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Everything posted by vicky.9751

  1. gw2 was a different game back then. people were doing CoF and Coe just to get exotic gear. A p4 arah clear used to be the crowning achievement of the game. I honestly don't see a point to them reworking dungeons since they've transitioned the 5-man content to fractals. I DO want to see way more fractals. I hardly do fractals anymore because most of them are the same thing from 8 years ago.
  2. If you just want the lore, I've watched this guy's videos before to catch up on things that I've forgotten from breaks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXxajKC5Zpk Or you could buy the ultimate end of dragons expansion and get the 4000 gems to buy all the dlc that way. the story is just more expensive in this game compared to ffxiv, but there's also no sub cost forever. so that's a bonus.
  3. i was once at the point where i had nothing else to do in the game. t4 fractals completed for years, story caught up. skyscale was welcome content to be completed over a 1–2 week timeframe. tired of people still complaining about this years later.
  4. I don't really think it's like that this time. You think it's just "har har always that same amount of complainers never happy about anything" No. People were rightfully upset about the "SELLING features" of this expansion even on pre-order page. I've never thought of refunding anything from this game before but here we are.
  5. I felt the core game's writing up to heart of thorns ending was probably guild wars 2 peak. You're just an adventurer who is there to support Trahearne and the order you chose. The reveal of sylvari being from Mordremoth was a spicy shocker, to me at least. After they sacked Trahearne in HoT, it seems like the lore went downhill from there. I was hyped for Balthazar being the main enemy of PoF because he wasn't a dragon. Maybe he had some ulterior motive to all this! But what did they do? Make him a typical "crazy villain" who just gets absorbed by a dragon. My only conclusion is that the original writer/s from base game and Heart of Thorns are not around anymore due to the layoffs a few years ago. It's a shame honestly! This was once my favorite mmo to play in an ever thinning pool of available mmos.
  6. What is your post even about? The fact that EoD builds are new and just now being tested? Or the fact that you have to look up guides on the internet like many other games? Your post just reads like you want the TLDR version of a book that just came out and nobody has read it yet. I can be 30% of dps on a t4 fractal boss just spamming daredevil button 2. It's not always about skill, it's about picking a class you can perform well on. Daredevil has 3 dodges, and a utility block skill.
  7. Was about to make a thread asking why the story wasn't linear- but I guess yours is a better question. I feel like new players will either want to do all story in the correct order, or skip to PoF for mounts. The living world is not included as "older content" whereas in FFXIV bundles all previous expansions + new one under a 40$ price tag. For the price of Ultimate version EoD(80$) you'd think ANET would bundle everything together.
  8. no because i'm not a fan of our snarky commander character. if it was core-tyria voiced i might be more interested.
  9. The first expansion I ever refunded. 😕 I'm probably not going to come back till it's on sale. I guess it's not bad if you're desperate for some open world MMO content, but as somebody who has been around since core I know that the listed masteries aren't worth 30$. Now to my knowledge as far as I got in Arborstone, EoD's masteries are a problem because you don't have to do ANY of them to progress through the expansion. At least with Heart of Thorns, you had to level up nuhoch wallows, poison lore, bouncing mushrooms, and gliding to explore the maps. To top everything off, I've heard a lot of drama about the meta on Dragon's End map and don't want to deal with it. There are tons of other games I'd rather spend 30-40$ on for my ps5 like Forbidden West, Elden Ring, Lego Skywalker, and Forspoken in October.
  10. this is actually what i felt when i started the story. events would fail on the first map, and i was not on at odd hours. i refunded the expansion not only for that reason, but also because the mastery lines didn't seem worth 30$. RIP my favorite mmo 😕
  11. But weren't people asking for harder metas for years? Because PoF really had no metas. Now people are mad about a meta that requires coordination like auric basin?
  12. Honestly, yes. As somebody who played since the game was sold in walmarts, i think the game has run its course. Story deteriorated from base game. I miss when we were just an adventurer accompanying trahearne or the order of whispers.. Now we're just the snarky commander... Eod masteries are pretty useless. Leveling a trading post is content? Why, when i paid for deluxe path of fire and can go right outside crystal oasis? Lol
  13. I started mmos in 2012..with lord of the rings online. I loved that game until they released lootboxes..and now it's just on life support from the older retired playerbase who can't let the game go. Now, i'm at a point where i want to just sell my pc and play single player games on my ps5.
  14. it's 2022 and people haven't figured out that pvp modes are toxic in ANY game? open world/fractals- nobody even talks.
  15. I refunded the expansion because "leviathan" was apparently all people were doing. So many events in the first two maps kept failing. I was not on at a strange hour either. Probably going to wait till it goes on sale.
  16. Also FFXIV's endwalker was so bad story wise that i actually got depressed and uninstalled it. They had a great story rolling for 2 years and then dropped the ball so hard with this one. Theres a huge thread on their forums about it.
  17. I will definitely agree that ANET should be doing more promotion, but fans of the mmo/mmorpg genre will always be able to find this game. I mean it takes one google search of "best mmos", and gw2 is the second result.
  18. Yea i've never been a fan of all the galaxy effects they added. ( i think the legendary trinkets have bubbles and moon effects.) It'd be cool if there was some setting to turn off excess auras and the trinkets. I have only one legendary weapon and one cape on my characters at any given time.
  19. this game has a lot of armor but its locked behind achievements or being legendary/ascended. but korean mmo armor? you wont find much WAIFU armor in this game..
  20. I bought the base game when it was sold at my local walmart...in 2012 or was it 2013? Idk.. I've enjoyed the game a lot, taken many breaks. MULTIPLE years in between playing..but i always come back. I somehow feel like the game hasn't matured as much as i feel like i have. Like, the storytelling still feels a bit naive? I was like 14 when i started and now im 23. Some of the writing that has come out of icebrood and season 4 has been predictable.. I made a mistake of coming to the theorycrafting forums and read that somebody said Aurene would use joko because he couldn't ever die, and that DID end up happening. So..yeah, spoiled myself? I guess in short, I've been a little dissapointed in the dragons=bad motive in every expansion. I miss the deeper relationships we used to have with NPC's like Tybalt and Trahearne. I'm hoping we get something different with EoD.
  21. open world is the only reason this game is still fun, to be honest. ffxiv hasn't done a great job of making older dungeons feel fun. there is also no level sync on maps in ffxiv, so you one shot everything.
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