent as player skill matters more in a pvp enviroment than a pve one i think.
  4. maybe not interrupting but making spellbreaker being able to parry and cancell some skills, ao it becomes a desireable tank could be good making a swcond cc bar might be troublesome because most people dont cc at all( again with samarog example where out of rev and warr most people dont cc)
  5. i think it would end up being more of a bother than anything, i suppose youre talki g about raids fractals etc so ill answer based on those places. the combos in this game are already pretty good, a druid gor example makes use of them for healing, thing is everyone explodes them so on a boss you might see lots of light combos cause of dh and guards and are mostly random, to sum up, theyre good but most of them are combos made at random. for cc, well, i dont want to be in a boss for half an hour because it has 20 cc bars to break, also the more cc bars the more punished will be clases like warr and rev as theyre the main cc breakers, also those cc like headbut revs staff 5 and thief basilisk poison have cool downs that would make pretty difficult to do cc after cc too much, also little people know of care about cc, for example on sama, youll see the rev, warr or thief destroying the defiamce bar but then it'll decrease paingully slow because people are blinded by dps, also most degiance bars are do or die, on sama if you dont cc an ally dies, on vg not cc means caos and destruction, yeah maybe not all cc are that relevant but making cc more prevalent would be too much problem and solve nothing at the end. if you want to mske combos more relevant i think it could be good, even though now they are already a huge help if you know what youre doing, but cc bars are already importsnt enought, as far as high end pve goes, of course if youre in open world that doesnt matter at all, i mean most open world only players dont even know their own cc nor combos, nor even care to learn. as for making ele and warrior better.... warrior is already good enought, come on bladesworn is just fanservice because they cant give it more than it already has with berserk, spellbreaker is weaker in pve and i think should get a couple changes there but its not a priority, as for ele, well tempest is a good healer that except for alac and quickness gives good boons auras and heals and weaver is a good dps, maybe a bit more dmg, health or smth like that but it is not bad at all an with druid spirits changes i hope to see much more tempest so dunno.
  6. kitty i love you but in this case i disagree, at least im optimistic this changes will bring more variety, there will allwais be people who just play meta and things like that but at least for me being able to use other classes out of rene and mirage for alac is a blessing, well have to wait and see ^^
  7. emm let me ask you something, do you realy think well have less variety with this than the non existent variety we have now? just as example right now druid is allwais the go to healer just for spirits, rene and mirage 10 man alac and for quickness firebrand, crono and engi are more or less in the same place, now take out spirits and make 5 man alac, now a thief can alac engis too guards, heralds can also 5 man alac on healer builds(though its more dificult for them). you could for example go crono quickness and alac and use a heal tempest, and you cover all boons and noone can cry because spirits dont exist, you can go heal herald with alac and quick catalist, or maybe alac thief with huge movility and scraper to heal and tank. there will allwais be a meta but at least now you have much more options you can use, if youre skilled you can get in every group with your class while right now you can be awesome with, say, heal tempest or heal herald but you will find very little places where youll be wanted out of a secondary healer or a specific encounter.
  8. just to make it clear for myself... whats the problem reducin targets to 5? i mean the idea of anet is, if you want to give alac you have mirage, rene, engi, thief and guard, if anet left one of them 10 man and the others 5 it wouldnt be balanced so thry need to either make all 10 man or 5 man, we all agree there. now why make it 5 and not 10? have you ever been in a raid or fractal with a good group? you can literaly vaporize some boses with the dmg you get with using just 1 heal and 1 alac, now imagine if you needed just 1 quickness too, making boons 5 man in the end decreases the groups overall dmg and makes it so there are more combos, the base structure will be alac quickness and 3 dps, alac and quick being also healer one of them, also changing spirits and banners now you dont need a bs and druid by default wich helps everyone as now the meta isnt that static, if everyone has the same boons its just now a matter of whos better for certain bosses or compos but the diference is minimal, i can go engi alac cause i like it more or rene alac cause its simpler to use and both work
  9. the thing is i dont think anet will give herald good boons or increase herald boon effects without increasing it in other clases, as for ventary alac, yeah its a nightmare but in the end its there so anet has that excuse, id love if herald was remade so it is better and more fun but not likely to happen sadly
  10. using catalist orb is already taken and would mean vindi gets limited by its area i thought of something like, carge shiro and press f4 = you launch a jade wind burst forward that stuns enemies and deal dmg, carge shiro and both aliances, you sumon the 3 legend heroes and they make an attack together, like the cinematic where shiro dies? but this time shiro alied with arche and vick, for ventary maybe a healing area, mallynx not sure as i dont know much about him, and jalis maybe a one man version of its elite where you become stone, hit harder and are invuln but once 2-3 secs pass you receibe like 75% of your health as dmg.
