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Everything posted by lotus.5672

  1. Holo and scrapper were (are) very good in wvw and spvp. No sympathy for mech mains
  2. You need to be facing the enemy to use shatters on virtuoso. You can change directions mid cast though.
  3. It has 1 stunbreak, any build with the right amount of cc can kill it or at least pressure off node
  4. Anyone got a clip of the big sperg? Asking for a friend. 🙃
  5. I think I missed this one. What happened? You can pm me if you dont wanna post names here
  6. sorry bro no cool titles or badges for cele and minstrel players
  7. It doesnt do much dmg so just kill his teammates and focus him when he is the only target left. Inspiration mes also decaps itself 🤡
  8. If they made this mode a stand alone game I would have some hope for it to thrive. Never gonna happen though.
  9. Zenyus is your guy, he got top10 for Mango, he can do it again :^)
  10. So that makes it ok what happened in the mat before? If they didnt had a chance anyways why Helio ordered Mark to logoff?
  11. 1. Pick ele 2. Equip the tempest elite spec 3. ?????? 4. Profit
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og5VfhEagI8 🙃
  13. Wvw most common and popular roles are: Tower ranger The five signet mech Stone heart ele, tempest most of the times, but Ive seen all kinds of ele playing this abomination Cele harb, literal god of the battleground The minstrel main. Doesnt matter class or spec, you cant go wrong with this stat combo Honorable mention to shadow arts thieves, havent seem much of those lately
  14. Guys im not wintrading. I just duoq with a wintrader. And im in a team with people that ate dishonour for selling gizmos and piloting accounts. I would totally not wintrade man, no shot.
  15. Everything in wvw is wacky, its not supposed to be balanced, you have stats like trailblazer, minstrel and cele kitten
  16. Discussion is nice and all but lets be honest, nothing is gonna be done, anet is clearly done with the gamemode. Expansion had 0 pvp or wvw content, not even new stats, runes or sigils.
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