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Everything posted by Andy.5981

  1. Just been playing on Abbadon's Mouth Home Borderland. Dreadfall Bay was held by blue and T3. We had taken out the north outer gate from the Veteran Iceworm and had a team of about 5 at the north inner gate. Two rams up and the gate was going down. The gate was at about 3% when I saw a blue player pounce on Warclaw behind the gate. At that point the gate went untargettable and unattackable. No further damage. There was an intact gate graphic in front of us, but you could see a broken gate graphic behind this gate, needless to say we couldn't get in. Not seen this bug before but it seems strange that it happened at exactly the same time that someone pounced with warclaw. Bug or ?
  2. Well it doesnt really matter how much WE think the templates should cost, because Anet have decided. The answer is contained within this Dev Post.. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90719/about-guild-wars-2-templates "Build and Equipment Tabs and Build Storage Spaces will be priced in the same range as bank and bag slot expansions"
  3. No. In my opinion players should be fighting each other with the character skills, not those of mounts.
  4. A while back one of the patches broke the Ranger Longbow Skill 5 - Barrage. It was fixed shortly after, but in summary the targeting circle acted oddly and couldn't be placed at will due to it hitting various pieces of scenery. The patch cured this issue. Today I've been in Fields of Ruin. I've noticed that the targeting circle is again acting a little oddly when being moved against terrain, trees, and other zone scenery. Nothing has been altered on my settings before or after yesterdays patch. It doesnt seem as severe as the issue a while back, but it is definitely there. Its almost like the target circle is trying to hug the map geometry and bumps against trees etc. Edit - Just tried Staff skill 5 on my Elementalist which, like the Longbow Skill 5, uses a freely moveable target circle and it too seems to be hitting terrain detail and treating them as obstacles bumping around them. Same issue with Necromancer Staff target circles. Makes placement of weapon circles awkward.
  5. Well it took 5 pages before someone came up with what I think are probably the most valid QUESTIONS (as per the thread title) here. Can I also add, with the ability to "send builds to friends to help them prepare for a raid—or to your enemies to boast of your superior build", are there any mechanisms in place to stop persons griefing other players on opposing WvW or PvP teams, by spamming builds to their chat window? I appreciate you can block players, but that is after the event rather than before.
  6. This 20000k range, was this how far away you and your 19 friends were when you were being picked to pieces by the 5 Rangers in the Keep?
  7. I wondered that too, certainly I missed the hint on my first play through of the story and the zone. On the second play through I listened carefully to the NPCS. It turns out the clue is given when you go to speak to Malice Swordshadow during the storyline, you need to listen to her carefully.
  8. I think we should all take Rox's advice and "lets get the flock out of here...."
  9. I'm glad someone else remembers this. It was 2001 and it was called Project M. Everquest had numerous servers, but one of them was a dedicated PVP server. It had the same quests as the others, but everyone was able to attack anyone else. For a very brief period they implemented Project M This link tells you all about it https://wiki.project1999.com/Project_M However for those that dont wish to leave these forums, this is a direct cut and paste.... "Project M" was an EQ Live event in November, 2001, during the Velious expansion. Also known as MvP (Mob versus Player). It eventually led to the Depths of Darkhollow expansion. Patch notes Project M Implemented:Tonight we have patched something to the PvP servers that many players have been waiting for. The ability to play that gnoll, orc, or the cute and fuzzy rat. On your character select screen you will notice another button in the upper right part of your screen called "Monster". Clicking this button will randomly place you in a low-level NPC in a random zone. You will be given full control of the creature to do with it what you like. You may hunt and kill other creatures. You may even attack other players.Some things to remember when playing your own personal monster (NPC). You will not be able to interact with players or NPC's other than moving and hitting attack. You cannot speak, trade, sell, or do anything else that a player