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Everything posted by Kozumi.5816

  1. They can't fix it. There aren't enough people playing.
  2. PvE side of the game is doing really bad too, so is WvW. I actually don't know what Anet is doing at all...
  3. It's not going to improve. They don't even have the manpower to keep PvE players occupied via reward/progression/loot, there's no way they have the additional people to give for PvP and WvW.
  4. The fact they put 2 fishing rod skins in the gemstore only 1 month after releasing EoD, while at the same time making the only reward for fishing being a skin that's worse looking, pretty much sums up fishing.
  5. EoD seems to be designed as a single player game and not a MMO. Seems they forgot they were making a MMO(again). Not exactly sure how this design is financially viable for a buy to play MMO.
  6. New enemy models are a waste of resources and dev time. You can add mechanics to existing models, please do not ask developers to waste money and resources on eyecandy ;/. All that matters is the content amount, difficulty, and rewards.
  7. The lack of goals and grinds in EoD has made me quit playing. The cash shop isn't even an excuse for lack of rewards because even THAT is lacking. Where are all the ARMOR skins and long account-bound deterministic grinds, Anet? You have writs as a currency in each zone, shove a mount skin, FULL set of weapons, FULL set of armor(appealing, not conservative trash worse than vanilla skins) on a vendor for 1k writs a pop in each zone and make them account bound. Oh, and throw in a skiff skin while you're at it for imperial favors. Strikes I assume have their own chest PER strike, so let us buy the chests for prophet shards(5 per week?) and shove in random skins. Also add actual ARMOR and MOUNT skins to the green prophet shard vendor. You do want people PLAYING your game, right? See those swimsuits in the new EoD lobby? Yeah, throw those in the cash shop for 1500 gems each. Remember that school outfit in the dats? Toss that in as well. You don't even have to do the work, you already did it! You like, money, don't you? We have good content, but it's designed as a single player game where you consume it once then you're done. Why? ~2 months in and still no signs of proper rewards. You remember you're making a MMO, right? You didn't randomly forget again, did you? Feel free to PM me if you want to offer me a position as lead rewards designer.
  8. Ele is the hardest class in the game to kill in PvP / WvW.
  9. This is an issue with all of EoD. We have content, and no reason to do any of it after a few times.
  10. Anet and """guilds""" can have fun with their game mode that slowly dies and never gains a single player. Enjoy your """vision""" of PvP that no one wants to play I guess? Very healthy and smart game design.
  11. Wait, are you defending Anet intentionally locking basic MMO grouping features (thus making the game harder to get into as a new player) behind a 300g + 250 badge purchase? My god. No other game does this. It's bad for new players. Stop defending bad things.
  12. You do if you want to be able to kick, move people, place markers, ready check, etc. It's absurd.
  13. Seriously. It only benefits you if you outnumber the enemy.
  14. Sure when HPS spam doesn't take 1
  15. I've cleared that strike 1/1 with a < 3k dps core necro. Just make your own group and get a healer, 1 alac, 1 quickness in each subgroup. aka... Go spend 300g and farm 250 badges of honor! Yay for gatekeeping BASIC MMO grouping tools behind expensive purchases(for a new player)
  16. Bad rewards greatly reduce the amount of new players joining.
  17. Mobility creep is why WvW is unplayable.
  18. Voted other, entire system needs to be remade. Should be the same gold/hour as SPvP. If not remade: Capping pips should be a seasonal thing and take ~40 hrs per season. Or ~8 hours a week. Skirmish tickets need to be gained at 4x the rate they currently are. NO BONUS PIPS FOR COMMANDER TAG NO BONUS PIPS FOR BEING HIGHER RANK Pip chests final chest same gold as SPvP onles per tier Repeat pip chest 20g/repeat.
  19. I explained my thoughts why I think the poll isn't set up well. The highest priority needs to be more people. However, if you fix rewards and class balance you get that.
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