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Everything posted by Jugglemonkey.8741

  1. The backstabs I can see happening, but the shadow shot damage is surprising haha. Makes me wonder what the other guy was running xD
  2. Sorry, had to lol. Actual serious help; in all three games, you went close at the start solo. In the first clip, that meant there was a 4v5 in the enemy's favour on mid while you capped close and far, which meant you got the points but because your team wiped you couldn't hold them, the enemy was ahead on points because of the kills, and the match started to snowball in their favour. The second clip with the holosmith is a prime example of why thief shouldn't go close; you can't hold the point if anyone comes to contest, meaning if the enemy sent one to far you will likely have to leave them to cap the point. By the time you left close in the second clip, the enemy who capped far has gone mid making it a 4v4 there, and you move to far for the full cap. After that I would personally have gone mid; someone from your team had gone for the decap on close at 1:01 as you started to cap far, so going mid would have helped more. As it turns out there was a 2v2 on close, meaning you left mid a 2v3 and lost it shortly after. In the third fight, you got close fine, and your team got mid. At 1:59 you can see the other 4 of your team on mid, two enemies on mid, one off point to the left and the guy who capped far on the wall opposite. But then you stayed too long at mid, tried to shortbow when D/P would probably have got the down on that rev, and got cleaved down shortly after. What you should have done was to steal and spike the rev on D/P to down him/keep him low, then port to the far wall when shadowstep came off cooldown and shortbow to far to decap. You already held mid, there was no advantage to be had fighting there when you could have peeled one guy back to far and got a decap instead. A much better thing to do at the start is to go mid. Assume that the other team did the same thing every match, one close one far three mid. Send someone else close and go mid with the other 3, give them stealth, call a target and get a +1/down then leave mid as a 3v2 and decap far when the guy who capped that comes to help mid. That way your team gets close with one guy holding it against one enemy, you get an uneven fight in your favour on mid and you denied the other team the cap on far. After decapping far go back to mid, what happens next depends on the enemies who went close and far; if they stay close and far to recap/1v1, you have a 4v2 on mid and close is yours, +1 on mid and wipe them. If the guy from far stays mid and the guy on close keeps the 1v1 there, get a +1 on mid then go to close and +1 that guy, so you can create yet another uneven matchup on mid. Remember that the guys you killed are likely to run far if it is decapped, so don't bother trying to cap it unless you can see they won't respawn in time, just decap it when you get chance unless one of your guys went there, in which case +1 and let them cap. This is assuming your team aren't just dying at a fart, but if they do their jobs you'll find going to mid first soooooo much better. P.S; if you're attacking for more than 3-4 seconds and the target isn't dead, you're usually better off moving to another point. Don't tunnel vision on getting a kill, just chunking someone and forcing their heal is often enough if your team can pressure them afterwards.
  3. As a nearly 8 year thief main, I'm pretty sure that1) complaints about stealth existed waaaaaay before shadow meld (I was hiding in keeps to res a mesmer friend back in vanilla, now I just don't need the mesmer)2) counters to counters have literally always existed, and are not limited to shadow meld. CC kills me, so I take stability. Enemy rips boons on CC, CC kills me. The ability to counter things that the other guy does is a core part of PvP in any game, otherwise you're no more competitive than a skelk.
  4. If you give me a super hard hitting ability that required more setup to ambush I'd be fine with that, it's mostly fair as it is but if You need it sure, but not something that will be laughed off unless you build full glass and not something easily dodged. I'll also need a few more ports or blinks and non stealth Backstab, Death's Judgment, etc. I'd prefer our Stealth Attack window be shortened which would close even in a long duration stealth stack. Unfortunately, that's basically what mirage was on release, and we all know how much people loved that. Some people just don't like ambush classes, and it doesn't really matter what you say to them or how much the classes get nerfs. The biggest mistake Anet did was giving other Professions access to stealth. Stealth could've been a unique diversity mechanic restricted only to Thief Profession, Period!! Than the whole focus would've shift directly with resolving Thief Profession Stealth mechanic only.I don't 100% agree with the conclusions you draw from this in the comments below, but the above comment is probably the first thing you've said on which we could have some common ground. Other classes don't really need stealth (with the possible exception of mesmer), whereas thief is explicitly designed around it, and limiting/eliminating stealth access on other classes would make the topic of fixing stealth a lot less muddy. That said, see my comment below. The problem you're going to run into then is what exactly are ANet supposed to do for elite specs? There are only so many effects and playstlyes in the game after all. There are only two ways that they can go with a new spec; either they blur lines between class roles by introducing mechanics that were formerly associated with another class, or they hard nerf something and sell it back to you in a slightly different package (see feline grace from acro and daredevil). The latter really gets people's backs up, so they are only really left with the former option. If they then didn't do elite specs and kept the classes as vanilla, most of the 7-8 year players like me would have gotten bored and left by now as nothing new comes in besides story. I know it's tempting for some to say that WvW and PvP was best in vanilla, but would you really still be playing it after all this time if we were still in the melee train/focus party/hambow meta? So yeah, It's a catch 22; They can't introduce new things without breaking others and making yet more redundant. Note that I am not excusing balance decisions that were just plain bad, I am sure that we can all think of a few examples of those. My point is that it really isn't as simple as "nerf x" and "stop making y play like z".
