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Everything posted by Zaret.1450

  1. sooo they solved one of the biggest true bugs of rev and said nothing??? jajjaja anet please you need some love, now more than ever with all the problems, cof cof, so please, this are the bug solves people want and want to hear about
  2. animations need to change a bit, agreed, as for gs3... it needs a rework, ill flood the forums if needed, it needs either to do the 900 range dash allwais or pull enemies in if it hits, that skill doesnt realy need that much dmg, its good but vindi lacks cc and the skill is very bad if it doesnt hit or people move oit of range, also its a wvw spec so a pull would be great, even for pve purposes, other option would be increase the cc dealt with freeze so it is better on pve.
  3. rev energy is most similar with thief initiative, but the problem is implementation. thief only uses init for weapons, and weapons usually work with a set of skills, staff for example, the dmg comes from 2, 5 for movement and utility, blinds, and so on, but its a weapon and thief has enought dmg on autos and the dmg skills to work around it. rev needs energy for everything, even the elites, yeah we have 2 but theyre not all powerfull, jade winds could be a 25 energy skill and itd be the same, heck archemorus has a mini jade winds that is a thousand times better XD I think rev could be the oposite of thief, weapons dont use energy and you have the legends as if they were weapon sets, but that would need sigils activate on legends, after all theyre like weapons, a set of skills we cant choose and we rotate between 2 sets. also thief has pasives, the thieving skill and other things to get init back, but rev only has it on core, bad idea, and a trait that only works on swap under 10%, energy should be 100 by default, or maybe 75 and the trait gives you a 100 on swap under 10%, with the spend we have now making it default 100 energy woudnt overpower. Ok new idea, default 100 energy, a trait that on swap you use the remaining energy to charge the next weapon skill, just a number increase like, per each 10% energy remaining, weapon dmg/healing increased by 3%. (condis maybe 1 sec duration or 1 stack more per 10% spend? dunno) we would need a rework on shiro maybe, jalis would be good, ventary is already reworked, and mallynx is strong already, herald is decent, renegade id like a rework to take off its alac for something else, and aliance, vick needs boons and arche would be good with just this trait change and a bit more utility ( cof cof, gs3 puuuulllllll).
  4. but thats mostly because people dont think, i like to see teapot, but i dont agree with wim in lots of things, people need to use the brain, the same goes for anet, sry to say but what would be better, having a comunity that supports the company, gives feedback and is happy playing for years or a comunity were more and more people find the company toying with them and start becoming toxic and leaving, leaving not without a couple of commentaries, not recomending the game, etc etc. Yeah an utopia isnt possible, but come on it isnt that difficult to do a minimun of not leaking you have favoritism for example.
  5. the funny thing here is, a lot of people had doubts about favoritism, classes neglection, and devs treating players like pest. That leak, even if it was a bad joke, a social investigation, however you wanna call it, made everyone doubt anet, so people with doubts exploded, dead threats are too much, its a game after all, but i understand if many people asked for that person to be fired, noone likes feeling manipulated, lied and becoming laughting stock, anet should have said something in my opinion, a simple sry, it wont happen again, might have been enought for most. Were just players, we cant make decisions, but were the ones that play the game, were the ones putting our time in this and we deserve a minimun respect, and some times it looks like we dont even get that.
  6. also i think rev mains, me included, have some kind of trauma pdps wise, like... too many years we just didnt have dmg
  7. Ok i could make a huge paragraph, sry i talk too much, but better keep it short. It doesnt need competitive dps, but it would be the easiest way to make it compete because it lacks everywere, to get utility, cc amd stuff it would need a shiro rework and archie and gs adjustments, incresing its numbers is the easiest way.
  8. Sry but the comunity isnt extremely meta, in fact its the other way around, theres lots of pwople criing about how dificult it is to enter raids, build pj, earn gold, etc etc, well in my times of raiding i saw at least 3 comanders doing trainings every day and almost at any time, i did so myself, and with my clan, I learned that its a waste of my time and my effort. SC gives you meta builds for every class, why? because if you have 7 wings to raid and only 1 hour to play a day or 2 you want to get things done and on to another thing, the more a build is optimized and the better the players do their job the easyer and faster itll be. Every player can create a scuad and put on a tag to lead, but oh surprise they dont do it, i cant talk for everyone but most people want you to do all the job wile they enter with a soldier exotic gear that they got god knows were, and then you see VG running after them and them paniking, like... is that my fault? is it my fault if i tell them their gear is bad and they should look at sc page, and then they call me elitist, toxic, thanks for nothing etc etc? The meta is not just a forced thing we GODS force randoms to use, its the easyest, most efficient builds, that someone has spend days to theoricraft for us so we can just build it and go to raids instead of being weeks thinking for a solution of healing dps or boon lacking, at least some respect is due. Lastly, sry to say but there are low intensity builds that will get you inside pug groups easily, and people still cry about it, while we cry because there are classes that cant compete, a vindi might have 37k dmg, with low cc no utility etc, wile virtuoso makes 40k tons of cc and so mich utility it drowns in it, let me ask you, whose cry is because of selfishness and childlish and wich is made for diversity and to make a better game for everyone?