  11. I thought about this lately and found it interesting, even if i think its too late to implement now. How about making vindi get a new mecanic with energy? instead of just one energy bar that fills and depletes we could get like an overcharge meter, each time a vindi uses a skill from one of its legends it charges the meter with that legend energy then when you reach certain point you can unleash that energy in an attack , moreso if you carge energy of diferent legends, for example shiro archemorus and vicktor, you unleash a diferent attack with better effects, i think that could be a great way to make vindi unique
  12. revenant overall is not a class that changes in mecanics with its elite specs, its more like an incomplete class that you can only make full use of if you use an elite, and i hate that, the things you could call new about vindi are its movility, not that rev lacked it but now we have a legend that matches great with shiro as a high movility power dps, as for the healer its usefull because ventary isnt the most reliable healer either by itself alone, now does arche lack cc? yeah but its more of gs lackong cc than arche itself as it got a stunbreak with a stun on one skill, if for ex gs3 pulled enemies so you can hit them all and make use of sinergies it would be better, as for vicky it lacks boon suport appealing to most groups, give it a bit more/better boons and solved. now that doesnt mean vindi will be played differently to other revs, i have an idea of a mecanic that might be good for that: how about making it overcharge legends, like as you spend energy on a legend you fill an overcharge meter and once filled up you use f4 and unleash that charge in a skill fitting that legend, you could go further and combine legends, like arche vicky and shiro to make a huge dmg 3 way attack with the 3 canthan legends together instead of being enemies that would give a lot of room for combos rotas and would make vindi truli unique and interesting.
  13. thing is if those boons got buffed it wouldnt be just on herald but on every class, in fact making all boons 5 man might help herald as a healer because even being subpar it can maintain better boons and easyer than vindi healer, as an example theres the alacrity on ventary, vindi might not be able to maintain it but herald should be able, also herald has better cc sustain and overall utility than a heal vindi in my opinion, if something had to be changed id say the celerity on facet of elements, maybe giving quickness? or maybe superspeed, as for vindi it is more of a pure healer, if it gives great heals, some shields and there are bosses where that is needed maybe we can see a heal scourge heal vindi compo somewhere. On a side note please make herald shield better and rev healing not so dependant on ventary heal orbs.
  14. all boons being 5 man might make alac herald somewhat used but dont think itll become good enought
  15. for pve (raids and fractals, because ary but open world isnt relevant in meta builds you can go almost naked to open world and play just fine) is not that good because of the vit, if we gotsomething similar without vit(i dont think we do?) it could be great, as for wvw there it would be great and for pvp too maybe
  16. dragon would be the meta rev power build if it didnt have vit, because as rev you almost allwais overcap crit chance, on wvw though i think itll be the meta on herald and vindi at least, on a side note i still hope we get gs3 to pull enemies, and spear to do a lot of dmg.
  17. scavenger and spear dont need the condis, we already have renegade for condis, we dont need condis in every fking elite dammit im tired of condi revenant, also why is it allwais revenant that gets the (you need huge hitbox enemies to get good dmg?) come on put those skills on warrior or guardian, no? then just get out numbers on small hitbox to 38 and on huge hitbox on 45k, then it would be balanced dammit, cc? im sure someone will say " but you have staff" staff? that thing that even devs dont know what to use it except for cc and for evading dmg with the 3? at least make it a good healing weapon or smth, out of staff? jade winds is like one os the worst elite skills out there with ventary and a couple more out there, just make gs3 pull, its a dash with a circle hit animation at the end, make it no dmg and pull people around you and voila, a great skill for pvp, pve and wvw, it wasnt that difficult.
  18. well i dont know much about the dificulties of changing classes but id change the whole invocation traitline and energy mecanic, 1 of all, why does waiting to get under 10 energy to swap only heta us to 75 energy? those 25 energy are almost never used, at least on pve, they could make it 100 so it would be more rewarding ( and we have a lot of skills of 40+ energy drain) then is the fact that changing legends is a decent mecanic but in every game mode you only use 2 or 3 skills of each legend, in raid shiro is only IO for example, yeah pvp forces you to use more skills but you shouldnt make an elite spec only for pvp then moreso you cant make a class made almost exclusive for pvp, solution? just create one skill more per legend, or at least for core legends, then you have more options for pvp pve wvw, and that would force anet to change the way rev skills are diatributed and thus could help with the bug of rev skills dissapearing, swaping etc etc, then is the thing about the elites, herald is all upkeeps, ok its a "new/diferent" mecanic but i think it could be like 3 skills or an upkeep mecanic skill and then have normal skills, because all upkeeps feels bad for me at least, on kalla... well i dont like it becoming a suport with just a skill and a trait and be so strong, its just a button and a trait dammit, but well at least its good so dont touch it please. Vinfi :Whose idea was to make a mecanic like legend swap and just copi paste but much worse in a elite? come on the whole swaping legends is pretty much a bothersome mecanic instead of something realy helpfull you have to wait 10 seconds to swap and sry but energy can be drained tooo fast toooo