can do. You will spawn with normal loot for the monster you are playing and Player Characters will be able to kill you for loot and experience. If you are a spell casting monster you might want to take a moment to memorize some spells. Once you die, you will return to the character select screen where you may choose to return as another NPC or play your normal character. You may gain experience, levels, and skills as this NPC, but once you die, it is all lost. You will need to start over the next time you choose to be a NPC character. You can't zone as a monster. If you try to cross a zone-boarder you will lose your progress and return to the character-select screen. Monster PCs (MPCs) can not loot, sell, or gain items. They only get what they start out with. This ability to play a monster is being implemented for PvP servers only as we have no plans to implement non-consensual PvP on a non PvP server.However, we are still working with this system. We may find other ways to implement Project M on the non-PvP servers that are acceptable. We aren't done looking at the possible uses of this new feature. There are some developer notes as well, one of which explains why it failed... What was Project M and how did it affect the creation of monster missions?Project M was an experiment done back in fall of 2001 where players could select a monster at the character selection screen. The intent was to allow players to hop into the body of a low level creature and challenge other creatures and players, but the design of the system at the time had some significant crying and butthurt that prevented Project M from staying on servers long. Why didn't Project M work? First, Project M didn't fit into the immersive world of EverQuest as players were expertly choosing a random NPC at character select (such as a moss snake). In addition, a small majority of players used Project M as it was intended which introduced a PvP element on PvE servers. As you can imagine, the only people who typically had fun were the cool people and even then it was a short term play-style as players never earned rewards. So why include a feature like playing a monster now?Despite the original problems, having the ability to play as a monster can be extremely fun and is something that can add an entirely new dimension to the gameplay if done correctly. I think we've done it correctly with Depths of Darkhollow with both monster missions and spirit shrouds. This was at a time when EQ was probably the biggest MMORPG around. WoW wouldn't see the light of day for a further three years. The project was never repeated.
  10. The word Raid is a corruption of the old English word rād, which means to ride. The word is cognate (shares the same origin) with the old Norse word reið. Not surprising really since Scotland and Northern England were regularly attacked and settled by the Vikings. It got corrupted to the Scottish/Northern English word Rade during the 15th Century. At that time it meant a riding journey or expedition. By the 17th century it had died out but was revived by the Poet Sir Walter Scott in the 19th Century most notably in his work Rob Roy, where it was given an extended meaning of attack or foray. Well that's what I found out by digging around a little.
  11. You can add this one to the list. Constantly bugged in Metrica Province. Repeatedly bug reported.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defend_Yerkk_while_he_isolates_skritt_for_his_IQ_experiment
  12. My own personal opinion of the new WvW weapon skins. Shield, Sword and Dagger are nice. Greatsword is nice but needs to be a little bigger. Sceptre is too mace-like Staff quite bland. Focus is nice but is too big, its like a shield! Hammer again too big, looks rather ridiculous, other than that its a nice model. Pistol and Rifle are too big and bulky. Torch is too big. Shortbow looks like someone broke the top off it. Longbow Mace and Axe are very poor. Warhorn looks good. 6/10
  13. If you want to talk Death penalties you had to experience the pain of dying in Everquest circa 1999, where if you died you spawned back at your bind point. You then had to run across possibly multiple hostile zones with no armour, no weapons. To add to this your corpse had a decay timer on it, so if you didn't reach it, it disappeared forever taking all your armour and inventory items with it. Oh and when you died, you lost experience, if you had just gained a level it was likely you dropped back to your old level due to the amount of experience lost. So all in all both GW1 and GW2 systems are fluffy care bear systems with absolutely nothing to lose or worry about to be honest.
