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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. The only people who like boonblobs are the people playing them. If boonballs are having fun, no one else is. When will Anet finally listen?
  2. Why balance the game when you can just give every spec a spot in the sunlight for periods of time?
  3. I don't want any of that. I want proper reward systems and meaty, challenging, fun content to play until the next expac.
  4. So 1 out of the dozens of metas created since the games release doesn't have a 100% success rate. Makes sense.
  5. If your players need to premade and organize open world content with specific builds to succeed, the content is a failure. Content like this belongs in instances, not open world.
  6. They made masteries too easy and free. For example, I finished progressing fishing before I fished a single time, that's wrong. They do add cosmetics waaay too slow even in the cash shop only. Overall, even including the cash shop, there's so few rewards added since EoD that the game feels like a one and done single player game. FF11 had horizontal for 15 years and gear was fun and there was never an end. Anet just failed at the concept.
  7. EoD is basically End of Rewards because lack of rewards have been an issue in everything added since it was released. Game is said to be "horizontal progression" but I find that it's zero progression. It used to have tons of cool things to grind towards, but that stopped after EoD.
  8. Already happening, Will be mobile/PC like Genshin and full of pay to win like Diablo Immortal.
  9. This game desperately needs a good pvp mode, WvW and Spvp are both two extremes and awful.
  10. I'd clean house then go find some local DnD nerds as the new game design team, 20+ year veterans coders as my dev team, and doujin artists as my art team. I am not saying bad things about Anet employees. I am not saying anyone should be fired. I am simply saying what I'd do if I was in charge.
  11. Festival foods ruined cooking. It's about time they were deleted.
  12. I just assume all the confused faces are people who can't comprehend basic english.
  13. I have assumed everyone has perma stab for years now and it's generally true. Stability shouldn't exist and CC should have DRs.
  14. You've summed up everything added since EoD release. They have abandoned the idea of rewards for whatever reason.
  15. Research notes are so cumbersome and unfun to deal with. They are intentionally anti-qol and do not belong in a 2022 game.
  16. It doesn't it's just 1-5 minstrel supports boring people to death.
  17. Yes it's same for the end game PvE player base. Enough so you keep up hope so you stick around but the main focus is open world casual maps.
  18. 1 year later and alliances have made 0 progress. The writings on the wall, people need to just start reading it.
  19. Power creep since PoF has made everything not the current content extremely easy - exactly like a modern themepark. Content creators keep advertising this is a horizontal progression game but it's 100% not. Chak Garent dies in a single phase 100% of the time now, for example. All old content is really boring and easy, and this game absolutely does not get enough new content quick enough to warrant making all the old so easy. Even FF14 and WoW are better about preserving difficulty in old content with ilvl sync and timewalking. GW2 is now the worst modern MMO at keeping old content challenging, which is funny. Looks like there's no end to this power creep as the most recent balance patch was just flat out buffs to nearly every spec. Full mobile autobattler mode choochoo.
  20. WvW has been melee blobs for like 5 years now.
  21. CC in PvE is just a mechanic you ignore by bringing a buffer with stab. They're both badly balanced against eachother.
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