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patton the great.7126

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Everything posted by patton the great.7126

  1. I crafted predator 8 or so years ago soley for that sound. The rifle looks ok. But that sound is what wins the game. Don't mess with my predator!
  2. Other games to be lied to and promised things all over again! We truly are a gullible group!
  3. Meaningful content? I mean don't get me wrong, I know how Meaningful fun and adventurous it is to stand in a spot and fish all day what for you can do in real life with better rng....and I know that we needed a boat to drive around the water in, cause the skimmer was certainly just not passing the vibe check. I know we also probably need instanced player housing because let's be honest we all need to rent 1 of 3 amazing apartments available to all to place our siege commander spoon collection in, but would it be to much to ask.....for Meaningful content?
  4. Ya soulbeast is the real issue with WvW. Finally a voice of reason! Not condi everything and That new guard build. No it's a completely watered down build that any modicum of skill can beat that is the issue!
  5. Stand on your own 2 feet. WAGE hit and run tactics. Pick off zergling loot bags. Crush the enemy roamers, man the siege. You do not need to follow some hidden auctioneer to inflict damage on the enemy. Be relentless, make the enemy regret your servers roaming power. Or you could....join a wvw guild and get in on the auctioneer mayhem
  6. I've been out of the loop for awhile. So what exactly did they do to drive the price back down to below a gold? Eod was like a weekend jaunt, map complete then move on. Wasn't that memorable so I've probably missed what ever they added to hurt the coins. Was it these incredibly underwhelming gemstore quality leggies that came out with? That would make sense to me if that's the case.
  7. Chrono was a total blast for PvP when it came out. It lasted for quite sometime. Now it's forgivable to not remember as it stood in the shadow of the completely braindead reaper and Dragonhunter builds that ever noob and his step daddy was running. Chrono was the single greatest point lock down prof for both PvP and WvW. The cc coupled with burst or even the condi build was nasty. Was even a very nasty sinister build that made the rounds in wvw. It was a very hard out before nerf after nerf destroyed it.
  8. I fear chrono/mirage dominated in competitive enviorments for so long that nothing will change. This goes for all 3 modes. It's just where we are. We had our time in the sun sadly.
  9. You know. I decided to bite the bullet. Oh I changed my power mirage build. Now I 1 shot almost every single Cele I come across. I have to admit, if my combo and setup fail I'm dead in the water, but goodness is it fun af to play this style again. Mirage is the answer boys and girls.
  10. Should make the grumpy golem backpack sound like the robot from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I think the villain from diehard was his voice, Hans gruber, international business man and friend to germany!
  11. I'm so glad someone brought up how pedestrian and incredibly disappointing this pack is. I mean no skimmer.....ok no beetle sure...but no turtle....LOL
  12. False, it's actually more time consuming and more expensive to craft WvW mist forged leggy armor. Our skins should literally be the single best to get in the game.
  13. For the detractors, have you played mirage in the current state? While true it does still have nice damage, it isn't sustainable. I mean part of what made mirage viable was its ability to weave in and out of combat. Now you can be locked down by just about any even averagely played profession. If your initial burst misses ur finished. You have no way to escape with all the reveals/stunlocks/roots. I mean if your afraid condi mirage will return your crazy. Perplexity runes/ torment runes are nerfed to heck and back. The traits aren't there anymore to pull off that annoying clone spam with heavy condi pressure. It won't be any worse than the Cele plague that's rotting away the game anyway.
  14. No core mesmer could ever replicate the raw damage that I could put out. Thankfully very few mirages had mastered the class and resorted to just condi trash. The potential for damage was higher than that condi core guard that dominated with those silly swords in the same zerg busting role. I just honestly need the dodge back as well as the repeal of that stupid exhaustion cop out of a nerf. I'm sorry mang, but base mesmer has never been able to do what power mirage could pre nerf. If you fought prime [YUM] chances are you ate my damage.