  5. If you give me a super hard hitting ability that required more setup to ambush I'd be fine with that, it's mostly fair as it is but if You need it sure, but not something that will be laughed off unless you build full glass and not something easily dodged. I'll also need a few more ports or blinks and non stealth Backstab, Death's Judgment, etc. I'd prefer our Stealth Attack window be shortened which would close even in a long duration stealth stack. Unfortunately, that's basically what mirage was on release, and we all know how much people loved that. Some people just don't like ambush classes, and it doesn't really matter what you say to them or how much the classes get nerfs.
  6. To be fair, this is true of literally every profession.
  7. Keep it as it is. It was too fast before to the point that builds that relied on mobility were pointless, now they still have a purpose and warclaw fits it's niche of allowing slow classes to keep up with the zerg. I could see an argument for reducing it's health (or at least removing the interaction with dura runes) but otherwise it feels in a good place.
  8. Lol. I'd just take invigorating precision and basically never die on any build. Or hidden killer while also taking tank stats and more useful specialisations. I can just imagine the levels of salt that would cause xD
  9. Thing is, macros won't help you do 6 attacks at once because they won't remove the cast times, and macro players are usually terrible players that have to run and wait for cooldowns if they miss their spike. Everything a macro can do can be done with a sensible set of keybinds and a decent number of buttons on your mouse.
  10. At the base armor of ~2k, this build deals 14k backstabs (I've witnessed these already, they exist!). Add the heartseeker to the typical D/P 5, 2 steal, hit combo and you've got your 20k opener. To make that clear: no prebuilt might, no prebuilt vulnerability! An opener in a 1v1 situation! No, it does not. Remember, even max glass cannon Deadeye with malicious backstab barely cracked 14k backstabs on squishies pre-patch. This build not only has lower damage than that build would have, backstab damage has since been reduced by 25%. This build probably does around 7k backstab on a squishy target, and a fractio nof that on a 4k armour target without nonsense setups. Did you actually play deadeye pre patch? My average malicious backstab pre patch hit for 17k, enough to one shot most thieves and any glass mesmer, ele, rev or ranger. That was from the old mark>signet>backstab combo so only 1 malice. A 3 malice DJ would hit about the same, you'd get the three malice from mark and precasting spotter's shot before the DJ which also gave fury for no quarter. A pre patch malicious backstab with full malice would hit between 19-26k damage depending on the opponents armor, and that was on full valk with hidden killer so full zerk with no quarter would hit even harder. The highest single hit I have achieved was a 7 malice DJ that hit some poor ele for 31k, that was on a mara/zerk build. I played the kind of class the Deadeye tried to kill. 14k was what Id take at worst. For me to get hit for 17k, Id probably have to have been playing my Mesmer in rare gear. Which, yknow, not the greatest idea for WvW anyway. Also why do you think Zerk would hit harder than Valk? The only difference is that you pick hidden killer over no quarter, which isnt much, especially because youd probably not even have fury by that point after it gets ripped once. Well, all I can say is that your build was not fully optimised for damage, because the numbers I've quoted were the average experience if you built for it. These damage numbers were from builds with full ascended/legendary gear, full WvW power infusions, using a writ of masterful strength and using bloodlust & night sigils to boost damage further. The damage also depended on if you managed to burst while the 10 might from M7 was still active. I was the one being hit, not the one doing the hitting. Im not big on that playstyle. And yeah, unless youre suggesting every enemy I met wasnt optimised, I gotta disagree, because I was not hit that hard. Or even remotely. The 10 might might explain it, because there is no way to have 10 might for an out of stealth oneshot.Sorry, I keep forgetting that you don't play thief as a main haha. The thing is, you might be running a build that is not the average insert profession here build, so if you play more tanky than the average player you will have