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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. I can't speak for exactly how GW2 is coded but it's not as difficult or as resource intensive as a general concept as one might think. Technically all that is required is for the game to record player inputs and then repeat them and essentially simulate a new game every time. It's how the first Doom replays worked back in the mid 90's. You also have replays of other multiplayer games, especially strategy games which also have very high APM and many players. Age of Empires 2 just as an example, allows for casting of recorded games where you can see a recorded game of up to 8 players accounting for each players point of view and everything. These replay files aren't huge by any stretch, only a few Mb for games that can last upwards of 30 minutes quite easily. You're probably right about it not happening though. I just think it's probably more than possible.
  2. I used to think it was on older items as a bit of a legacy feature, since the introduction of the wardrobe system and how account bound skins are automatically unlocked the whole thing seems a bit redundant. But even some new skins like the weapon sets in the wizard vault require you to confirm deletion. As I mentioned above, often these skins are automatically unlocked due to being account bound, what exactly are they protecting players from? It's not even as bad as deleting a transmutation charge in most cases. Something you can do with just a single yes/no confirmation. I think at least the majority of these confirmation dialogues could just be a second confirmation and not a spelling exercise. Are you sure? Are you really sure? Done. That should be more than sufficient to prevent absent minded deletion of the wrong thing by mistake. Having to type the name to delete something should only be on irreplaceable items that aren't account unlocks. Even then, a better system would be to have such items go to a "lost items" type merchant where you can reacquire them, even if for a small fee so it's not used as a kind of pseudo-bank.
  3. Mom can we have transmutation charges? We have Transmutation charges at home. Are you sure you want to delete transmutation charges at home? Please type "Transmutation charges at home".
  4. I've been there too, the last thing you want on a P/P condi build is to accidentally have your Hammer equipped from playing PvE power mech earlier. I can't say it's the reason, but one argument is that being able to swap weapons, even if only out of combat, does change the tactical options available to you in a game mode where builds are otherwise locked once the match starts. Engineer is designed to be a single weapon class due to the flexibility offered by kits, and similarly elementalist by their elements. If you were to run with hammer normally but want to make a tactical decision to switch to rifle mid match, by design you're not supposed to be able to. This isn't the case in other game modes because everyone can change their whole build as much as they like outside of combat. The weapon swapping on Engineer and Elementalist is more of a convenience factor in these game modes. One nice benefit that I like to make use of on engineer and elementalist is to run two of the same set in PvE and WvW. I put an on-kill stat boost like sigil of bloodlust on my second set and then swap to my main set once the stacks are maxed. Since this doesn't matter in PvP, it would be more beneficial to run an alternative weapon set if swapping out of combat were to be permitted. Something that isn't meant to be in the design philosophy of the professions.
  5. Allow live match spectating, and spectating of completed matches. Including the chat. Even if it doesn't stop bad behaviour, it at least allows for better analysis after the fact. Might make some toxic players think twice, knowing their behaviour can be more easily shared and reviewed.
  6. Short answer yes, though if you're in a guild it may be your guild tag someone has a vendetta against, rather than you specifically.
  7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_armor Well each piece needs a gift of expertise, which includes 600 ecto for 12 amalgamated kryptis essences, these run about 190g according to wiki, so 1,140g You need 3 gifts of magical prosperity (Gloves, Legs, Boots) and 3 of Mighty Prosperity (Helm, Chest, Shoulders), these cost 205g and 135g respectively for a total of 1,020g You also need two sets of armour that each cost a full set of gifts (fangs, blood, scales, etc. average about 20g) a purified kryptis essence (amalgamated essence plus a clover, 22g), plus some other stuff. So at least 42g per piece, x6 pieces, x2 armour sets (astral ward and oneiros spun) for 504g. On top of this there is a still as yet unreleased item, this could be another armour set. Conservative estimate thus far about 2,664g This doesn't account for the insane amount of account bound items you have to farm, the full set requires 18,000 essences of despair, 7,200 essences of greed, 3,600 essences of triumph, 1,500 exotic essences of luck, 30 cases of captured lightning, stardust, and congealed screams, 1,500 unusual coins, static charges, pinches of stardust, or calcified gasps, 300 provisioner tokens, and at least 6,000 research notes. On top of all this, we're going to be getting a visual upgrade in a later update much like the gen 3 legendary weapons, which we don't know the cost for.
  8. I mean, I'd like to see my subgroup number when in list view.
  9. It's true, I was there... Or at least, my friend was there... He told me his brother was there or a friend of his uncle or something. Anyway it definitely happend.
  10. Build is so strong it will probably carry the whole team, honestly needs looking at. ๐Ÿคฃ Imagine though right?
  11. But that was my favourite bubble ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  12. Seeing the progression of that post talking about AI solving captchas in 2021 up to a few months ago gives me the existential dreadies.
  13. I'm one of those people, but only waiting to see what it looks like to decide which weight to get. Means I'm holding off on my WvW set too as I will be crafting whichever set I don't get in Obsidian. That was sort of the point of this armour, it was meant to be easy in terms of what you have to actually do, but balanced by the cost.
  14. It'll be because your mouse is still highlighting selectable characters even with no UI visible. Moving your mouse around can also help. Agree it would probably be better if it was also removed along with the other UI elements as I don't know why you'd want to select something with UI hidden, as you can't see the selection anyway.
  15. They are looking at the guardian icon in the match history ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  16. The sheer amount of supporting skills you need to put into the build to capitalize on the interaction justifies it, in my opinion. You may disagree and that's fine, but that build is good at one thing and one thing only, deleting other glass cannon builds that aren't paying attention. You get an opportunity to stun break, it's before the pull completes. That's the point though, anything that doesn't get deleted by the burst is basically free to retaliate. You'd be surprised how easy it is to mess up the combo, or fall just shy of getting the kill, or If you're interrupted by another player joining in. The circumstances have to be just right to get this to work, as evidenced by how little this build is run with any great success. Elementalist is the only other class with as small a health pool and lower armour than the thief, and they often run celestial stats when roaming anyway. Some bursty mesmers or Rangers might also make good targets, but likely require further follow-up shots to down. It means that it's not nearly as potent as you seem to believe it to be. By your own admission this has happened to you once in thousands of hours. Doesn't that tell you something about how difficult it is to make any use of this "dumb, degenerate, unhealthy, toxic skill interaction"? If your argument is that it sucks to be killed by it, then yes I agree. But it isn't problematic. Why isn't it problematic? Because it isn't causing problems. Not really, I still don't think it justifies a salty whine post dripping in sarcasm about this terrible "I win" button skill interaction that has been demonstrated to you to be anything but an "I win" button. Oh bore off, being a thief main is not a protected characteristic. You're not a victim, this is a videogame discussion. No one has been abused. You're probably right, given the nature of the forums, some of the posters probably do have an opinion on stealth and other bursty combos. Many such builds are easier to play and more effective than what is being discussed here too. I can't speak for anyone else but I don't have a personal issue with any of those either, because most of the time I am able to deal with them as well. Bias and prejudice do exist yes, but you're aiming that at the wrong person here. Maybe it shouldn't but until it becomes an actual issue there are many other skills I'd see given attention in terms of good balance before this. As it stands I do not have a problem with it given how difficult it is to make use of it in any meaningful way, if it was an easy "I win" button, I think you would see it far more frequently. Ultimately I guess we do disagree, I am glad we were able to have such a lively discussion.
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