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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. It only makes sense that the voice in the trailer for the Saga is the voice of Jormag, because otherwise, what would be the point of having a random lackey speak for you when you are in charge. And it doesn't matter if the dragon is male, female, or neither. Everyone sees the world through their own bias anyway.
  2. Make every aoe skill require you to target a player (friend or foe, depending on the skill) to use it (with very few exceptions). Rewards skilled gameplay, and stops the mindless spamming of skills. Class mechanics could be exempt, like shade skills for example. It would also make walls usable during sieges, because when necros (which I main) try to paint the walls with wells, even with a player on the back of the wall targetted, it would give you a no line of sight to target, meaning walls could "actually" be used to defend. I would likely leave ranger longbow 5 separate, as it would still allow siege removal and give them a REAL role in wvw.There are a lot of other things that would need to be adjusted to accomodate, but it would go a long way towards promoting skilled gameplay vs just blobbing around the pulsing red circles of the scourges. Edit: I would still also like to see all siege removed except rams and oil, limit rams to 3 on a gate, and require siege damage to contest structures.
  3. If I get the urge to craft again, I will just make another legendary armor set. Why spend the same amount of gold on just the runes (or sigils).
  4. The garden doesn't even work with regular seeds UNLESS you buy a gem store plot too. The vendor doesn't have any options to buy stuff to plant.
  5. Endless wvw threads about how bad the lag has been...silence.One person says a single pve event is laggy...boom, instant response. Funny how that happens.
  6. I liked the GW1 titles better in most cases, in particular "I Have Many Leather-bound Books".
  7. Shouldn't we try to be inclusive? ;) I agree that diversity matters, even when somebody on another thread wrote they didn't get why some of us thought it worth mentioning that the amount of gay Vabbians at that particular heart quest seems to have been decreased sagnificantly. They said that representation of gays and lesbians in video games doesn't make a difference in RL - but it does. It all happens on a subconscious level. So, yes, cool that Jormag turns out to be a female dragon. :+1: Especially in the light of the Sons of Svanir being misogynists, heh heh. B) I'm actually glad that Jormag is a female villain. I think she's actually pretty epic. And I don't care about the number of gays in a video game. This pretty much. There are biological reasons why the sex of the villain could matter (i.e dragon eggs, etc, future children), but I don't care about anyone's sexuality or sexual preferences, because it's none of my business. I don't know why we have reached a point where everyone thinks the rest of us care what your preferences are in bed...we don't. The bad guys or heroes aren't going to be better or worse at doing what they do because they like the same sex or opposite sex...it literally has almost no bearing on the world what you do behind closed doors (or with who). Here's some advice: keep pillow talk to that, and be a good person and treat everyone equally and fairly.
  8. Well, sort of random. It's pretty predictable even if the second by second skill usage changes. blob on mapyour structure tactics are trolledblob appears within the minute after60 people turn the wall into hot lava30 seconds later the gate drops and the structure flipsIt doesn't always happen like this, sometimes it looks like this: blob on mapyour tactics are NOT set to publicblob appears, realizes they will have to wait for a whole extra 45 secondsblob leaves to ktrain elsewheremay return later if you have no one defendingThe third type of combat is super-rare: blob on map (you also have a blob on the map)the blobs see each other and actually fight (where normally one will map hop to avoid even number fights)everyone has fun, you get to see some skilled gameplay (normally it's 50vs20 - nothing skilled about that)
  9. I play an alt account so that it gets pips too. And, we are outnumbered soo often, that I can usually finish all my tickets on 3 accts, sometimes a 4th. One week, I even got my 5th acct (who is just for storage) tickets through plat. Which is kind of sad, that accts that were meant just for login rewards are now almost to silver rank.