a systemic bias in one direction based on that. And yeah, I am describing hits from builds that are optimised for particular attacks. If someone is playing a more rounded build, you'd expect the damage to be lower as a result. Oh. Yeah thats a good point actually. Its not the biggest increase, but it does matter. Something like, relative to zerkers, an extra 4% or so? I'm not actually sure how much damage it adds overall, but given that damage % modifiers like scholar runes, force/night/impact sigil and traits all stack multiplicatively and given the fact DJ and malicious backstab have such high damage numbers, even a relatively small % damage increase can add 1-2k to the strike. More so pre patch, where the numbers were even higher. You dont want to use spotters shot though. Its bad. Its slower and does half the damage of skirmishers shot. It also forces you to kneel, which is really bad. You just dont use it. Depends how you use it. I was using one spotter's shot to set up the DJ with a fury proc and an immob on the target, thet damage was nice (seen it hit 7k pre patch) but it was secondary to the 17k DJ it allowed me to hit. Also, it actually does more damage per hit but less damage over time, so again, how good it is it depends on what the goal is. If I just want to damage down something quickly I'd use skirmisher's shot, but in the context of using the skill once before a DJ, spotter's shot is better. As for kneel, because of the flight time of DJ, by the time it hits/misses I am already going to be halfway through the self reveal applied at the beginning of the skill. Add to that the fact that stealth from Silent Scope is applied at the end of the dodge (meaning I can dodge just under 0.5s before reveal expires and still stealth at the end of the dodge), then add to that the dodge from the other player, and you have less time being vulnerable than you might think from the 3s reveal timer. Yeah, kneel is a risk, but used wisely it is still useful. The big differences is that damage got reduced from multiple angles. You couldnt oneshot a character that was built as a tank. In fact, you couldnt oneshot anything but squishies. Thats why permastealth one-shot MBS memes was, well, a meme build. It killed squishies and failed miserably against anyone else. It was a very bad build. Frustrating, yes. Unhealthy, certainly. But bad. You could one shot a tanky build like a trailblazer mirage pre patch, but you would have to build malice with rifle and go for the backstab. It's not a one shot from stealth by that point though as the enemy will be fully aware of your presence, so I concede that point at least. Oh yeah if were talking malicious backstab at max malice with all the multipliers inexplicably still active, its probably possible. I question what the hell the Mesmer was doing then though. The mesmer I had in mind actually played excellently through the whole fight, he was a total pain in the butt to build malice against and I backstabbed into distortion several times before eventually landing it. Unfortunately for him, when it did land it did 25k damage, so it ended the fight there and then. He whispered me afterwards and was pretty cool about it despite being frustrated initially haha. Yes, and no. While the MBS one-shot meme build was a meme and not a balance issue, it was incredibly frustrating and unhealthy, and needed to go. What I disagree with is how they went about doing it. By lowering damage across the board, now thief just doesnt really do damage unless you go for crit strikes, in which case you do damage ... until the enemy hits you once and all your modifiers turn off. Which is why crit strikes isnt viable outside of Rifle (which has other issues). Thieves damage now is jut too low to be a threat to a decent player. You wont get 8-12k hits from sneak attack or 7-10k hits from shadow strike (or anywhere near either of those) unless youre hitting a rare gear necro. With a non-CS build (CS is unplayable) against a normal enemy, the former will hit for around 3.8k, the latter for 4k. All I can tell you is to try it. I get those kind of hits hits on reapers, revenants, eles, rangers, thieves, warriors, anything that traditionally builds zerk or marauder. I actually one shot an ele not long back just from the pistol sneak attack, that did 12.5k damage across the 5 hits. Yes, you're not going to one shot a tanky build post patch, but you can sure rip a chunk of health off them if you choose to, and frankly I think that's a lot more balanced