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Everything posted by HotDelirium.7984

  1. This would work just like LFG for fractals if they broke up the difficulty of the raids. I don't see why they can't just turn off an ability or two and reduce the boss's damage. Even just 3 tiers is fine- Tier 1 "storymode", tier 2 the regular difficulty of the raid, Tier 3 challenge mode. I'm sure something like this is coming one day. Two years later and they give us the underwater mount feature so I'm sure this is in the pipeline.
  2. The awakened abominations also have these very independent very clear and sharp attack sounds that cut through the entire sound dimension every time they play.
  3. I would just hate if Anet made our next elite spec a walking joke.... I said fun and light-hearted. I'm sure they won't make that but Sous Chef's are certainly not a walking joke. How many Sous Chef's do you see running around throwing batter and sweets at people while they are fighting for their lives?It's a joke.Have you not seen Iron Chef?! lol this game has plenty of humor to warrant it. Somebody needs a cookie...
  4. I would just hate if Anet made our next elite spec a walking joke.... I said fun and light-hearted. I'm sure they won't make that but Sous Chef's are certainly not a walking joke.
  5. We thanked him :) this thread is almost a year old. sarcasm man! xD
  6. Huh? Your icon says mesmer but you must be a necro main. I'm sorry am I applying too many conditions? lol
  7. AND THEN Mike Z abruptly leaves the company for unknown reasons. Thanks for your efforts we guess?
  8. I really wonder what happend behind closed doors. They announce IBS, like 2 months later Mike Z the game director we all know LEAVES without saying goodbye, the raid team is disbanded and a OH btw an expansion is coming. Makes me think NCSOFT said nah you're an MMO you need expansions WTF are you doing and shook shet up.
  9. Ranger- I want an "Alpha" so the roles are inverted and you control the bigger version of your pet and the "Pet skills" are similiar to commands so almost like pokemon. Mesmer- "Veilborn" after concerted effort one of your clones becomes permanent and that's the "character". You sacrifice the ability to shatter for maybe permaboons (like guardians aegis), maybe double-dagger capabilities, boon corruption and boon sacrificing for greater effects since their not a "real" person Elementalist- since we logically have a more concentrated version of the elements (Tempest) and the mixing of elements (weaver) I suggest adding a new element: space and gravity. Inspired by Liadri the Concealing Dark, they would be a hardcore CC spec, slamming people with dark matter and summoning black holes etc. Engineer- I want a fun- light-hearted spec like Sous Chef- splattering crippling cake-batter, buffing people with sweets (like the Bday gun), and cutting those deep like Gordon Ramsey.
  10. This is Raymera and I have some thoughts: -I cringe every time I see half-aced animations like handing something off or 2 people interacting or even pushing a button. I wish those were a bit tighter as if I'm ACTUALY interacting with a world a not my animation space is interacting with that items interaction space. I want things to actually connect. -Transitions are also important. I know its a game but enemies blinking in to attack and then dying and blinking off is offputting to me. A slow disintegration or them melting into the earth or smoke poof, something, would be great and immersive. -There should be an option to turn off visual noise from other players like there is one to see them detailed or not. Do I really need to see their Elite skill every time if it doesn't matter in the particular situation that I am in? -I have seen newer textures and glow effects for weapons and now we need more realistic and dynamic physics. Like when something explodes and earth chunks fly up and then down disappearing by clipping past the earth in a little lame.
  11. This is why I wait to play content because they inevitably optimize it but you slosh through the beginning iteration begrudgingly lol.
  12. Smodur's death was meant to be quick, and unexpected. Having some big long cutscene where we see Ryland get into position, and take the shot, would defeat the purpose since everyone would know it was going to happen before it did. different situations require different methods of execution. I liked the set up. It looked like it was going to be another moment where you gather facts and then decide on one of two options and the story diverges and then SPLAT!!! NOPE!!! lol unexpected.
  13. I'm fine with Ryland killing Smodur, that charr had it coming after killing Cinder and I think its interesting the make Bangar the new Voice ( we will see how that plays out) but what I don't fully get is Ryland being turned into the champion so willingly? They just need to explain it a bit more so that I'm confidant about what exactly is going on. NOT huge sweeping mounds of expositions but please a few sentences- what I have to assume happened is the mental anguish of him becoming a fresh new gladia, his parents betraying him, watching his potential love mate being killed in front of him and Bangar's unstable leadership drove him to the arms of Jormag. That's perfectly fine. What not fine is me kind of sort of maybe assuming that's what's happening from all the action because the story isn't being presented clear enough.
  14. Can the announcements for every zone changing be made smaller or sent to just the chat area?
  15. What goes into the inception of meta design; do you try to strike a balance between the relevant plot of the map and trying to have the meta be a little bit different from prior metas?
  16. I think it was just a very soft excuse to buy themselves some time because none of us expected it to go longer than a few months and here we are 6 months later so I doubt they put a lot of effort in having them record from home because none of us expected to be this long of a delay.
  17. If ANET has enough money to send all the voice actors recording kits they have enough money to fix all the problems in PVP and WvW but they don't WANT to. Why? Great question. Any sinking ship always has someone who was in charge of preventing that. Look to the leadership....
  18. This statement is ironic to me seeing as Mike Z in my conspiracy theory opinion allegedly left ANET back in November of 2019 without even a goodbye and the new game director hasn't even said hello. Who even knows who's in charge over there anymore. Anet has always had this air of undisciplined creativity without effective leadership that sometimes shined and sometimes was just squandered.
  19. You already solved your own issue. If you don't like spoilers then don't read the article which they do let you know in the beginning. My guess is they want people to be prepared for this type of fight IF that's the preparation style their into when it comes to challenges. Some players want to know XYZ before starting a fight and some, like you, want to figure it out on the fly for the first time.
  20. At this point I will take any sound quality the kits will deliver! Thank you for smartly coming up with safe solutions because we honestly don't know when all of this is going to end.
  21. THIS. I'd give ANET at least a small pass until 6 to 12 months AFTER the pandemic is over. Anything before is a bit unreasonable.
  22. I wonder if in the future they will break up the raid wings and we will get those as future fractals. That'd be interesting. Each boss fight as its own fractal. I do believe they let go of the raid team so I highly doubt we are getting any more raids, at least for the time being. This is why I champion "story mode." Fractals would be the perfect place for them. Tier 1 is "storymode", maybe tier 2 3 are the regular raid wing with varying difficulty and Tier 4 is more of a challenge.
  23. I was curious, so I looked up AoC and checked out one of the gameplay videos they had up. Wow! That game looks absolutely awful! The whole time the mage-like character is just standing there casting really slow animations with huge telegraphs and I don't see any dodging or anything. I think I am spoiled by GW2. I need that fast, mobile combat with active avoidance. Standing in place with long, slow channels and clunky, slow animations is just not cutting it after GW2! I am spoiled as well, literally ANY game I play from now on has to be mobile while casting IDGAF. Standing still for every spell (maybe on a few spells, I'll compromise) is heinous and I won't accept it.
  24. Like what they did with the newest map (a flavor of WVW) I wonder if in the future we are going to get more wvw inspired and maybe even content that directly plugs us into wvw; newer maps I suppose. It can be hard to change old content so maybe newer content about "going into the Mists" will be the wvw that wvw players have been requesting. Now THAT would be smart and intuitive content.
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