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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. Edit: Since the usual trolls have come out. Let me explain in detail what I want. I mostly play endgame PVE (Raids/Strikes/Fractals). The DPS spread is bigger than ever. It keeps getting bigger each patch. The ideal meta shakeup would be balance. That being said, nerfing the tier 1 specs (which have been on top for years now), and buffing professions on the bottom would be a good start. True balance would be a meta shakeup. I would like to play something different that is competitive for a change. I would like variety. Original Message: We need a meta shakeup to make this game fun again! I fully support this. I am sick of feeling the need to play Guardian in group content because of the advantage it brings over everything else.
  2. IIRC there is (or was) an NPC for trading soulbound to account bound. That's fantastic! I knew2 Arenanet wouldn't do something so cruel to their player-base. Now I just need to find it.
  3. People are making their own decisions...the result just happens to be less new players and even fewer players that stick.
  4. I just want to say the Gem Store items have been lackluster lately. It seems like you are ignoring in demand items that would sell like hotcakes (Primeval/Starlight Skyscale). Have not introduced something unique like a Supply Drop Requisition in a while. We have reached the point where I am not buying anything... Rotations are to slow. I just am not spending money because I can't get what I want. Here are some items I would like:1.) Path of Fire Portal - Include Cities and Events (We have HOT and World Boss)2.) Skyscale Skins - Primeval, Starlight, Exalted (Cash in now before the demand plummets....)3.) Animated Hologram Wings/Backpack (Dy-able). You can make it flap while you jump or just an upgrade more extravagant version of the events.4.) Dye-able Wings that are not so bulky. Feathered with a glow would be nice.5.) Remove wardrobe restrictions. My light armor characters have heavy armor outfits. I would buy a punch of wardrobe pieces if the restrictions didn't apply.6.) New hair styles7.) Dye-able Infusion Auras8.) Would like to buy a Choya/Unicorn finisher... Why aren't these always in the gemstore? They are an account upgrade like mailers.9.) New hairstyles and color options10.) Item with the ability to request a party member to port to you. I hope we can do something about this super slow rotation that is dragging on and on. To many items are a rarity.
  5. I mean isnt that what the black lion statues are? Eventually the items cycle through there. It the OPs topic. Idk I have no issue with them, dont like grab bags dont buy them. People need to take some personal responsibility it doesnt require regulations. When I was a kid my local sports card store had grab bags with packs of older baseball cards I loved them. Always got low value cards like Jay Buhner, no Griffey rookie cards in my bags. Some comic shops did similar things. That's how I view the chest expect to get low value items then if you get what you perceive as a high value item you'll be excited and if it's a perceived low value item, it's to be expected. Let's take Hearthstone as a good example:1.) Has a pity timer: This guarantees a Rare, Epic, or Legendary after a threshold is met. That way there is minimum amount of bad luck you can have. This allows you to get things now.2.) Unique Rewards (In this game that could be unlocks): (You get every legendary before you can get a duplicate)3.) Dust (Equivalent of Statues); however, you can unlock anything right away.
  6. I think a subscription model (outside of auto-pay gem bonus) at this point is income suicide. We have a history of MMO's trying to do this like Rift. After they do it, they lose consumer faith and die. These games didn't have Guild Wars 2 additional baggage:"Guild Wars 2 will never require a monthly subscription"
  7. I need (will buy) the following mount skins:1.) Primeval Skyscale (Complete Set)2.) Starlight Skyscale (Complete Set)3.) Rock Skyscale4.) Exalted Skyscale (Complete Set) Note: I pretty much have all the current Skyscale Skins. It will take something extraordinary outside of the above to get me to purchase another. I will not buy any of the new curious creaturesones, they are to close to what I have. Curious Creatures Supply Drop Requisition:Week 1:+Curious Creatures Mount Select License Your choice of (all older) Select License or a New Curious Creature Mount Adopt LicenseMythic Weapon Select Box2 Black Lions KeysWeek 2: Black Lion Weapon VoucherVictorious Dye KitFive Black Lion StatuettesSet of Baby MountsWeek Three: Black Lion Backpack and Glider VoucherTwo Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks2 Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets5 Guild Banners2 Heroic BoostersWeek Four: Black Lion Claim Ticket5 Black Lion Chest Keys1 Golden Lion Chest Key
  8. Honestly, the only sub option that I think would work is gem based. Subscribe for $20 a month get 2000 Gems. Get +400 gems from your auto payment. A lot of placed provide discounts for auto payments. People will buy things they wouldn't so it would balance out and make a stable income. Anything else would provide issues. I believe Arenanet should release more New Horizons Supply Drop Requisition. These almost work like a monthly subscription. I have bought every one.
  9. Let me introduce you to Rift. These kind of decisions are when the mass exodus begins.
  10. They really need to add a "Pity" timer to people that pay. I spent hundreds getting the Starlight Back/Glider. I do not regret my purchase (I no longer use it); however, I will not do that again. My loot drops were unreasonably terrible. It only took one really bad experience to save my thousands in the future. So I guess it worked out.
  11. Any news on a new version of Volatile Magic or Ice/Chilies will convert to it? My thoughts:The Mastery looked uninspiring. Was that little mine/bomb suppose the be the mastery? It looked clunky just watching it.I prefer fantasy/magic settings to industrial ones. My excitement went down significantly as a result. I am sure others will love it, just do not forget about us. :-)Looks unique. I just hope the event is rewarding.