than it was given that if someone is tanky enough to shrug off my burst, odds are they can't chase me down and kill me either. Before the Feb balance patch, I have been hit for 20k vaults and backstabs from daredevil with no warning, so yes, I would actually consider the universal damage decrease a good thing. I mean, I play Deadeye occasionally. With Crit Strikes. Even Max Malice DJ rarely hits above 12k, let alone the 19k itd have to do if your sneak attack did 12.5k. And 20k vaults are extremely impossible.Yeah, DJ is one of the hardest hitting single strikes, but it's not always the hardest hitting single skill. Pistol sneak attack will do that 8-12k damage regardless of malice on my build because it's based on the power multiplier, not malice, so while I do have to follow it with a shadow strike (P/D 3) and sometimes repeater (rollover skill for P/D 3) to get the kill, if you set it up with a binding shadow knockdown you'd be surprised how effective it actually is. This is my build, if you're interested;http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAQpjlFwgYbMLmJW2O/vSA-zVZYBhZF0nYUvALmmSgwigMLqaDheDUbPAB83SVKYA-w As for the vault damage, yeah, I'm talking pre february patch for those numbers. I used to be able to get 10-12k pretty easily on a balanced build back then, and even now it can hit for 6-7k on a balanced build so you'd be surprised how much it could actually do. Like I say, I use power P/D for the burst on my glass CS build. This has two benefits; firstly, the burst on P/D builds malice that allows me to have a second spike with DJ after they blow defensives to survive the first burst. Second, the pistol sneak attack allows for much easier malice resets as it's harder to avoid the pistol sneak attack than it is a DJ, but that is also irrelevant as I'm currently using BQoBK over M7. Yes, it is easily killed, but I am building to deal the maximum damage in a short burst (hence not taking M7), if I target something I aim to kill it before it's friends can help. If I wanted to skirmish, I'd build with Hidden Killer in CS, take M7 for the initiative, and take soldier gear instead of zerk to get a decent defence along with similar damage to a marauder build. Or take my celestial build and troll the hell out of everyone. Hm, thats actually a thought. If it werent for the fact that pistol doesnt have anything good to dump initiative into, its easy resets would make it a decent M7 spammer. Its a shame they nerfed unload into complete unviability. Anyway, your build should still fail to burst hard at all against properly geared players, and fail to 1v1 as your damage modifiers are quickly turned off one by one. You dont kill, and you might well die.That's why I use P/D over P/P; repeater is actually really, really good damage for what it is and a very cheap way to build malice. As for the build, I'd just say try it and see. It's probably pretty obvious, but you want to mark>binding shadow>pistol sneak attack>shadow strike>repeater. Engaging like this means by the time the enemy has recovered (if they don't die before the first repeater, you'd be surprised the damage the combo does) you can dodge, swap weapon mid dodge to rifle for stealth, port into the enemies' blind spot with shadowstep and DJ, more often than not it will catch them out. Portal is there because it's too good not to, and I swap to a tanky D/P build to apply stealth to set up the initial attack. You have one or two bursts before you need to disengage, and enemies with plenty of reflects will just /laugh, but every build has downsides, and I'm fine with these ones given the potential damage it can do. I play Zerker Crit Strikes DE sometimes (its my PvE character and I got the gear anyway). The damage is still underwhelming against a good player who knows that you can dodge DJ. Or avoid my skirmishers shot. And thats the highest damage potential. Anything below that does even worse damage. Its just not good, thats why when people complain about thief, they say that thief is annoying, not threatening.
  11. So, if I flip the argument to this, does that feel good? No? You can understand the OP's point then. Thing is, it's a two edged sword at that point which is fine. But that's exactly the point of the OP; getting marked affects stealth classes in a way that other classes don't even have to think about. I personally think it's not too big an issue given stealth classes can yolo into enemy territory in a way that others can't, but it is still annoying sometimes.