  15. As a once proud power mirage main, I do request to have our 2nd dodge back. Times have significantly changed. The justification for the nerf years ago no longer exists. Both the exhaustion nerf as well as the loss of 1 of our dodges is no longer necessary. Condi mirage is a joke even if they restore them. Power mirage is a true joy to play. These nerfs singlehandedly killed powers survivability. This pertains to WvW restrictions. I know already before anyone says anything that they are separate and that mirage in PvE is just fine. In a world where Celestial is running wild on everybody, we need power mirage now MORE THAN EVER! Let me do the lord's work in thinning out the celestial abominations!
  16. Rorschachs journal, a warrior died today. Roll on snare drum. Good joke. Devs laugh. Good joke! Fade to black. Watchman>all of mcu
  17. I disagree. this is a public forum, and a public event is being pushed. The public event with roots in real life and a public real world charity is being pushed on a video game website. REAL world money is being panhandled for this charity via a video game website. NONE of which has anything to actually do with a video game people come to for an escape from reality....Just to use your logic. Now if the rights exists to perform this parade, and it does as Anet is totally fine with it, then do tell me why someone should not have a right to voice their concern about the event and the charity and the MEANING behind it??? That person has just as much right, in fact I'd argue more to voice their reasons for not blindly following even though they are of the same demographic as what the event and charity "allegedly" support. Thankfully Anet allows all kinds of free speech and some cancel culture warrior can't come along and decide that Valisha's opinion needs to be censored. I honestly wish Anet would vet this Charity now that Valisha has brought to light some of these understandable concerns before allowing it to be hocked here. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they should have to find some where else to say it. Especially when ther person has feelings that concern this very subject.
  18. I disagree completely. Maybe i'm just someone who thinks everyone is entitled to their own belief and voice. Valisha felt compelled enough to come on here and give their 2 cents about this issue. THEIR POINT OF VIEW is that of someone that this "CHARITY" is reasonably in the same context of. Yet you can clearly see that Valisha has a differing opinion on it from what I assume is a 1st person point of view on the horrors that they faced. So automatically instead of asking what his/her experience was or what lead to the language that she/he chose, their view must be squashed and discarded? Personally I find this kind of censorship abhorrent and uncalled for. Then again i'm used to this kind of censorship coming from a very large college where it's their view or the highway. As soon as someone deviates from their idea of how everyone should be, break out the cancel culture. Someone needed to say something. I'm frankly disgusted, especially since this is supposed to be a time of healing and support. If anything this makes for an unhealthy and frankly unwelcoming experience. Next time think before you type. All lives matter and deserve a voice, even those who disagree with you.
  19. I don't have a dog in the fight as I (respectfully) neither support this nor care, but this response is unbelievable! Valisha clearly has had a hugely Negative experience in life, something that most will thankfully never ever know,, and offers insight to what ever charity thats being hocked and then is told to not feel the way they feel!! I'm a troll by nature and even I was moved by what was said. I mean what the actual. The person just said life was a lost cause and that's the response. I'm at a loss for words. As a conservative I believe everyone has a right to live whatever life they choose. Contrary to what the media tells you when people like me hear about persecution for personal beliefs it hurts. It hurts to know how good we have it here in America and how much people take it all for granted. I genuinely hope no one ever has to experience persecution for what they like, how they live, and who they are.
  20. And yet it still says I need to complete all 4? Why did I lose something that was available to me since I completed all dungeons around launch yet now I can't buy new gifts for what amounts to a dead mode? As a WvW'r i'm 100% used to disappointment and neglect, but this just seems outrageous, why fix something that isn't even broken? I get rolling all currencies into 1, but why the heck take away something that we have already unlocked? Why even mess with abandoned content? Judging by the front page of both here and reddit I can't help but feel like i'm not alone in these feelings...
  21. The availability of stats argument really is void anymore. People would still milk the same stats that are super op. I was a big supporter in wvw maintaining the pve stat system. However most run the same stats. Either zerker, Mara. Celle, maybe viper. And whatever the healer set is. Min maxing doesn't exist anymore. Not with this Cele garbola
  22. Nah forget that, just hire the team that does Swtors promo videos. The game is hot garbage but those pros make a pristine video. They make me almost want to resub....almost
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