  14. Was fun for 15 minutes, then I stopped due to the fact that the transferred abilities stopped me from using Sic Em on my Longbow Soulbeast and my kill count went down ;) Thank you for the increased exp etc., though
  15. I am willing to work for this mount, and have worked for it. Am still working for it. Please realize that your playstyle is not everyone else's. Mine isn't everyone else's either. When the LW4 maps came out, I completed them all, and spent currencies earned on things the map vendors had. Isn't that partly what they're there for? Now to go back and play the same content in the same maps for the same low rewards is mind-numbingly boring. That's just me; I get that others are enjoying it. Unless the map currency requirements are lowered, or we can buy more from the vendors in Dragonfall, it's going to take me weeks if not months to get the Skyscale, because I will not spend time doing things I HATE in a game which is supposed to be FUN. And if I don't get the mount, I won't buy skins for it -- don't mean that to sound like a threat; it's just common sense. YMMV Absolutely agree that everyone's playstyle is different and it should be up the them how they play, I'm certainly not advocating that the way I play the game should be the way that you should play the game. If you read my post, I played the same way as you did. I did each LS as they came out, did everything I could on all my characters and I also like you spent currency on the vendors. That as you say, is exactly what they're there for. The net result is however that playing the game in the way I did, which isn't hardcore farming in any way shape or form, I still have enough of the currencies to make the necessary purchases (that is once I've fed the skyscale) - I'm certainly not rushing through it. This is why I'm puzzled and at a bit of loss as to how people, who played in the fashion you described, which appears to be the same way as I did, are low on these currencies?
  16. Voted - No I'm at a bit of a loss to understand what people were doing when these maps came out? Now I can understand not having these currencies if you've only recently gone into the zones, but everyone else? I'm not a farmer in any sense, I tend to move around zones because I like doing the events. When all of the 'Desert' living stories came out, I played my way across the map, did completion, did the achievements, did the meta's etc., I did this with all of my characters, all nine of them and also completed the stories too. I didn't stay constantly in these zones and moved to other expansions, so some of the time I wasn't gathering the required materials. By playing the game as I suspect the Developers intended, I've actually got more than the required number of materials. The only zone I'm lower on is Jahai, which I suspect is down to having completed the armour quests. Whilst I can understand some wanting this mount as soon as possible, the reality is, you have to work for it.
  17. It is a very annoying bug, made even more annoying when you see another player whizzing past on a mount whilst you rotate into the ground and move forward on your invisible mount. Clearly the game is reporting the other players position correctly and that they are on a mount, but not you. Not a programmer, so not sure if this is technically possible, but shouldn't priority on the game client each player is running on their computer be to load their character on a mount before anyone else and then gradually render and display the other players as time permits?
  18. Reading this thread has made me feel much better. I just thought it was me. Been playing since just after launch. I've levelled a character of every class to level 80. Finished World completion and PoF on each of them and apart from two (who are at the Hearts and Minds mission in HoT) I've also completed HoT as well. 8.3K hours of proper play time, not afk for long periods, 28879 achievement points, level 40 PvP (stopped playing I hated it) and 1386 rank in Wvw (all played in the normal zones). Every single one of them has done all the living world events. Magic find is at 256%. I regularly do events in zones. I've not dropped a single pre-cursor. Which just goes to show that it is totally random.....
  19. AFK or Not? The only people who can work that out are Anet themselves when the person in question is contacted by a CS representative in game. Thing is what I want to know is why Anet aren't doing something about the game mechanics that could solve this. At the present moment if you continually kill the same creatures time and time again the game gives less and less bonus experience until such time that you are left with only normal experience. Why isn't this extended. When players continually kill the same creatures time and time again, not only does the bonus exp drop, but after a certain amount of time the normal experience drops to zero. At this point if they continue to kill these creatures (by now not giving any experience) the loot items they give drop in quality. Keep doing it and they drop in quality again until such point that they only drop trophy items like claws, pieces of fur etc. It would ensure people had to move around to farm. It would also release some spawn spots for other players to play in without having to fight against a ton of AE spells etc. Normal players who play though the zones aren't going to be bothered much by this, but the static afk farmers will be.