  12. At the base armor of ~2k, this build deals 14k backstabs (I've witnessed these already, they exist!). Add the heartseeker to the typical D/P 5, 2 steal, hit combo and you've got your 20k opener. To make that clear: no prebuilt might, no prebuilt vulnerability! An opener in a 1v1 situation! No, it does not. Remember, even max glass cannon Deadeye with malicious backstab barely cracked 14k backstabs on squishies pre-patch. This build not only has lower damage than that build would have, backstab damage has since been reduced by 25%. This build probably does around 7k backstab on a squishy target, and a fractio nof that on a 4k armour target without nonsense setups. Did you actually play deadeye pre patch? My average malicious backstab pre patch hit for 17k, enough to one shot most thieves and any glass mesmer, ele, rev or ranger. That was from the old mark>signet>backstab combo so only 1 malice. A 3 malice DJ would hit about the same, you'd get the three malice from mark and precasting spotter's shot before the DJ which also gave fury for no quarter. A pre patch malicious backstab with full malice would hit between 19-26k damage depending on the opponents armor, and that was on full valk with hidden killer so full zerk with no quarter would hit even harder. The highest single hit I have achieved was a 7 malice DJ that hit some poor ele for 31k, that was on a mara/zerk build. I played the kind of class the Deadeye tried to kill. 14k was what Id take at worst. For me to get hit for 17k, Id probably have to have been playing my Mesmer in rare gear. Which, yknow, not the greatest idea for WvW anyway. Also why do you think Zerk would hit harder than Valk? The only difference is that you pick hidden killer over no quarter, which isnt much, especially because youd probably not even have fury by that point after it gets ripped once.Well, all I can say is that your build was not fully optimised for damage, because the numbers I've quoted were the average experience if you built for it. These damage numbers were from builds with full ascended/legendary gear, full WvW power infusions, using a writ of masterful strength and using bloodlust & night sigils to boost damage further. The damage also depended on if you managed to burst while the 10 might from M7 was still active. Zerker hits harder than valk partially because of No Quarter, but also because of Practiced Tolerance converting precision into ferocity, something that valk doesn't make good use of. Full valk with scholar runes and CS 321 will give you 241% crit damage, full zerk gives you 251% crit damage because of the precision. This becomes 267% crit damage when taking No Quarter. Add impact & severance sigils with binding shadow for an interrupt and you can probably see how you will be dealing far more damage on zerk than you would on valk. Spotter's shot gives you fury on hit as well as immobilising the enemy, so that on top of Unrelenting Strikes and the fury from M7 gives you as much fury as you want in a rifle build. Valk is more reliable when bursting from stealth because of Hidden Killer, that plus the health boost makes it preferable if you want to deal the best damage with dagger. Taking Hidden Killer over No Quarter means fury access is irrelevant, so it's a trade off depending on whether you're building for rifle or for dagger based bursts. The big differences is that damage got reduced from multiple angles. You couldnt oneshot a character that was built as a tank. In fact, you couldnt oneshot anything but squishies. Thats why permastealth one-shot MBS memes was, well, a meme build. It killed squishies and failed miserably against anyone else. It was a very bad build. Frustrating, yes. Unhealthy, certainly. But bad. You could one shot a tanky build like a trailblazer mirage pre patch, but you would have to build malice with rifle and go for the backstab. It's not a one shot from stealth by that point though as the enemy will be fully aware of your presence, so I concede that point at least. Yes, and no. While the MBS one-shot meme build was a meme and not a balance issue, it was incredibly frustrating and unhealthy, and needed to go. What I disagree with is how they went about doing it. By lowering damage across the board, now thief just doesnt really do damage unless you go for crit strikes, in which case you do damage ... until the enemy hits you once and all your modifiers turn off. Which is why crit strikes isnt viable outside of Rifle (which has other issues). Thieves damage now is jut too low to be a threat to a decent player. You wont get 8-12k hits from sneak attack or 7-10k hits from shadow strike (or anywhere near either of those) unless youre hitting a rare gear necro. With a non-CS build (CS is unplayable) against a normal enemy, the former will hit for around 3.8k, the latter for 4k. All I can tell you is to try it. I get those kind of hits hits on reapers, revenants, eles, rangers, thieves, warriors, anything that traditionally builds zerk or marauder. I actually one shot an ele not long back just from the pistol sneak attack, that did 12.5k damage across the 5 hits. Yes, you're not going to one shot a tanky build post patch, but you can sure rip a chunk of health off them if you choose to, and frankly I think that's a lot more balanced than it was given that if someone is tanky enough to shrug off my burst, odds are they can't chase me down and kill me either. Before the Feb balance patch, I have been hit for 20k vaults and backstabs from daredevil with no warning, so yes, I would actually consider the universal damage decrease a good thing. Like I say, I use power P/D for the burst on my glass CS build. This has two benefits; firstly, the burst on P/D builds malice that allows me to have a second spike with DJ after they blow defensives to survive the first burst. Second, the pistol sneak attack allows for much easier malice resets as it's harder to avoid the pistol sneak attack than it is a DJ, but that is also irrelevant as I'm currently using BQoBK over M7. Yes, it is easily killed, but I am building to deal the maximum damage in a short burst (hence not taking M7), if I target something I aim to kill it before it's friends can help. If I wanted to skirmish, I'd build with Hidden Killer in CS, take M7 for the initiative, and take soldier gear instead of zerk to get a decent defence along with similar damage to a marauder build. Or take my celestial build and troll the hell out of everyone. TLDR; if you just stick to marauder gear, standard weapon sets and standard traits, yes, thief damage might feel underwhelming. You now need to invest into damage lines like CS or DA, sacrificing utility to get the really big hits, and that IMO is a good thing for the class as it makes more viable builds, depending on purpose.
