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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. Its bad enough in ESO we don't need it here... Again, the key word here is “optional”. Those that don’t like it don’t have to use it. These things are never optional even if the devs say it is..
  2. Yes very much so op, Its why i stopped doing WvW after i returned.. Adding mounts behind a grind was a massive mistake.. plus the inane run to get to the zerg over and over is terrible now. How to turn a disliked game mode into something now hated.. Expansions aren't pay to win. Get out.They are after mounts, e-specs and masteries were added...
  3. They are also really really bad compared to what they used to be.
  4. As someone who's played this game a pretty good bit going all the way back to launch, this list is pretty kitten accurate. I think they've over-focused on the LW concept and under-focused on pretty much everything else, so you have poorly designed systems and balance issues that have sat static for years while, on top of that, very few new features come in. I'd also like to emphasize "its content being way too frustrating for the standard customer" <- I think this is a bigger deal than people realize. The story instances, for example, are often so punishing they aren't fun. Even as an experienced gamer who does not suck at this game, I throw my hands with "kitten" quite often when fighting story bosses. On and off i've played since launch myself, the games fun on the surface but the above is why this game never took off like "others" did. And yes the bar has become insane.. mostly conditions on enemies have made the game into a die rinse repeat fiasco.
  5. Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed. The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.Wow...Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers. Take note Anet i hope. Core and Mirage do fine in Open world. Its only Chrono that got awkward due to losing all its short fight tools. Old Mesmer was back loaded damage with sustained output, because the majority of its damage was on Phantasms. The flaw in the design is that Phantasm were periodic bursts, had long cool downs, and shattering killed off your source of damage. New Memser works the way most other classes worked for years. A lot of front loaded burst damage on moderate cool downs, and you no longer have resource contention with shatters. This allows mesmers to be even more aggressive, and further leverage all the effects offered to shatters through much of your trait choices. Once you understand this potential, even Chrono can be used effectively in spite of its heavily nerfed state. So they have zero uniqueness great and they are squishy as so one mistake or lag or missed hand eye coordination and your downed.. gotcha.. Try playing one with a 300 ping time then get back to me... I'm dead faster than i can say dead again! Back to my Guardian, have fun. Uniqueness has never helped, because too much of the game values pure damage output. The entire group structure in Raids and Fractals revolves around the Supports generating damage bonuses, so the groups DPS is high enough to potentially blow past entire phases of a fight. Open world is a war of attrition.... so front loading lethal damage nullifies the need for defenses, since a dead enemy deal Zero damage. Plus I forgot if its been pointed out yet or not (I have to keep bringing it up because it seems like it never gets through to people's heads). But Mesmers have all the defensive benefits of a Thief with an army of Ranger pets, provided you're smart enough to use them correctly. Its not hard given how poor the AI behavior is. Just send the illusions in first, then add your own damage once the target is distracted. Also..... 360 Ping, get on my level. Sure sure.. enjoy..
  6. Personally think the wiki could be more user friendly.. many things are very hard to understand.. and recipes do not help a newer customer, as it doesn't give enough info on how to acquire many things.
  7. Looking at those weapon skins not really that much.. But no Being Australian Halloween isn't celebrated here.. Although the shops would like it to be lol..
  8. What makes this game good? Its fun in very short bursts but as mmorpgs go i'm not sure i'd consider it good?
  9. This game is a one track pony.. Offense offense offense.. Everything else is meaningless.. Sad but its the developers design i guess. Also condi on enemies is out of control.. its become stupid.