  12. I am sure Arenanet thought of this scenario. I upgraded a bag to 28 slots a months ago. I was able to upgrade all the tailoring bags; however I am unable to upgrade the leather working bag. This upgrade would turn the bag from Soulbound to Account Bound anyway, I'm not sure why my leather worker can't see it to at least upgrade it in the bank. Does anyone have any ideas for me. Thanks <3
  13. I think it would make Reaper boring and much more simple to play. It would just be a major buff.Gravedigger spam under 50%, with very high healing per attack from Soul Eater, while we can receive healing from allies and take hits from enemies without loosing damage. Having high damage while our health is shielded is what allows to increase Reaper damage without make Reaper overpowered. We have to avoid taking damage before entering shroud, to not loose 5% bonus from Scholar runes.We have to avoid taking damage while we are in shroud, to not loose a lot of DPS.We can’t be healed while in shroud, so we loose a very big amount of incoming support and often there is not heal for us when, after leaving shroud, we really need it. Reapers that use Shroud to shield Health, are usually “bad Reapers”, and they do very low damage. They are also not really durable in fights (unless support is very good, but that has nothing to do with the strength of Reaper). I am just trying to find a quick and relatively easy fix.1.) You have to be alive for the first half of the fight, and still do good damage the first have of the fight. To maybe it does the most damage at 10%.2.) Let's say they buff Grave Digger damage at the 50% threshold damage by 20%. 5% of 20% is a 1% increase. I doubt anybody is going to notice the difference.3.) The Reaper rotation changes even more while the enemy is closer to death. In the end (where quite often more damage is going on) you will be doing more damage outside of using your life force. The time you probably want to use it to mitigate some of the damage. Meaning you are also more vulnerable to maximize your DPS potential.4.) Get rid of the cancel animation for the 300 DPS boost. (The above buff will more than justify it)5.) The theme of the Reaper doing more and more damage the closer the enemy is to death is cool. Obviously we don't want the whole buff to be around Grave Digger. It would be nice if Axe did more damage...but it's to safe to make it do close to as much damage as the Greatsword. Warhorn 5 could use a huge buff to become part of our rotation again. It may not be perfect, but I think it is a huge improvement.
  14. Giving it some thought. I really think a Grave Digger could use a significant buff. Increase the damage Grave Digger does at 50% damage, 25%, 15%. Kind of like Thief. That way it is a backloaded DPS spec and most of the damage is outside of shroud in that state.
  15. Friends and Fiance. For me it's co-op game where I keep connected with friends.
  16. Please just give me variety. I would like more options.
  17. Wouldn't it be nice to see buffs for under performing specs/abilities with the nerfs for a change? shrug
  18. Guardian is Tier 1 in every game mode. It has been on the top for over a year with no end in site. I would recommend trying Firebrand first. I recommend using metabattle.com while familiarizing yourself with the profession.
  19. It's not just this wings/glider -- almost all of the gliders that attach to the back (wing-type gliders) do not attach properly to an Asura's back. You can put in a ticket. But given that this has been an issue pretty much since when gliders became a thing, don't hold your breath for it to be fixed any time soon. Try to keep your camera behind the character so the gap isn't as apparent. I prefer gliders that don't have this issue for Asura (global types like bubble, electromagnetic, cube matrix, standing ones like super cloud, cryo, sheet music, or sitting ones like the broom, carpet, overseerer). You can see where they tried to fix the Dyanamics glider by adding a long stick to "attach" it to the back, I think because people complained why a glider DESIGNED for Asura still didn't properly attach to the back. Normally I would agree. But the Scaled Dragon Wings work fine. This uses the same skeleton. The back piece is located in the same place. The Glider for some reason moves up the body and off. If it was placed where the glider for the Scaled Dragon Wings is, it would have been a non-issue. I probably should make a ticket. I will ask for a refund if this isn't fixed.
  20. Does anyone know the best way to get Arenanet to fix the Asura bug? The Backpack looks fine. The Glider for some reason is higher up than the Scaled Dragon Wings. Which I think is causing the problem. The talons actually go through my head/hair when I switched helms while gliding. I had to put on specific helms to avoid that. The gap between you and the wings is weird. It looks like the wings are attached your your neck instead of your back. The Glider portion is obviously in the wrong position. If it the Glider was located on the same place on the back as the Scaled Dragon Wings, this would be a non issue.
  21. I feel like the profession carries me in every game mode coming from another profession.I also play Sagebrand found on meta battle. It seems to work better than symbolbrand for me.
  22. I noticed the Glider is higher up on the back than the Scaled Dragon Wings. The Scaled Dragon Wings placement on the back piece is the same as the glider and looks fine. They just need to move the glider lower on the back like Scaled Dragon Swings and attach it.
  23. My complaint is that they aren't even attached to my Asura while gliding. :-( I only use human characters like a big lame-o, so that was unknown to me. Surely it will be fixed soon in a hotfix.I noticed the Glider is higher up on the back than the Scaled Dragon Wings. The Scaled Dragon Wings placement on the back piece is the same and looks fine. They just need to move the glider lower on the back like Scaled Dragon Swings and attache it.
  24. My complaint is that they aren't even attached to my Asura while gliding. :-(
  25. The Asura only seem to have this bug. The connection is bugged. It is floating in the air instead of being connected to the back like the other races.
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