  9. there? saying its unlikely is like saying its not the pdps elite. At least in my opinion, if i misunderstood well
  10. so, the only legend that matches well with shiro is archemorus, dps wise, vindi gets gs, the only power weapon out of sw/sw becuase hammer is not a dps weapon out of pvp wvw, and you think vindi isnt the pdps elite, wich one is then? renegade? rene is condi or if youre forcing it maybe hibrid, herald? its a suport, it doesnt have a weapon and its skills are all suport like. As for problems... the evade takes too much time in pve content, vindi lacks cc, has condis that make no sense in its skill set, and it still feels clucky in some areas, like gs3 being 400 and not 900 range. ah also, vicktor is completely useless out of its heal for a dps vindi in a oh kitten situation. I hope you understood now.
  11. i think they probably introdiced something for wvw, like a traker or something, with the betas close by and all that, thats the only reason i see why it would crash so many times
  12. ts interesting, the boos have been reduced, but it kind of has a more feminine pose? like the hips and the posture are "enhaced" could be the world? i dont realy understand why the change though. I mean i dont realy care that much about this kind of art reworks but the thing is, it kind of smells like a change made to appease people, like, oh its a machine resembling a female it has boobs its too obscene kind of people, i mean... it feels like an imposed change not because of the studio true desire to remake the art but because theyre forced to be family friendly, and it kind of feels bad that we have to get to this point. if you introduce a new character that is caled by it and not he or she for example, you make a side story, coments or stuff about why, like an asura having golem implants for example thus its more machine, or something. with that i mean why make marionetes more feminine, posture wise, and then cut some feminine characteristics from them? we can have changes made with sense
  13. in my opinion? they listened to the gs we were asking and the power dps part but they had to introduce vicktor too, probably due to fanservice, although id like to think they wanted a legend to pair with ventary and so made a double legend( even when we have herald but meh). The problem is, herald was a legend.... id say half baked, and lousy, renegade was good, but it made the mistake to want to do everything at the same time too, this time it got overpowered and was condi so it wasnt bad, as for vindi... its still in beta, or at least it feels like a beta elite, good ideas but needs much polishing, the weapon only works on archie, almost no cc, even if paired with shiro amd ventary, wich obviously are the coupled legends, dodge... i kind of like but you loose much time and you have too little control over it.
  14. Vindi needs a better evade, i mean that an option to land beforehand or maybe 2 evades on wvw would be good, gs3 is pretty confusing, or better said its awfull to use, it makes a mini jump and if theres no enemy in range it doesnt move more, the 900 range is almost allwais efectively 400, making it do the 900 dash allwais, or making it pull enemies at the end of the attack, the full range would give movility and the pull some needed cc for vindi, i still think archi shouldn be a hibrid, some torment and burn on a couple skills is too lousy, instead of burn making it a fire field or a finisher would work better in my opinion, and spear could have a different effect, maybe 10% more dmg on enemyes under 25% health or something vicky could use some stab or even better, get rid of alac on renegade and give it to vicky, id make more sense right now i think.
  15. turtle needs a couple more seconds in its shield skill, and its cannon some times doesnt fire correctly in wvw when it should, i make turtle fire at siege canons and so on and some times it does fire and some times it doesnt, the ia needs some work
  16. the main problem with ranger runes isnt the las slot, its mostly that it gives precision instead of power. Put ogre as an example, as some people said it doesn't see much use compared to other similar runes, well the most similar rune would be scholar, the thing is scholar gives more dmg compared to ogre, at least dps wise, now ranger compared to ogre isnt better because of the precision overcap, and its also worse than, i think it was eagle or thief?, because most classes dont have pets. as they have increased all classes acces to crit chance, they should rework runes so more runes find a spot, ranger with a power version of ranger runes, warrior without the need of thief runes etc.
  17. theres a traiit line that increases pet stats, its beastmastery and it is where the trait to copy boonst to pets should be, with both things combined, plus having 2 pets while mec only has 1 pet, ranger would get much better pet wise, of course pets need some buffs but with the existing traits, if well implemented, and if they made untamed unleash buffs work on pets too, that would be a huge increase in viability.