  10. Actually it does exist because of donors and good will.. Do you really think the games costs cover the games upkeep.. No its because of us donating money to get gems through our good will.. But they do make money when people buy gems to exchange for gold. The exchange rate is reactive. Every time people buy gems with gold, it moves the exchange rate in favor of gems (that is, gems can buy more gold), which makes it cheaper to buy in-game items with fixed gold prices, like icy runestones or the griffon mount. That implicitly raises the value of gems, which entices more people to buy them. A person that does 10x Raids get 200 goldA person that pays will real money will get 250 goldSo if some1 wants some small costs item from the Trading Posts , he better of go farming , because he dont get a trementous amount of boost , with real money .A person that wants a Costumes , wont transform their real cash > gems > gold>gems >buy item , to benefit for the ''boost'' of gold from from other playersAnd even then , the system will takes a 25% cut , going back at 200 goldThat why the company said many times that low costs items > ppl wont buy them with cash .And when they cost 400 gems , but was RNG , ppl whined about predator mechanics .malaka Different thing is the ingame economy:The gold i got 20 min agao by coverting gold>gems , i ''bought'' them from some1 who spent real money 5 years .We the players use existing money from day 1 launch of GW2 till now that is circulated throught the system)Recycle-Circulation of PAST BITCOIN MONEY is different thing from NEEDING NOW 10/10/2019 REAL MONEY TO KEEP THE SERVERS UPTHE BITCOIN MONEY OF THE PAST have been alreaydy used to create the content like LS2 or Living Story 3 , or pay the 400 workers10/10/2019 NEW REAL MONEY (not gold>gems) is needed to create new content a.k.a LS6 or 3rd expanion or play the 288 workersYou are curently using old money .... used money....already spent....caput money...bitcoins......circulated....bought from some1 4-5 years ago whos doesnt play or breathes... Different thing ingame economy , effecting players / different thing to keep up the servers You do know that gems go poof when you spend them in the gemstore right?So people who bought gems to gold and gold to gems 5 years ago most likely already poofed away said gems.Without new people buying gems and adding them to the gem pool we would have alot high gold to gem conversion like for example 1k for 100 gems.And not anyone I know would spend gold to gem for that conversion instead buying gems directly from anet. So dont worry anet is still getting cash for gems to this day the old gems and cash have been spent years ago aswell. Without the circulation system , that is based like in real money (your dollar that you spent in the supermarket , in 1-2 year will come back on your hands -they are not printing new dollars every single year for a reason) . What do you believe ?That a single player that pays 300 dollars per month in the game > getting 24.000 gems , can subtain 50 ''free'' players ?24.000:50 player = each player can only get 480 gems and no more for this month ?And theres a limit like a bunkrupt country , where it forces you to get only 480 for this month ?And w8 till the same player puts another 300 dollars in next month , so you can convert another 480 gems ? Even theres a aboudance of players that using real money , that each person with 300 dollars can ''carry'' 10 players per month ?so 24.000 gems :10 player = each player can convert 2400 gems per month and a pop up message afterwards slap you with : ''the machines is out of cash , plz try next month'' Simple answer (personal answer C maths:P) : When the game launched the mathematician that did the system insterted some random numbers :The games launced with 1 billion gemsEvery 3 months 15% will be removedIf ppl buy with real cash the ''pricepool'' will be increased by those gemsIf few gems are incerted by bying with real money , then more costly it will become for gold>gemsLow the amount subtracted from 15% > 8% with each year the games get older You dont seem to know how it work if I spend 10 dollars and buy gems they are mine it wont go into the gem pool unless I convert said gems to gold by buying gold from the exchange.If I decide to instead spend it in the gemstore my gems goes poof they are used up gone.So there is no circulation you speak of old gems get either held on accounts or vanish if used in the gemstore.Thats not taking into account the % of gems that get deducted as tax when buying gold or the gold that vanishes as tax when buying gems. About you 300 dollar person yes it works exactly like that but the less gems that are in the pool the more the free players as you call them will have to spend gold to get said 480 gems it wont be equal for all of them.So if lets say 20 of them spend and the gem to gold raises enough for another person to buy 300 gems and convert to gold,Anet have then got 2 persons paying.And thats what it continues to do people spend their ingame time (gold) to entince the people with less ingame time to spend thier hard currency (cash) to get what they want ingame. No , a person that uses 300 dollars > he will put ingame 24.000 gemsAs you said ...some will be forced to spend more gold >gems , because they prices will spike up .But still if all 20 players get 480 each (regadles of how many Gold they spent) ...then a pop up message will show up and say : ''I AM SORRY THE MACHINE DONT HAVE MORE GEMS, TRY NEXT MONTH'' ?The company will give them a loan of