  20. I think you are right, though at least the GW2 Voice Actors haven't managed to emulate what has to be the undisputed worse case of an American attempting a British accent. That award in my opinion is held by Dick Van Dyke attempting a "Cockney" accent in Mary Poppins "Chim chimineyChim chimineyChim chim cher-ee!A sweep is as luckyAs lucky can be" Hilarious (almost as Hilarious as the rude word filter almost completely filtering his name!!)
  21. Yes he is normally pretty good at doing a "British" accent, well a sort of Posh English accent, but as you say, he does make mistakes. It is quite funny how the 'cut glass' upper class accent is perceived to be a "British" accent when it couldn't be further from the truth. That said if they voiced them in some of the local dialects we have here in the UK the vast majority of Americans would have difficulty in understanding them! As for the Wyvern pronunciation, for some reason I've got in my head that Canach says it at some point. I've always said Jotun and Jormag as Yotun and Yormag (my apologies to any Scandanavian players if this isn't correct), rather than" Jot tun" and "Jaw mag" Golem should be Go Lem rather than Gol em
  22. My favourite? The person who voices Glint. Not quite sure who this is to be honest. Least Favourite, there are two - 1) anyone that mispronounces Wyvern in that horrible cut short Wee Vern manner, it an old English word from the French and we over here in the UK say it Whyvern. It makes me cringe every time I hear it. 2) whoever voiced the Kodan called Sun Warming in Bitterfrost Frontier. You can practically see her pinching her nose as she spoke the words creating a nasally voice.
  23. What I did was to reduce the Character Model Limit to Lowest and (on my case) it is helping me a lot. Thought it is super strange, because mounts are not affected by Character Model Limit. Which confirms what I suspect is going wrong. You've reduced the overall amount of 3d meshes on screen and the associated skins. We haven't had any increases to character models or complexities. We have had the introduction of mounts. It appears to be the complexity of mounts that is causing this problem. If this is the case then I suspect it is only going to get worse as more and more mounts are added, increasing the amount of mount meshes/skins to the game. As a result I think its going to impact on more and more players. I suspect that what is needed is a slider that either reduces mount model detail or turns them all into the basic models. Again I'm going to ask the Anet Forum moderator - what is going on? Are you aware of this fault? What are you doing about it?
  24. Just had this happen again. Been playing for quite some hours and no problems whatsoever. Running latest NVIDIA Drivers. Just looted a load of chests in Palawadan - lots of people around, lots of scenery to throw around - no issues. Also did the Legendary Smoldge and again no problems despite a lot going on on screen and quite a few players. The Guildhall in Istan event started not long after that. I was heading towards the gate. There were lots of players sitting on the big rock just outside. As soon as the gate became attackable a lot of them swooped down with Mounts. Game froze completely. I am now utterly convinced it is mounts/some combination of mount textures that are causing some sort of memory leak or some sort of buffer overflow on graphic cards. The silence on this issue is deafening. Is someone working on this? Is it fixable? Is it something that they know about, but cannot do anything about because it only affects some combinations of processor/graphic card?
  25. Further to my post on the 20th November this is still happening. Was just in the new Istan zone, someone mentioned that the Legendary bounty Smoldge was up. Headed over to his spawn point. There were quite a few players at the location including commander. As I glided over towards them on my Griffon, the game just came to a standstill. Frozen Screen, yet the game music was playing in the background. Task Manager showed that the game wasn't "not responding". It clearly happens when there are large numbers of players on the map. In this instance I don't think it was down to the sheer number of mounts, since the Legendary was well engaged and a lot of people would not have been on them. Whilst my machine isn't the latest all singing all dancing system it runs GW2 fairly well (and judging by the posts above it doesn't matter if you do have a top spec machine) - its a Intel Q6600 based machine (don't laugh it works quite well to be honest) it has 8gb memory, an Asus Nvidia 970GTX graphics card with 4Gb memory, Running Nvidia drivers V388.43 and has a 1tb SSD drive so loading of zones etc it pretty quick. I doubt I'm the only one with this issue.
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