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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. Before the patch I've literally chased a firebrand from SE tower (as we killed their zerg there and they scattered) all the way up to garrison, while he did nothing to me. Just chasing and trying to damage as he ran straight forward cycling all defenses and heals. I could not kill him before he got to safety. That's how it should be. A player spec'd full heals should be able to match a player spec'd full dps. HPS should equal DPS. SO, all things being equal, they should be able to survive forever. It's when it's multiple players chasing said healer that you find out what is overtuned. Given equal skill, 2 players spec'd full dps should be enough to kill a player spec'd full heal. I get that this game doesn't understand that, and that isn't what is, or even was, happening.
  2. They didn't nerf burn guard at all either. Give them time to sort out things that are outliers. Not saying they will ever get around to it, but it's only been 3 days.
  3. It is supposed to prevent you from being removed from the oil, the trait does not always work. This bug has been reported numerous times, by tons of people since PoF was released.Not sure what else we can do but report it every few months in hopes that it will be fixed for the game's 10th anniversary.
  4. If you can't deliver 2 ccs within 35s, you need to replace your build. Sure, let me mist away into a portal and it's a deal. Stand your ground gives you 5 stacks of stab so some one needs to deliver 6 hard cc with in 35 sec and that not the issue the issue is that stand your ground is much stronger then self stab skills and that not good for the game. In a lot of ways stand your ground is the example of what wvw is so messed up in making required classes for groups. If you gave every support class a stand your ground you would see far less gurds because its a boring class to play to start with. If gurd cant stand with out stab boons in wvw then other effects needs to be updated for sure but making a class a one trick effect that is required to play is bad for your team and for the person playing that one class. Stand your ground needs to be balanced by making it 60 sec cd OR making it into a stun brake aoe with some other def boons not stab.Pretty much this.
  5. I'm on NA here, met like 5 Condi Revenants, 2 Condi Firebrands, bunch of Scourges, 5 Condi Deadeyes. Only Power builds I met are 10 Warriors. That pretty much describes it. Also, huge uptick in burn guards (DH and Core), since none of their burning was even touched.
  6. That is only a small part of it.Scepter 2 got a 2 sec cd increase and 10% power reduction, no change to burnStaff 3, power reduced 20% but no change to burn.Sword of Justice, ammo skill with 4 casts, removed some invul, no change to burnShield of the avenger, ammo skill, no change at all I can drop scepter 2 and 1 sword of justice in half a sec, and down anyone standing there before they can cleanse, because you get a burn tick before the animation happens. Targetting wisely, you kill tons of people with literally no effort. And while organized zergs can deal with most of the damage, it's still overperforming.
  7. It would be kinda cool if it is, tho.Nothing could invigorate wvw faster than putting this mount into a reward-track, no further updates necessary for quite some time.^^99% of WvWers would have it within 5 hours after patch and the next day they'll complain Anet hasnt added anything new to WvW for years.However long it takes me to spam 80 potions, I have like 1k of them in the bank.
  8. Mist Stanger, with Abyss and Whisper Dye in the top, and Ebony and Burnished Steel on the bottom of the outfit dye channels.
  9. I've compared all the patch notes to my burn dragonhunter build. Literally no change at all. I lose 2 secs of vulnerability on 1 skill, and a 2 second increase on the cooldown of another. No reduction in the burn damage, duration or stacks. And while things like staff auto get a small reduction in power coefficients, it's the conditions that make the build, the power component is irrelevant. Hell, several of the skills are getting no change at all. I've been seeing a steady increase in the number of burn guards, and I'm pretty sure this is why. People are still gonna die (almost instantly) and siege will still melt. Once again, Anet not really addressing things that are huge outliers.
  10. This is not an adequate argument to keep a broken mechanic.You forgot evades , interrupts , absorption , stealth ,invulnerability and obstructions. Aegis is only one possible counter to taking damage .Get rid of retaliation , it's broken . Ive never had any problems with reta, sorry dude. I just have another opinion on that.Use lifesteal on crit food and ask your necro to use vampiric presence, there is counterplay to reta, if you dont use it, not my problem. It doesn't even come close to retaliation. The only true counterplay is to stop attacking. It may work fighting randoms, but not organized stacks with perma-retal uptime. One of the big things this game has a problem with is all the passive traits/damage. Well placed/timed attacks should not do more damage to the attacker, yet that is what retaliation does, it rewards the defender for spamming a boon and standing still.
  11. The reason wvw is so braindead, is because people bandwagon to 1 server, stack in a timezone they only face gates or a few people, and press 1 and flip the entire map.
  12. This is the reason pretty much everyone I talk to accepts for why alliances have been scrapped. We know their plans through end of Q1 2020, which puts us 2.5 years since alliances were announced. After 2.5 years, they will have done NO work on alliances to date. NONE! Why would they start now? People are still heavily bandwagoning to fight doors in timezones (and on servers) where they face no other door fighters. All of which, is about the only revenue gained directly from wvw as a gamemode. Everytime someone asks, I tell them the same thing. It's never going to happen. Just enjoy backcapping, because the only alternative is to join the bandwagon. Either way, you're gonna be attacking doors. At least the backcap crew gets the perma-outnumbered buff, like we get on TC. Only full server I know of, who starts reset with outnumbered on EB, and can keep it 90% + for the week, while still being "full".