easy, yeah its suposed to be so you cant exploit it but come on, let us have more energy at least and make swaping more usefull, like in invocation, each swap gives you a power or healing power boon of 200, swap gets you to 75 energy by default, swaping under 10 energy increases the efect of invo traits, like if you get 250 instead of 200 power, 100 energy instead of 75 if you use a trait to give boons on swap and shiro gives 5 might it becomes 7 and things like that, then the trait about geting fury effect x2 can stay because its good, and you have either 100% or more crit chance or double effects on swaps and it gives you more options. now back to vindi(sry for the long text XD) instead of making a mecanic that gives you 2 legends in one and forces you to swap and becomes a hidrance(wich was the 1 beta) you can let us choose a legend and hive an f3 to change those 2 legens( the second beta) so that change i think its good and works, but again its not a new nor exciting mecanic, they could have done so we can choose skills from each of the legends and we have energy bar and an empty bar, we use energy on a legend to charge the other bar and when its fully charged we launch a exclusive attack based on the legends we use, like, for example, you have aliance and shiro, and you rotate them to charge the empty bar with both aliance legends and shiro legend energy, so filed red blue and green, and then we launch a skill with shiro arche and vicky acting together, like open a mist portal they appear from the portal and launch an attack together, a thousand times more interesting and a bilion times more fanservice than just a cpuple dialogues, they could also have made gs have diferent skills when you swap between arche and vicky, like it was the perfect oportunity to do so. Those were my ideas if you liked it say so if not say why not. Its lots of work i know but come on wouldnt it be awesome and a great oportunity to get more people in the game and make us stay?
  19. other thing, if this bug is because of how rev is designed ( having fixed skills and so on) they could give us 4 skills per legend and let us choose wich legend and wich skills to use in each legend, if anyone thinks thad be broken please, first play the game and then go cry to your bed, rev has much less skill choice than others and we dont have 2 skill bars we have 2 skills in each legend that are usefull in each game mode, we end up needing to swap legends to do the same as other with one skillbar, at least recognice thst is not an advantage
  20. if i enter a raid fractal pvp or whatever and my skills reset or my traits dissapear i just loose time fixing it, or just loose the match raid etc, its a comon bug of one of the playable clases and its pretty much one of the most important ones, i dont see guardians or other clases loosing skills, traits or playing handicapped nearly half as much
  21. they could just like... make a couple reworks on rev overall and fix its bugs but you know, why bother?
  22. changing might wich is a dmg boon for a defensive boon doesnt really makes sense, also giving aegis or stab would be too strong as you could make 10 man perma stab or 10bman perma aegis wich is too much, also resolution isnt as good and you get it on mallynx while stab is jalis, we need a good boon wich can be perma for 5 man but isnt broken, for example quickness or alacrity, alac might be the best option making it 5vman and then deleting the 10 man alac on renegade wich is completely broken. and even though i play mostly pve i play some mvm and pvp and 10 man perma ( or almost perma) aegis or stab is too broken whyle 5 man perma alac is good enought to be competitive without being overpowered
  23. ok first of all, i havent read all of the proposals so if i miss anything sry. now if i were to rework shiro id make riptose shadows and phase traversal into one skill, you all saw how willbender has a similar skill, first evades and stunbreak and later dash towards target, rev has tons of movility so it wouldt hurt that much, IO is basicaly the only usefull skill on pve for power revs and overall its good, id change the heal to be a pasive heal and when you active it maybe throw daggers and heal per hit, jade winds id make it pasive too like each strike aplies jade winds stacks and when actived you explode the stacks and petrify the targets with stacks around you, like 0.2 secs per stack and max 7 stacks or so? and an empty slot to make a skill completely new, like a jade strike or smtg
  24. Vindi overall only has 2 condi skills, burst and spear, but in my opinion we already have renegade for condi builds, id prefer if vindi was a pure power or healer( choosing arche on power builds and vicky for heal builds) forcing every elite to be able to do everything makes it just mediocre in everithing and thus most people wont use it, just look at herald it has bad dmg bad heals and mediocre boons, even if you tryvto focus on one it is still subpar to others so just make a good power on arche, a good healer on vicky and were good to go
  25. mmm i wouldnt mind arche skill being a skillshot, like dh longbow 3 i think it was, the thing is, if it is an auto target skill it should hit unless the target rolls, goes out of range or blocks the shot with something like terrain or smth(like autos on a range weapon), now about cc and dmg things, first things first torment needs to get out of the skill, like burn needs to get out of the explosion(on that one maybe a fire field if anything), now instead of torment you could either make it cc, like inmob or a push, or increase its dmg, id prefer increased dmg because im not a fan of an ultimate skill that just cc and because they could make gs3 pull enemies around you, the animation fits too, and then make spear deal dmg based on enemy health, like a 20% more dmg if under 50% healt or smth, basicaly an execute at long range, like a sniper, even on wvw or pvp it could be good, and it wouldnt be broken theres tons of projectile bocks or skills that make shots rebound, so thats my take there.
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