Gems?Where the extra gems (if you want 100 more) will come up ? Again ppl that are using real money to buy the Costumes or Lion Key Boxxes (?) (not many use money to get gold , you can do 15 days of Fractals) then those Gems as you said , they incerted in the system and after 1 min theyare destroyed by bying the costumes .Why doesnt the company offer some : ''BUY GEMS AND GET 200 EXTRA GOLD , RATHER THAN BUYING OUR COSTUMES .... YOU PREFER GOLD WE SEE IN OUR DATA''Where again the gems for the gold>gem conversion comes? If the person buying 24.000 gems dident buy gold with it from exchange zero of those gems will be added to the pool.If the pool is empty noone will be able to exchange gold and get gems untill other people fill it up with new gems by trading their gems for the gold in the exchanges gold pool. If there is zero gems then window in exchange will show you can trade zero gold for zero gems. Anet wont loan any gems if you want 100 more wait or buy with cash. How do you know how many people use real money to buy gold or just spend their gems in the gemstore directly? Yes if they dont put them into the exchange it wont enter those trading pools at all so it will get destroyed by buying things from trading post or just sitting on their account waiting to get spent. Why the company dont offer gold when buying gems is quite simple inflation, if they created more gold from nothing it would negatively affect the game.The game already create alot of gold by us killing monsters and looting so having the gold to gem/gem to gld and taxing the transactions both ways combat inflation alot. The gems comes from players buying the gold people have sold for gems in the past with new gems they bought with cash. EditIf you read the reddit thread the economist that used to work for anet john smith could have told you all this but you refused to read it, I even copy pasted the answers to you. Yes you am comming to my point of view slowly .When you say ''he gems comes from players buying the gold people have sold for gems in the past with new gems they bought with cash.''what do you mean ?I say those gems are from day 1 LanchWhat about you ? They where 3 months ago ?So 300 dollars x 3 months = 72.000 incerseted gems by a single player :20 player = each person can get 3600 gems every 3 months , till the single guy puts 1000 dollars in the next 3 months ? The company have data that shows that ppl are buying Costumes and Lion boxes for the rare drops to sell them on the TP .But theres some ppl in the past that have used 4.000ingame farmed gold to buy the boxes , and they get personal skins and items that can be sold from the TP for 1000-1200 gold . Theres a net loss hereEven if some1 used their real money to gem>gold > he would spent 100 dollarrs >20.000 gold and stop .Or even ven do it 5 times , to buy all the Garden plots + 8 precursorNot every month x 7 yearsIf he uses real money to gems > buy costumes +boxes the gems vanishes , like never existed New gems fill the gem pool when players buy gems with cash and then decided to exchange them for gold. If they dont exchange them for gold no new gems get added and the gold to buy gems raises we dont see the 100 gems for 1 gold anymore that was there at launch do we? You are completely correct that if you buy gems for cash then spend them on the gem store they vanish exchange dont change in either direction. Some gems would have been there form launch yes but you know why?People dont want to pay 10.000 gold for the last gems that are in the pool they rather buy new gems and when gems pool get drained to low other people will see they can get alot more gold for their gems and exchange them for gold untill a equilibrium is reached. I dont know why you think its only 1 person buying gems can assure you there are alot of people buying gems for hard earned cash.But yes if there is no gems it dont matter if you have 1 million gold you wont be able to get any gems untill someone trade gems for the gold that flow in the exchange gold pool. a) We are styding the ratio or ppl using real money/farming goldNot all 100% of GW2 players use real money every month . So 1x pays and 20x enjoy the game , its more or less 10% of the ppl paying money .Which is a farly accurate number i think b) From 10% the company gets money , for past and future projects .The gem incerted into the system is ''manipulated'' by the players , like a free food coupon.The company cannot use the already free ingame food coupon from the 10% player to create more money to pay the bills . c) Spiking numbers from the gold>gem convertion is not the 90% of the community have the idea that is helping the company to allure more ppl to spent more money.Simple answer is the 90% dont want to use money (like myself) .10% pays , not 20%The rest are having fun Until ppl understand themself that simply dont want to spent money and try to find excuses , i will bite them in the kitten You do know that the people in the 90% that use their time in game to earn gold and exchange that gold for gems make it possible for anet to get cash from the 10% right? If noone spent gold for gems there would be no gold for the gem buyers to get for their cash bought gems. The company dont care if the 90% know that they help them earn cash they are just happy that they do. Would you rather the 10% bought gold from bots and anet got nothing?No 90% buy gems and convert it to gold.. Earning gold would take you a thousand years to do.. Especially solo.. The games economy is not real its artificially kept up by Anet imo.
