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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. Duels in WvW have always been and always will be a joke as long as it allows PvE stat combinations and doesn't use SPvP balancing.
  2. I define it by every game mode being abandoned and extremely minor + slow updates
  3. Nothing changed , GW2 community being nice was a reddit karma farming meme.
  4. When your brand new expac is in a content drought 1 year after release you've done something horribly wrong.
  5. Objectives do not matter in WvW and the match doesn't end and kick you out to a lobby if you ignore them.
  6. This is due to them balancing pvp around standing on a node so having 6 instant teleports isn't imbalanced if it loses you the game. In WvW it's unplayable.
  7. Delete stability from the game and add DR to CC's, increase the CD on stun breaks by 4x, lower CD on CC's and up durations. If you do lowman or even 1v1, everyone is perpetually CC immune because stab and stun breaks are balanced around zergs. It's awful.
  8. The mount is actually power crept by specs with more mobility. The reason roaming is dead is because it's too easy to run away and too easy to live forever.
  9. Delete gear from WvW Replace gear with the SPvP amulets/runes/sigils Use SPVP balancing It's extremely simple but they intentionally want this mode to be a joke.
  10. More boon buffs and strip nerfs please this game is too hard on my minstrel characters and I need to be saved by the devs at Anet.
  11. How many more expacs will they sell with alliances as a bullet point?
  12. If you aren't running full zerkers/vipers as a DPS you shouldn't be signing up for groups. Defensive stats do nothing in instanced PVE.
  13. Gear matters when someone is using full soldiers gear and the tank can't hold aggro. WoW has been going for longer than GW2 and has an inspect option.
  14. No inspect is to avoid "toxicity" but in return causes more "toxicity". Ping your gear, screenshot your gear, link kp, etc. Developers shouldn't go out of their way to make it harder to group with like-minded players and form groups. Anet has gone above and beyond to ensure making groups to do challenging content is as annoying and difficult as humanly possible.
  15. Why do you want LESS people playing your MMO? They depend on having a high population to function. This same logic was what Wildstar players told people - a game you can no longer play because it shut down due to lack of players. You really don't want to tell people to not play your MMO.
  16. Just like the real LS1! Not even SE could get away with a year of zero content updates after a brand new expansion.
  17. Why would anyone want to play an abandoned game mode? There's a lot of other games you can play.
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