  18. you have to understand something, most people dont want to do anything themselves, just look at how many people rage that raid comunity is full of toxicity, how were elitists and how needing a build and to learn a rota is extremely bad and elitist, and that is with snow crows having builds like mech, spectre, etc, builds that even if not mastered can give pretty good dmg for randoms and pugs, sc gives you the build, writes you down the rotation, a bit more and theyd have to kill the boss for you, and some people still say its imposible to enter a raid, were elitist, etc etc, i agree that just copi paste death brain is not good but people that want to master something will do it regardless of sc.
  19. it could be cool if you could make specific enter slots in the lfg, in raid for example a tipical lfg would be 2hfb 2alacmec and 6 dps if you could make it like, i create a slot with this name, and people select the slot in lfg, like i enter, select a hfb slot and the chat automaticaly sais, xxxx entered as hfb, other thing could be an automatic li check, like you put a lfg and ask for x number li, so people without those li cant enter. Now the new lfg for trainings in raid was good but not enought, let me explain, the lfg has a limit on how many times you can change it, it is a bother to change map each time you need to change the lfg because someone had to leave, pair it with the current problems and it is too much of a bother.
  20. would the sir also want the legendary armor set? ad infinitum? a couple legy weapons too? I agree skyscale is a tedious archievement, its veeerry long, but it also tells a story and its literally the best mount in the game, utility wise, there are things you have to earn by playing the game, if youre just gonna pay with gems everything in the game wheres the fun, the suffering of farming, of triing a jumping puzzle 20 times to make that one jump, and weres the rewarding feeling of archievement when you finaly have it? Its a game, you have to play to get things, it is a game.
  21. also i think elite specs should be that specializations, a druid, as far as this game goes, should have utility and heal, and as little dmg as possible, while untamed and sb should have more dmg and less utility and healing options, itd be easyer to balance and while many people surely complains i think with the variety we already have its enought, noone wants a build that has everything but finds no spot on groups because its better to have a specialiced class.
  22. about staff 2, yeah you could put another skill there, although in raid encounters where you are melee its decent, for 3 and 5, i dont realy know what 5 does out of the water field, but if you wanted to give it more utility making it similar to guardian staff 5 would be a huge help in wvw, aout of that dunno, 3 is fine in my opinion, finisher, movility and little more but still a good skill, and for 4, i think its a pretty good skill, in raid it makes so you not need entangle if you know how to play it, in wvw can help with entangling enemies and chip them from their group, and for pvp i dunno, its not the best cc but o think its a good utility, if anithing id give it maybe bleed or some kind of more dmg but in the end i dont see it being that bad
  23. I see your point but i think i have a couple things to say. For druid staff is a decent weapon, notice that its designed to heal and give utility, it has water combos, a very good auto that heals any ally in the laser, movility etc, as for celestial avatar it does its job relatively good, the main issue is that in wvw with zergs running, healing and boons like fb that are areas centered around the pj allwais are much better, if you made celestial similar to fb youd end up with a fb 2 but with a different skin, although id say making maybe one skill or 2 centered arount the pj could help, maybe making a trait that makes spirits work similar to gyros or necro pets, theres options but the main design of avatar and staff shouldnt change too much. for soulbeast, dagger is kind of a pve or maybe a dueling weapon, i think its main isues are the dead of owp and its lacking dmg, its the most "assasin" kind of ranger, focused on bursting, and while it works on wvw roaming in pve it lacks and owp, instead of this nerf, should have had changes that maintained its huge burst capacities and sineegy with axe 5, lb2, lb5, etc, again maybe a trait for more dmg and less tics while another trait gives less dmg but more tics, so people can choose. as for untamed, ill say it again, pets, pets traits are separated on nature magic, beastmastery and a couple on untamed, druid pets are more of a pasive secondary thing, while soulbeast should be a lone ranger without pets most of the time, untamed unleash should benefit both pet and ranger, the same dmg reduction or increase we have now but inversed on pet would give a better sinergy, making pet archetipes get diferent unleash skills should be a must, getting all basic pet traits, trait that increases its stats, trait that clones boons to pet, etc, should be on beastmastery, the boon trait is in nature magic now and thus its not usefull for untamed, also making so hammer gets more condi dmg on hammer(mainly making a trait that makes unleash hammer skills create spores out of the ambush skill) would help too.
  24. its curious, theres people complaining about rotations and how toxic the raid comunity is forcing them to do a decent rotation, amd here we are, we toxic players, thinking about the 2 buttons 30k builds that are swarming us XD.
  25. if you only play open world rhe balance is completely irrelevant for you, no ofense but open world is done with cuantity over cuality. as for starting raids, in a low li or training group you can still use any build with freedom, of course once you get in a static or more li scuad youll see for yourself if your class lacks or not, my take, build a condi spectre or condi necro and youre good to go
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