  11. Its simple.. Its loot systems.Its over use of cash shop.Its currency systems.Its grind.Its lack of updates.Its forced Raids and Fractals to get items.Its over costed living stories..Its inane meta train focus.Its horrible balanceIts poor pvp centric game modesIts content being way to frustrating for the standard customer.Its customers on the forums.. They are some of the main issues this game never progressed compared to other mmorpgs. Yes Guildwars 2 is free to try.. And its a cheaper alternative but look what you get for that.. And honestly its not really cheaper over time.
  12. Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed. The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.Wow...Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers. Take note Anet i hope. Core and Mirage do fine in Open world. Its only Chrono that got awkward due to losing all its short fight tools. Old Mesmer was back loaded damage with sustained output, because the majority of its damage was on Phantasms. The flaw in the design is that Phantasm were periodic bursts, had long cool downs, and shattering killed off your source of damage. New Memser works the way most other classes worked for years. A lot of front loaded burst damage on moderate cool downs, and you no longer have resource contention with shatters. This allows mesmers to be even more aggressive, and further leverage all the effects offered to shatters through much of your trait choices. Once you understand this potential, even Chrono can be used effectively in spite of its heavily nerfed state. So they have zero uniqueness great and they are squishy as so one mistake or lag or missed hand eye coordination and your downed.. gotcha.. Try playing one with a 300 ping time then get back to me... I'm dead faster than i can say dead again! Back to my Guardian, have fun.
  13. Yes the loot system here is garbage, anything of worth is either hidden behind a korean grind or hidden in crafting that costs a small fortune.. Tried to make 24 slot bag yesterday then realized how insane it is to make... a 24 slot bag haha seriously wtf.. I gave up... buy gems, buy gold, buy stuff.. thats all this game is about. Same totally the same.. I've only been back a month and i'm already sick of the grind, might check whats new on Steam.. Try getting ascended drops in open world solo play, tell me then how it helps..
  14. No its not. :/ Sorry my mistake its rated M 15+ Due to gambling.
  15. Phantasm's were reworked and now work differently.But immediately afterwards many things that made mesmer viable were quickly nerfed due to the non-stop whining that plagued the forums.Raiders thought chrono was too strong, chrono was nerfed.PvP'ers thought Mesmer as a whole was too strong, The entire class including especs were nerfed. The new game is whine until it gets nerfed. If enough people do it everyday, you'll see something change.Wow...Well i gave up playing mine now i've gone over to my Guardian instead, the game mechanics are just not fun anymore on mesmers.. Its just impossible to fight forged and mordrem now in the open world solo, even on mirage, What a wasted class imo. Anyway upwards and onwards good bye mesmers. Take note Anet i hope.
  16. Yes a chinese repeating crossbow would be perfect.
  17. If they make any expansions again its got to be Cantha.. Nothing else matters.
  18. I'm all for it if we can go further... GW2 is already R Rated..
  19. I just returned after 4 years, what i suggest is get pof and do that first, yes the content is a bit skewed story wise but get your mounts.. They are super required these days.. After that i suggest getting living story 3 and 4.. Hot is mostly glider which is obsolete now thanks to mounts. After all that go for Hot and living story 2 which imo are atrocious even years after its release they are still horrible to play.
  20. I loved Guildwars but after the 3rd or 4th character run across the world... I wont lie it did get tedious. Portals in GW2 are one of the only good additions GW2 has over GW1.. The rest imo is worse, Story, Game mechanics, Skills, Classes etc.. Yes GW2 is fun in its own right and its graphics are far superior but Guildwars 1 was a far more complete game with far more longevity. That running though O.o
  21. I've just returned after 4 years and well Mesmers are now terrible? Isn't the whole point of being a mesmer to have your illusions defend you as you are so squishy you don't die?... Well somewhere in this last 4 years Mesmers illusions have become useless. The illusions do nothing to stop enemies attacking you, they do so little damage and the hold no agro, so what exactly is their point these days, i can be the furthest away from an enemy and it will instantly attack me totally ignore my illusions and after what seems like an age maybe one illusion might! take an enemy off me.. chances are extremely slim though.. Back 4 years ago mesmers illusions were working perfectly! What happened?
  22. Getting the gold to start with.. Try only playing Solo open world pve and see how fast the gems roll in..
  23. I wouldn't go to another mmo after this one (if it went away) these things require far too much money on upkeep.. So if the game closed it would actually do me a favor in the long run. This is the last mmo i plan on playing as these things are too grindy and expensive these days.
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