  13. "....5 gods..." Sorry for interrupting. Have to wait and see how it looks on different races.
  14. Maybe if you can't finish a player you are not as skilled as you think you are? Oh, I'm not skilled at all. But, for example, when you stumble on a 1v4 to make it 2v4, and you down 2 of them right away, they just res each other until they win. Down 1, near insta-res, down the next, instantly back up...eventually losing the fight. Not because the enemy was more skilled, but purely because they had more people.
  15. I'd rather they didn't add it at all. It will just get botted into oblivion, like every other game with fishing.
  16. Sadly, it's not the aoe's causing all the lag. It's been bad since launch, and mounts have made it worse. The game just struggles to deal with that many people in close proximity.
  17. Downstate is an ok idea for pve, mostly to replace actual healing and the lack of a real trinity. It has no reason to be in wvw. The video is a perfect example of that. What I see more and more nowadays is a player downed at under 25% of their downed health. Someone goes to res them and I interrupt them, the downed player immediately stands up anyway (with no one else around). Mount stomping sort of helps when you are outskilling a blob, but in most situations, it is a crutch for the populated side. Skill should beat numbers, and I wish anet would realize that and remove downed from wvw.
  18. You can clear all non-instanced pve content with condition gear and just shortbow. This includes story instances too.
  19. The easy to defend objective is called spawn. The problem is all the bandwagoning/stacking/population imbalance. The game can't fix that without cutting into gem sales, so it isn't gonna happen.
  20. I am pretty sure I know who you are talking about. They are not playing a "normal" chrono, watch your log when you fight them. You will catch the occasional jaunt or them shattering with no clones/phantasms.
  21. Pretty much. Most fights nowadays look like : stunned, stunbreak, stunned, stunbreak, stunned, stunbreak, stunned/dead. That was maybe 1.5 seconds. If only I had brought my 4th stunbreak I would have been fine...oh wait, I only can have 3 on my bar.
  22. Host, TC since beta, no reason to leave, despite how things are going.Problem is the infrastructure can't handle the game the way it should have been made.3 way fights, no tiers, no score, much, much bigger map (and only 1), etc, etc. They designed the game to be like DAoC (for wvw), including the pve champs, but the maps are just too small. The champs don't give real rewards that would make pve folks go outside. The tiers thin out the population. Far too much siege, it should just be oil and rams. Dark Age gave tons of reason to be out in competitive areas, and hunting players and siege fights were fun. Even supply for upgrading and building siege is just a miss. Siege should be built by crafting them, and a limit placed on what you can carry. This is what happens when you see a good idea, and try and modify it to make it "yours". Anet did, and while it's playable, left far too many things in an awkward state.
  23. The only thing that should contest a structure is siege damage. It would even give the attacker time to get siege built and start using it before the 30 sec sword timer starts, instead of the second the guard aggros. But, it's wvw and anet...so, this isn't ever gonna be a thing. Remember, wvw is just pve with other people hitting you.
  24. There is no doubt it needs to be changed, but in order to change it, I guarantee you wouldn't like everything else that would have to be changed around it. Stealth should be permanent, not cast over and over. You turn it on, it is on until you get in combat or turn it off.Stealth should always move slower than normal run speed, roughly 60% of normal run speed unless traited, where roughly 85% should be good.edit note: mounted players would not see stealthed players.Guards can see through stealth, roughly 240 radius around them. Marked debuff is removed, completely, including keep flips.Players can see stealthed players when they are right on top of them. Radius should be small, but enough to allow counterplay, 80 or 120 or so.Once in combat, players can not restealth until out of combat; DE elite would still allow 1 restealth in combat.Revealed would be removed and replaced with an increase in radius you can see stealthed players around you. Reveal traps removed altogether.Here is why people won't like the above, which is about the only way to really "fix/balance" stealth fairly. All weapon skills would have to require a target, with no target, aoe's would be centered on the casters feet. No spamming skills to "find" stealthers.The exception to point 7 is shortbow 5, thief will still need mobility, and unless they add wall climbing, this will have to remain.Utility skills that have aoe components, like wells or spirit weapons for example, would also be centered on the caster without a target.Soft CC skills would not reveal stealthers. All skills would require line of sight to the target to be cast. The playing field has to be leveled. No more aoe spam on walls, or over walls/terrain.Siege damage would not reveal stealhed players, reveal removed from arrow cart 4.With the exception of combo fields, the only class with on demand stealth would be thief.Thief portal replaced with a non-portal skill.Lots of traits would need to be reworked. Lots of things would have to be changed to "balance" stealth, and not just on stealth itself. That includes changing how all weapon skills work for targetting, because both sides need adjustment for balance. Honestly, I think they should remove all siege but oil and rams, and limit rams to 3 on a gate, which would make point 12 irrelevant, but I don't anticipate that either. For those curios, I main mes and scrapper for wvw, although last 6 months, mostly just engineer (scrapper).
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