  10. No staff, no mistform.3 100 blades and the necro just went up like nothing happened. Like I said, I am a 100% pure berserker build. Those who know me from BG know that my build is a beast.That is why I was astounded by the fact that an ele by just pressing F was able to overcome 3 100 blades.At least one of those 100 blades was from an extreme berserk build (me). I don't know about the other warriors but they seemed like they were doing very decent damage with their skills. Next time use one of your gazillions of cc on that ele and let a friendzerker stomp the necro. Dead necro.. Gazillions of CC? You mean the 2 that (most) Warriors run?Hammer is pretty standard, bull rush almost a requirement, that's 3 by itself.
  11. Guessing there are a lot of bugs atm. I never purchased the gardening plots, so I only have the one from the new achievement. BUT, the home instance gardener does not have ANY seeds., so I can't even use the one I have been given. So, they gave me a gardening plot, that I can never grow anything in, not even the regular seeds.
  12. They need to do a ton of things, and there is no easy fix. That said, it would be worth a try for a month. Lower the map cap to 40 (maybe even 50) per map, It would certainly help with the 60+ ktrain blobs, a little.
  13. Seems to be working post-patch. So no idea what was doing it, or if that was what the patch was.
  14. The top 3 actual reasons why tags run invisible: 1) they don't want the server knowing they failed to defend an objective2) they don't want the server kowing they failed to take an objective3) generate a perception that they are doing anything useful in wvw when they really aren't. This might partly be true, but:1) their guild may just be doing what they want, so have no interest in defending2) they don't want a mile long random tail showing an enemy which way they may be headed, late to the fight, brings the enemy with them3) yes, people still tag watch and chat watch. Can't tell you how often you see the enemy run the second a defending tag appears because they see it on the map None of these are contrary to what you have said, but there are endless reasons why people don't want to run tagged for all the world to see.
  15. Surprised, dumb, unprepared or low skilled players. @XenesisII.1540 said:I said some builds, I didn't say yours...But yeah as strider said, surprised dumb unprepared low skill players I guess? I was pressing AA.I've killed players from no rank to diamond rank just autoattacking. Not sure if you are just trying to brag or raise your view count on the video.Some people die easily to anything, some are near impossible to kill.End of story.
  16. The problem isn't stealth. Stealth as a mechanic is fine. The problem is there should be a tradeoff for being able to stealth, i.e you move slower (you are trying to be sneaky). Also, once in combat, it should prevent being able to restealth (I can see deadeye being the exception to this, but with a single restealth, not an ammo skill). Stealth should not be a timed thing, it should just be a thing (turn on, turn off - no timer). Players should also be able to see a stealthed player if they walk through them (very small radius around them). There are soo many things Anet could do to fix the problem with the games stealth mechanics, but I doubt anything will ever change. In fact, they keep adding bonuses for being in stealth, like superspeed, which compounds the problems.
  17. Don't forget to remove all superspeed from stealth, no reason they should move "faster" stealthed, they need to be slow to be quiet (that's ALL stealth).Oh, and warriors, don't forget to nerf/remove adrenal health, no reason they should get amazing regen while wearing heavy armor, and have all those blocks/invuls.Don't forget to remove all the boons, no reason a mesmer needs all those boons, while at it get ranger and engineer too. They have too many boons too.Also, remove conditions from every class but necro and ele, no reason other classes need those. Those should only be necro and ele.While at it, remove group heals from guardian, this was supposed to be a game where everyone was self-sufficient, group heals are a broken mechanic.-on a side note, remove all group healing and boon share/cleansing. Everyone can do everything, so no need for it since we should just dodge and use our personal heal. I think this covers all the sarcasm needed in this thread...assuming this is sarcasm.
  18. I would only charge 1000 gold. I really wish I could just sell them on the trading post. I want a one for one trade through a vendor: 1 gift of exploration for 1 gift of battle. The TP would make it toooo cheap for the persons who are too lazy to spend 4-6 hours in WvW. I'd like to sell those gifts too, and gifts of Maguuma.
  19. I would only charge 1000 gold. I really wish I could just sell them on the trading post.
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