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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. I am sick of instantly dying when going out of reaper form. So much for our defense cooldown.
  2. We keep running into situations where you can't see the NPC's we are defending or the enemies we are fighting. I have had world bosses go invisible so I can see more players... Please make sure necessary NPCs and enemies show over other players at all times. Especially for escorting, enemies, and defending. Thanks you! PS: It's the only setting I can change to keep a high frame rate. sad panda CPU: I9-9000k 5.2 GHZGPU: GTX 2080 (never goes above 40)RAM: 32 GB (3600MHZ)HD: NVME (fastest in the market) I don't mind resorting to lowest, but something needs to be done to prevent it from breaking things. Nothing is more irritating then what you are attacking become invisible so you can see other players... This seems to be getting worse.
  3. I hate to be that guy; however, if that's the case you might be terrible at the other classes. We have two classes doing 9k more damage then the Reaper is capable of doing in fractals/raids after the last "balance patch". I (a necro loyalist) was finally forced to switch classes for raiding. The difference is just to big at the moment, this difference was enough for me to change. The said thing is when I switched, I realized both of these classes have better survive-ability in raids to.
  4. Please stop releasing sub par gem items. The glacial tool set was terrible. Not only were the glyphs terrible, the animations made them inferior to other tools. If your going to release new tools, please make sure the animations and the amount they collect per click is on par with current tools (Unbound, Volatile, Skyscale). You lost a 6000 gem purchase from my fiance and I alone. We can swap a bad glyph, we can not replace the bad default speed/collection. Without a set we would use (quality of life issues), we just avoided all items in the set. I like to buy at least one new thing a week... Please increase the quality of the gem items.
  5. It's nice to see positive feedback. I'm almost done with my achievements, and am about to exclude this map from my rotation. 1.) It is not as fun to me as older maps2.) Buggier than older maps (Khodas events)3.) The rewards/time ratio is to low to justify it. LS3 content is still my favorite, so I might be the minority.
  6. I was hoping someone could explain the use of finishers from a PVE players perspective? 1.) If I kill an NPC, will my finisher show?2.) What PVE mobs finishers be used on?3.) Are finisher animations automatic on death?4.) Do other people see my finishers, or is it just me? I assume they are personal since I have not seen other peoples finishers. I really like the finishers in the gem store; however, as a PVE player, the wiki has me worried that I will never use/see them. Thanks!
  7. Will we be able to user our characters skills while playing as an NPC? I personally dislike being forced to play a class I do not enjoy.
  8. Help the Kodan gather fish for the village. Primer and Arctic Tuna stuck on full. Nothing people do counts as contribution.
  9. SKRITT all the way. Had that been an option, things would be different.
  10. I wonder why they didn't add that feature to the size tonics. It forces me to undo them before I mount. This makes them extremely clunky to use. That change alone would be a huge improvement. Speaking of clunky, you can glide while big. You can't use the tonic while gliding. So there is now way to mount while gliding, if you started the glide under the effect of a size tonics. Seems like a super easy fix. Keep the duration, like a buff. Suppress all effects while mounted. I hope at minimum, they disable the effect like the others you have mentioned. That way you can mount without being forced to undo the size alteration first.
  11. I spent two hours with a group trying to get to it. The map kept saying it was inaccessible. People were constantly asking how to get to it. The group couldn't find it. People in map chat were saying it's an inaccessible oversight. I then jumped to another marp, same thing. If you can tell me how to get there it still up we did do it on one map bit we ignored drakkar to do it.
  12. I stopped here. Please tell me you meant none. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Indeed. Reflections can be an FPS-hog. I believe what the OP is saying is of you set the "***" ones at his recommendations then you can get away with the other settings as described, also would help to know what GPU and CPU he has. I personally have everything maxed out, and I don't mind when it dips down into the 10's as I honestly don't notice.I have a I9900K 5GHZ and a GTX 2080TI. Reflection is a serious CPU hit. Regardless if you see them or not, it still loads and causes the hit. Really bad for event frames.
  13. There is a Trial of Koda Primer that nobody can access. Because nobody can access it, we are stuck. Hours later it's still the same Trial. This Trial is now the same on multiple maps. The only time you can access it is during the Drakkar event...but people do Drakkar during the event. This creates a never ending Trial people can't access. Please remove this location from the Primer rotation.
  14. Focus and Warhorn were nerfed to the point of being irrelevant. The choice really comes down to: Do I need additional CC -> WarhornDo I need additional stripping -> FocusThey ruined the abilities.
  15. I miss the events. It allowed me as a newer player to experience content I missed; for, it got enough people doing the content.
  16. I am hoping an expert can help me out. I am hoping there is a way to do the following: 1.) Use Endless Embiggening Tonic (Events/Bosses)2.) Disable Endless Embiggening Tonic every time I try to mount.3.) Enable Novelties when dismounting. Long store short. I love Asura. I just have troubles seeing where I am standing in melee sometimes. My small character gets hidden in the mounds of bigger characters. Making myself larger, allows me to see where I am. This makes it much easier for me to stand out of the bad in boss fights. The only downside is that you can't use the Endless Embiggening Tonic while mounting. I am looking for a Arenanet approved method that will accomplish what I am trying to do. Ideally, there would be a way to disable novelties while mounting, and automatically re-enable them while mounting. Thanks in advanced. Note: Endless Friendship does not have this problem. It works while mounted.
  17. I think it was intentional. Still not too tier. Reaper was ruined in the process. You don't need necros to be a free kill.
  18. New IdeaExo-Suit Dragon Wings Backpack and Glider. (Think the hologram wings)_ They would be bigger than the current hologram wingsThe backpack and glider would be dye-ableThey would flap as a backpiece (like current hologram wings)Optional (Have a little trail while they flap)I bet a lot of people would buy this.___ Skyscale skins to complete the set.1.) Exo-Suit2.) Primeval3.) Starlight Dye-able Backpack Upgrade (250 gems). Upgrade dye-able backpack-glider combinations so the backpack is also dye-able. I would buy this for multiple Backpack-Glider combos including Skeleton Wings. Exo-Suit Tool Kit.Premium Way Point Pass: Free way-points for life. (1000 gems, character specific)Reusable Revive Orb: I am not sure why I want this.
  19. Guardian. It is top in every mode. Has not had a weakness in years.
  20. RIP Reaper. Seriously...against players that know how to play...you are just a sitting duck. Stunlock if old...
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