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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Yes i would, Felicia Day Voice pack or Other Asura, the male Asura one can be very annoying. Lord Faren Voice pack? Also a forum poll is useless here because the Forum is full of people against Gem purchasing (i don't really understand the hate personally because its what pays for the game), the in game population is not the same as here.
  2. While i agree the Warclaw is pretty useless its closer to the raptor than the Jackal.. And fyi i prefer the jackal to both of them. I get the same i'm not that fussed i think its funny as. I'm glad they took the time 😂
  3. I don't mind if it was occasionally but lately it feels like i'm switching maps more than i'm playing.. i 100% blame the metas.. those people are causing the map switching.
  4. I don't mind green, i just feel GW2 has lost its self in this expansion, and its customers, i'm more of a high fantasy type customer and find jade tech garish and ugly and full of loop holes.. I mean the jade sea is melting.. the Canthans make everything out of jade tech.. that's melting.. why isn't all their statues and gear melting as well.. c'mon Anet your better than this. I'm with the op i dislike the whole future is now Cantha, its really silly and ugly. This wasn't the GW2 i signed up for tbh. Again i like green, not the Jade tech designs.. And if we can recolor the Jade tech mask and boat why can't we recolor the jade tech Mechanist golem/robot thing. I never liked the whole charr industry either.. Its all really ugly and far fetched.. I tend to avoid charr areas.
  5. If you need to make Ascended gear a lot its about 300 gold a week.
  6. I've done it 5 or 6 times and i've only seen a win once.. The crazy mechanics are stupid. That Tail and bite, aoes completely across the terrain, then half the terrian, smaller aoes all over with adds, the freezing you to waste time, the knocking you off the platforms as wisps to waste time that you can never get back up, the bubbles, the mini bosses platforms the parts i've forgotten... Can't even hit SooWon cause she never stands still. We only get two dodges fellas.. And to top it all off the requirement to even get the meta and not have a map change.. then adding players trying to fish or do their story at the same time... And even if you pass the meta lol the rewards are garbage.. Hours work and yes its work, for nothing. Its all just dumb and pointless
  7. We should have had full sets of armor.. but all we get is one piece of gear that really is pretty random and really ugly.. everything else is hidden behind Black Lion shops and chests.. Nearly every armor these days is either useless stat wise or hidden behind achievements only 10% want to chase to get, the rest is so ugly basic no one wants it anyway or sold for gems.
  8. The difference is a race change would keep the years the character has been made, deleting would reset the birthdays and progress applied to them. I have multiple Norn and Humans i made 9 years ago that are all my master crafters that i'd love to switch to Asura so i'd actually play on them. I only play Asura these days as they are my favorite, so deleting them is a no no..
  9. So busy dodging Aoes and tail attacks, being frozen, turning into pointless wisps and not being able to get back up, ressing people, shooting bubbles, being thrown off the platform by stupid mechanics, not being able to actually target the boss in the mess, i'm surprised anyone can do more than 3k dps on the boss..
  10. I can't hear anything with every ones attacks hitting him/her, Its not just bleed its stacks of daze and torment and they make you limp etc way more what bleed, also the channel for the spear is an orange circle and they very much kill you fast, my specter hp went down in less than a second standing there trying to channel. she has about 20k hp. the dots aoe overlap the channel aoes as well.
  11. I wasn't alone there were about 10 people attacking it.
  12. Try doing that with over 250ms ping.. I did that and its dots killed me in seconds, faster than i could channel the spear. Even a cc cleanse didn't help.
  13. Yea they are they give me BL scrips for all sorts of nice things, the rest is just a bonus..
  14. That's funny building a low intensity build on the class almost nobody plays. 🤣
  15. Heh poor EoD. I blame the Aetherblades, what a terrible enemy.
  16. It could be easily implemented, all they have to do is ask a few questions about your life path and switch armor isn't a big deal. all you need to do is remove all armors/weapons before the race change tonic / contract is applied.
  17. I've seen him there when we return to the dock a few times, he speaks all over again.
  18. Does it matter really if something was slightly easier in one game mode.. And i'm sure anet can be as nasty to pve ow for legendaries as they are for all the other game modes.
  19. Pick up Detective Rama in your boat. Boat Tour for Two 1https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/cd/AP.png/20px-AP.png Give Rama a nice boat ride across Cantha's waters.
  20. Soo Won isn't effort its just badly designed and buggy as.
  21. Kind of on topic. I found these really informative if they are accurate.
  22. I dunno if there is help for it, seems like a bug or a server issue.
  23. You can't play the steam release as an existing customer, who would buy all GW2 again just to play on steam?
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