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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. How is it possible that a year and a half of content updates added only a single map with 2 metas that you can only do once per day? Why can't I spam it, either? Why is the game still "go farm drizzlewood" 4 years later? No, LS1 is not content. It was a 1 year content drought(again), and I have absolutely no idea why you'd harm the game with LS1's content drought not once, but twice. No one even does the LS1 ""metas"" as they have essentially no reward. What did you even do the entire time? Other games release entire raids, zones, new gear sets, new entire systems, etc MULTIPLE times in this time frame(3 times, in fact). Yet you give..a single map? My head is exploding in confusion. Can we expect beter from SotO? I sure hope so.
  2. Looks like SotO is going to power creep the DPS even further. I don't know if this game can handle 45k+ dps specs ;/
  3. This rune has been a sick joke since it's implementation and Anet shows no sign at caring, apparently they like stealth on classes like DH that have no business stealthing.
  4. It's just how Anet is. I remember builds just randomly had 10 target target caps for 0 reason all the time. This is the exact same situation
  5. My classs fantasy isn't "useless and bad". Every class should be able to do everything like Guardian and Engineer. This is the goal of GW2 since release, they have just failed at it. I don't want to play core either, why would anyone? They're really boring and basic.
  6. Can you please buff the HP values of all mobs before IBS by at least 50%? If I play Vindicator, I jump on mobs and they die to my jump. That isn't fun, if I wanted to play a mobile auto-battler I'd turn my phone on and do it. For a game that prides itself on "no gear progression" and "no power progression", the amount of power creep is absurd and invalidates all the old content. This game is turning into "Play the expac" just like themepark MMO's, why?
  7. This is why newer weapons like sword and Hammer are so much better designed, they don't just shove on "healing" with zero dps or "tanking" with zero DPS onto water/earth, those attunements still provide a meaningful amount of damage. Ele's core weapons are so awful in comparison. I main ENG now and kits are just a attunements with zero cooldown that I can choose which I want. Attunements are awful.
  8. What's funny is the industry is moving away from battle passes because they are, in fact, not very profitable or good for the game. https://www.pcgamer.com/dota-2-is-moving-away-from-the-battle-pass-model-as-valve-says-there-are-better-uses-of-dev-time-and-most-players-never-buy-one-anyway/
  9. The game is a lot more fun when more weapons are viable. I am glad they are going back and fixing old specs/weapons. Necro staff is fantastic to play now, so is pistol and rifle on eng.
  10. EoD would have been fine if they didn't immediately abandon the game after a month and put it into a 1 year content drought via LS1...AGAIN. LS one was the worst thing to happen to this game and they did it TWICE? Wow...
  11. This game was in maint mode after EoD release and PvP isn't a supported game mode. Just move on to other games.
  12. I like the forced range, this spec would be really boring and easy without it. However, it needs to be increased to at least 600 "yalms" or whatever they use. There's far too many bosses where I can be in melee range, or inside the boss itself, but my mech is too far away from me. That's lame.
  13. WvW will forever be a terrible game mode until it has it's own gear/sigil/rune balancing like SPvP(Just copy SPvP tbh)
  14. Mobility creep, sustain creep, perma stealth thieves(fixed now I think...), CC break creep. It's nearly impossible to secure a kill and kill someone unless you instantly 1 shot them with 10 people or they let you kill them.
  15. Untamed is a meme spec, literally, the devs even said it in the EoD live streams showcasing it. Ranger is simply missing a 3rd elite.
  16. This is due to blatant favoritism/bias towards and against certain classes. There is proof of this, too.
  17. ff14 brain rot. these devs love ff14 They refuse to stop dong this, too. We've been telling them for nearly two years this is an issue yet they keep releasing buffers that BARELY meet 100% uptime and have to play mental gymnastics just to accomplish the same as other specs do with 0-1 button presses. Guess which specs everyone plays? The 0-1 button press buffers. Do they not realize this or are they this out of touch?
  18. Every single buffer should work this way, they need to cut it with their cute clunky ideas of bad uptime and unfun gameplay.
  19. Doesn't feel spammy to me. I don't get this complaint.
  20. Let me know how your soldiers geared characters are benchmarking.
  21. This is still bugged as of 7-2-2023 This is a game ruining bug. Fix your game instead of releasing a new expansion.
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