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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. It makes no sense what so ever.. Skyscale is more popular yet one skin is 2000gems yet another pack is 1600gems both skyscale.. Completely normal...😂
  2. Again this is why Tyria needs complete over hauls..
  3. Not really my taste sadly i'm after more Exo skins or Synergenics been waiting on Exo Skyscale for ages and now Exo Turtle as well.
  4. They are under the terrain as well. they do not have the same things to deal with like players do.
  5. Its not just champs a lot of EoD events are timed and the enemies are such hp sponges or teleport and vanish permanently, it takes too long to complete the events.. and fail, other reasons as well. EoD events are just cookie cutter pointless events that award currencies no one wants outside of legendary farmers..
  6. No its too fast and robot like, people are different to botters.. they appear and disappear in less than second and so many do it, players are at least farm the node accurately and tend to move after logging in.. bots are mechanical. If you have seen node botters you'd know the difference. They are nothing like players.
  7. If they did that no one would buy expansions... I'm on your side though i agree they need to do it, make older content actually useful across the board.
  8. So its ok to break the ToS and exploit the game as long as you don't affect Anets bottom line...
  9. It bothers me more when the devs mess up.. In EoD yao states hes worried the jade tech will be gone and his arm wont work if you talk to him after the kaineng meta.. He then states he needs to find one of those little guys... an Asura.. maybe they have alternative tech... I'm an Asura running beside him.. 😏
  10. Just stand at expensive nodes long enough and you see the botters appear farm and disappear like clockwork.. if players can see these things why can't the developers?
  11. I would say cut pre events in all EoD maps.. they are needless filler and they make people not want to bother.. Also add more way points in Kaineng, the distance hinders bothering.. On a similar note make all EoD events scale with players, if you don't they will stay not done, i avoid 99% of EoD events now because the maps are so dead and i cannot even complete them solo.. also the rewards aren't worth even bothering with.
  12. You know exactly what i mean and no i hate sports, you really think i'd be playing GW2 if i loved Sports? I'm not competitive in the slightest. I don't care who wins in sport and Gw2 as its its a pointless thing to strive for. I do not like hardcore content thats not why i play games and i do not get a sense of accomplishment out of hardcore gaming.
  13. Ncsoft is too busy pumping money into Linage to care about GW2.. Also the people running Anet only care about the GW2 economy and cash shop.. to be bothered with something trivial like marketing the actual game. They used to have amazing trailers in GW1 then nothing, weird watercolor fan like things these days.
  14. I guess.. I could finally see how much damage i actually really do, which i guess is nice.. But it would have to support condi and power builds. I 100% agree if arc is being used to limit players by seeing how much damage other players are doing it needs to go immediately. that is abuse. Yet another reason to stay away from raids.
  15. No to many unlock means it opens them up to use.. If you unlock a door or a gate you can walk through it, its either misinformation or badly worded on Anets part.
  16. I mostly play owpve map completions and stories where the rewards are non existent i don't do many metas or wvw no pvp or fractals i hate that content. But all that is unobtainable in owpve content.. So think yourself lucky that you game mode hand feeds you everything.. the rest of us not so much.
  17. I mostly play my specter these days, it give heaps of boons with an aoe skill.
  18. The scanning expansion.. i mean 25% of the story was scanning jade. The rested buff should give boosted karma, unbound and volitile magic in all sources to make it useful.
  19. Yes it should work the other way as well. both should be blocked.
  20. Tonics should basically turn the player into whatever they are permanently until the player decides to change back, that includes mounts fighting and everything.. They would then be effectively new races which is what people asked for since release.
  21. Don't buy them? I've never had over 2500g and that was from gems in 9 years, 660g is a lot. especially on something so useless.
  22. They aren't that price on my server, they all cost just about 2100gems
  23. I'm at 13.3k and its still super hard as hell to level up, that's over 9 years. You do not unlock living worlds by buying expansions you must buy them as a secondary, waiting on gold to gems or free gems would take someone years to see the living stories free.. So never then ok.. Sure a new player will be able to do that..
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