  13. I know Faeleth and Dest personally... cool I can ask them. I'll get a fun converstation, even if it turns out they aren't just namedrops. I'm 99% sure they are just namedrops. Edit: Aaand now that 99% turned into a 100%. LoL. Hahahaha xD Thanks for checking! ^^ As for the OP...... If no actual thieves cooked up this list of thief nerfs, when do thieves get to propose nerfs for other classes then?
  14. At the base armor of ~2k, this build deals 14k backstabs (I've witnessed these already, they exist!). Add the heartseeker to the typical D/P 5, 2 steal, hit combo and you've got your 20k opener. To make that clear: no prebuilt might, no prebuilt vulnerability! An opener in a 1v1 situation! No, it does not. Remember, even max glass cannon Deadeye with malicious backstab barely cracked 14k backstabs on squishies pre-patch. This build not only has lower damage than that build would have, backstab damage has since been reduced by 25%. This build probably does around 7k backstab on a squishy target, and a fractio nof that on a 4k armour target without nonsense setups. Did you actually play deadeye pre patch? My average malicious backstab pre patch hit for 17k, enough to one shot most thieves and any glass mesmer, ele, rev or ranger. That was from the old mark>signet>backstab combo so only 1 malice. A 3 malice DJ would hit about the same, you'd get the three malice from mark and precasting spotter's shot before the DJ which also gave fury for no quarter. A pre patch malicious backstab with full malice would hit between 19-26k damage depending on the opponents armor, and that was on full valk with hidden killer so full zerk with no quarter would hit even harder. The highest single hit I have achieved was a 7 malice DJ that hit some poor ele for 31k, that was on a mara/zerk build. The big differences post patch are;1) While you can still delete a glassy player easily, you now cannot one shot a character that is built to tank. Pre patch you could.2) In order to do more than 10k damage, you must either chain attacks with a CC as I do on power P/D, or build malice and go for a malicious backstab. No more 17k hits from stealth with only half a second's warning. All of these things are good for the health of the game, no? What has changed the most is the upfront damage when starting combat, and while this is the thief's strongest point it absolutely needed a nerf. Even post patch, I can get 15k DJ's on full malice (so malicious backstab will likely be around this mark too), 8-12k total damage from pistol sneak attack and 7-10k hits on shadow strike (P/D 3), and that's just the damage from the shot, with the stab you're looking closer to 12k max. Deadeye is still far from useless after these changes, it just requires you to play in a totally different way to daredevil, and that's what causes most people to write off the spec as weak. It really isn't.
  15. About all this will do is to make squads mandatory, since there's no reason my guild couldn't make a 10 man squad, then proceed to cloud and snipe the (now much weaker) zerg until they die. This is better for people how exactly?
  16. At the base armor of ~2k, this build deals 14k backstabs (I've witnessed these already, they exist!). Add the heartseeker to the typical D/P 5, 2 steal, hit combo and you've got your 20k opener. To make that clear: no prebuilt might, no prebuilt vulnerability! An opener in a 1v1 situation! And the best thing is, this build can escape with ease after the backstab. Change DA to trickery and you still have a 6k backstab @ 4k armor (12k @ 2k armor) and a build that got a lot of utility and can restealth and resetup the backstab several times. That is not a one trick pony build. That is a viable teef roaming build and I've encountered it very often.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAgqVlNwwYgsNGJW2WntUA-zVIYR09XKNFC1mo9GBVUU2eSCj/W0fGA-w The dagger storm rework (that added evasion) broke that build. It's deadly and untouchable in the hands of a patient player, that keeps an eye on the dagger storm and shadowstep cooldowns. Each time someone in this forum says teef deals poor damage and can't kill anything, I think of this build and have a good laugh. Out of interest, why impact sigil? Does that work on dazes too?
