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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Its nothing to do with balance its another time gate thing so to get it you must go through all the hero points to use it..
  2. Hello i've been attempting certain achievements in EoD and a couple have been totally not doable for me. The early achievement when fighting the Aetherblades and Aurene gives you a skill to jump from boat to boat is impossible for me, the reason is i put my cursor over the area to jump and for some reason the server drags me off after i land, the place i picked it slides me off the area and i lose a jump completely, unfairly.. It happens every single time i attempt this and multiple times a mission, i believe its a ping time thing as i'm above 250ms from Australia to USA? Another Achievement is the cannons hitting you on the same mission, how are you expected to dodge them with 250ms ping as well as being hit, by the time you see them you've already been hit and Achievement gone.. I feel these Achievements are so out of touch for any one not living close to the servers these days.. Kinda unfair to be honest.
  3. Yep same in Icebrood Aurene was vacant for maybe 60%. Can still hear her talk though.
  4. I personally think Steam release will be pitiful unless they let existing accounts use it as well.. No chance i'd make a steam GW2 account and go through all that 9 years grind again to play on steam.. I feel it will be dead on steam after 3 months, sadly.
  5. While Australia is in Oceanic we technically are a UK Commonwealth..
  6. Oh my god what the hell is wrong with these people.. OP no.
  7. Like i said no issue with adding a few thousand devs with what GW2 rakes in.
  8. Yes for me they did, Specter is an amazing class, i think this is the longest i've ever played a thief, Mechanist is now my main and untamed is my third fav, Virtuoso is really awesome mesmer and willbender isn't bad.. Bladesworn is a mess though. I feel bad for Warriors.
  9. Totally agree. Although i did not ask for fishing.. Personally if i want to go fishing i'd go real life fishing.. Not whatever this virtual thing is.
  10. They've been around 9 years, i don't think its going to change anytime soon.
  11. Some of the new content is good, if they followed EoD style updates i'd be down, less so HoT and Pof, no i'd totally agree with you. That said they have to be careful what they add because new customers need! to level up in them so adding Hot like content might end the game over night.
  12. In no time equals 20min? a day? a week? a month? a Year? Bare in mind 20 mins in there is like pulling teeth while sliding down a 30 foot razor blade edge... Actually check again most Exotic Gear is over a gold per piece.
  13. Jp got blocked due to the Griffon, they were blocked before the Skyscale was made.
  14. Yes they should have development crews for all aspects, different groups for different content, its not like they aren't pulling in millions of dollars, they could fund thousands of Devs if they wanted to. Read above.
  15. All collections are miserable and disappointing.. its in their nature to be that way. I never bothered doing Vision.
  16. I dunno but i personally found the defensive to be more useful.
  17. If you are good with twitch like game play it might be but for me no it isn't.. i personally just tried it hated it and moved on.. i luckily bought some keys and had enough fish for my turtle. I will probably never bother with fishing again. And i wont even waste the masteries on it.
  18. How is it easy? i'm level 11 in wvw out of 9 years in Gw2, i have my warclaw but never went back, how is it easy for me to get all this Ascended armor..
  19. Yes they are, why because they paid the same for a game as you did, they are people just like you and you are not better than them even if you believe you are. Everyone deserves equal share in a game no matter what content they enjoy.
  20. No wonder populations are dying in mmorpgs. Its not a legendary mount, its not even close to a legendary mount.. all it has going for it is it hovers and slowly rises, thats not legendary at all.
  21. Laying there dead and not being able to help my team, yeah i was, i would even if i'd fallen at 1%.. It had zero to do with skill he cheap shotted us and knocked us down with a long cool down on our skills, then hit us as soon as we were on the ground.. the people who tried to ress us had another explosive effect on them.. which killed us. That is just cheap timed skills designed to kill you no matter what. They are nothing to do with players skill its a poor mechanic which Anet has devised to make you lose. Its a large reason i don't do content like this usually.. Skill has zero to do with it its all luck and chance. Not if you want certain rewards that only this junk gives. It very much is... Why would you force customers into content like strikes that should never ever be in there ever, one it makes them feel useless, two it causes fights with the communities, three it broadens the divide between those communities and four it make people angry at the developers.. People who dislike raids, strikes, wvw, pvp etc, do not ever want to do them.. ever. Forcing your customer base into them does nothing good to your game socially or constructively.
  22. A large percentage of customers don't even like WvW and never once step in there.
  23. You buy keys just have some random fun, not to expect anything. You will feel better if you use them like that. I mostly buy keys for the little lion scrips i can use on stuff later.
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