  17. Nice vid :) I'm still not convinced about the barrier, not sure that we have enough sources of heal that stack with the rune to make it worth it. Will have to play it more and add up the damage mitigated in a fight to see.
  18. I'm fine with low health & sustain with high damage and mobility, or with high health and sustain with low/medium damage and mobility. The things that annoy me are the ones that have medium/high health, sustain, damage and mobility all rolled into one, with stealth thrown in because why not. Looking at you, holo/soulbeast.
  19. I've been a mostly WvW player since 2013, and the above is sadly very true. Yeah, a lot of the stuff had issues, but the community was less than cordial on a number of occasions, regardless of whether they had a point or not. That said, a large part of the community that are still playing after this time is like me, vocal about what we dislike but we we will still get the expac because we still enjoy the game.
  20. Technically once every 5 years is regular updates. Doesn't really fit into anyone's realistic expectations for the timescale tho...
  21. Not sure it's true for all ANET tags, but I think the WvW devs can ignore queues. D: Ahhh, wouldn't be surprised if it was that way tbh. Either way, the cheek of it made me laugh.
  22. Everyone else in the game uses the "carry" or "cheese" options, so I don't see why I shouldn't. That’s a nice mentality you got man, the game is kitten because of ppl like you flocking to the OP ez to play builds. Again, why should I handicap myself by refusing to use certain parts of my class in order to make you feel better? Do you also handicap yourself on your main class, or do you play whatever is strongest because it's in the game? If you are losing to thief, set up some duels with one and learn to fight them. Edit: you also assume I only play SA builds. That would be very wrong. Handicap yourself? SA just doesn’t req any skill, it just carries you, and then you think you are good, till you switch out SA, and you notice you are trash.You can play your carry build, but when they nerf it, you still gonna be a bad player with bad reactions.And how you talk about SA, yes it makes people think you only play SA.I would be impressed if you would beat me in a 1v1 without SA, i’m a drd s/d thief btw.If you ever wanna duel for gold, lemme know.Otherwise just keep being trash, on your trash build. If you check my post history you'll notice that I play a wide variety of builds, including but not limited to S/D daredevil, and frankly I have nothing to prove to you because the respect of some dude on the internet literally means nothing to me. You're the one who tried to make this personal by making assumptions about me and how I play thief, and frankly you come across as a dude crying about something that counters his build rather than trying to improve himself. I suggest you take some time to work on your character because at the moment it is lacking somewhat. Have a nice day :) Why would i check your post history when u say youre playing Sa because otherwise you are in a disadvantage, that alone says more than enough of what kind of player you are. You just (as i said before) flock to the easy to play build that are op.You’re a bandwagoneer in terms of ez to play builds. Idc if you don’t want respect dude, that’s up to you how you want ppl to see you.I’m crying because something counters my build you think?No, there are always counters in mmo’s i get that.SA isn’t just a counter to my build, if played ultra cheesy like they all do, you can counter any class you want. Because guess what, stealth with regen and clears is broken, because SA thieves stealth 24/7 when they are getting low, and wait for heals and kitten.Keep thinking you are a good thief with SA man, inb4 they nerf the kitten out of it, and u realise you are trash. Have a nice day alsoI didn't say that I'm playing SA because otherwise I'm at a disadvantage, nor did I say that I'm always playing SA. You wrongly assumed both of those things. I said the mentality of refusing to play a spec in order to make some other guy feel better about fighting you is handicapping yourself. That's not the same thing, and I'd say that about not running any viable build, spec or skill because of some other person's opinion of it. Any build decision made because of the opinion of others on what is "fair" or "balanced" is fundamentally flawed, because they aren't going to take what you consider cheesy into consideration when building their character. They will just take whatever will help them kill you and then dance on your corpse. Nobody cares what you think, just like nobody cares what I think. Just play the game with whatever build you feel like and leave the ego stroking posturing behind for a while. You never know, you might actually enjoy things more. Anyways, I've taken this thread far enough off topic. Apologies for that, thanks again for the video o/
  23. Saw one last week. There was a queue, so my commander told him to get out of border if he was going to keep AFK'ing at spawn lol
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