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Everything posted by Imba.9451

  1. Yes, they can, by limiting them accordingly. Or not, considering the increase clover cost, wich you ignored once again. Also, this is pure speculation on your part.
  2. You seem to be unable to understand what I wrote, so I am happy to spell it out for you again: With the increase of Coind cost, this means that the economy revolving around coins, will climb in prices. Also, the problemis not that strike player get coins. NOONE here is mad about that. The problem is cutting them from fractals entirely. Wich benefits one group of players, but completely screws over another group of players, who put in work to have the gear to even tackle that content. Wich is simply a very, very bad move from Anet.
  3. So 20 forum posts, wich most of aren't even toxic, reflect the majority of players? There are several things wrong with your obsevations here. Also, it does not benefit most players, as the coin price to exchange them for clovers doubled.
  4. I would really like some data on wich you base the assumption of this outcry coming from a "toxic minority". Bold statement, to say the least.
  5. The message behind this to me is: Screw fractals. We are abandoning them, so you should too. Here, have an incentive not to play them anymore. But we have some cool new strike mission in the next expansion! Thats just a bad move. I get it, they want players to mirate. They want to sell the expansion. They want to have players in the expansion (wich opens the question: Are they not confident enough they will migrate by themselves? Are they afraid there are not enough players?), but killing old content, even if it's "soft killing" like done here instead of locking content away like Destiny 2 does, sends the wrong message. You could limit the amount of coins you can get per day or week. But erasing them completely? One of the actually wort decisions ever made in regard to this game. Doubling down on that with doublig the price for Clover exchange, this seems so horribly, HORRIBLY out of touch. Unless of course, there will be an alternative way to earn more coins in EoD, wich they did not anounce yet - wich begs ANOTHER question of how Anet didn't see this kittenstorm coming and adressing this beforehand.
  6. Just another reminder of this idea. The value-disparity between legendary sets is still there, and it would be easily fxable this way.
  7. I`m just gonna bump this idea again. Having to craft another legendary set again, just for the skin, without any use for it because the legendary armory exists, is absolutely pointless.
  8. I would like to bump this idea again. Being able to pay some gold and the corresponding amount of LI to unlock the Raid-Armor Skins seems pretty fair to me, while having to craft several legendary armor sets that provide zero benefit if you already have WvW or PvP armors is just not in line with what the armory is supposed to be. On a personal note, I kina struggle to finish my PvP-armor now. It seems like wasted gold. Therefore, I sit on a half-completed light armor set. It just feels very, very bad to know that, should I continue to craft the remaining legendary pieces, I get less value and should I not finish it, I only have half an armor and effectively wasted gold and mats, considering I farm raids for another set. This is not fun at all. It's just frustrating.
  9. I'd dig a election campain, with Kiel wearing a MAGA-Cap and shouting "MAKE ASCALON GREAT AGAIN" towards a big crowd with 0 Charr in it. 10/10, woul vote for her.
  10. To be fair, not every expansion needs a big new feature imho. I am fine with a good campain, interesting maps and fun bosses. Hyping up skiffs and fishing like they were a game changing expansion though is pretty sad. It`s a little something, nothing more.
  11. I can only see myself fishing while chatting with people over discord with nothing else to do but waiting for something better to to do. And if I am not waiting for someone do do something in GW2, I will probably never start GW2 in order to fish but play one of the games on my ever increasing backlog on steam.
  12. Thats like saying "You can play GW2 without internet. You just have to imagine it."
  13. When some people come up with it again every so often, and some people argue against this, there is no way to tell the general consensus regarding the whole playerbase. Thats entirely up in your head. And you seemingly tend towards exaggerating thing (very heavily), you are exactly what my post initially adressed: Some people being loud does not mean they are in the majority. Heck, no. I always get as far away from RP'lers as possible, or mute the chat. It's annoying to everyone I know. So your statement is, again, factually wrong. Wow. A feature thats in the game has an lfg tool, while a feature thats not in the game has no lfg tool. Do you really consider this an argument? Should I just pm you from now on when I want to know the opinion of "everyone"? This threads existance alone is proof to you being factually wrong.
  14. We do not have aggressive mobs in real life that need a beating tho. So that example is a little far-fetched. I really do not see how someones game experience is affected by two people dueling. I mean, usually people do not even care for whoever runs beside them in open world anyway. We do our thing, tag our mobs, yadda yadda. If you are affected by two people dueling, there is no reason not to be affected by a person smashing mobs nearby. Based on audio, thats basically the same thing. Edit: And, again, or else people gonna think I actually am in favour of 1v1, because attacking an argument must mean that you are against the position it tries to defend: I do not think the implementation of 1v1 is worth the effort.
  15. Asking this when when quoting a post in wich i state that this implementation is probably NOT worth the time is pure mockery at this point and accurately describes this thread. Additionally, don't argue with hypothectial percentages.
  16. No. But I adressed this excat issue in my post, wich you seemingly neither read nor understood.
  17. So you speak for everyone now? Guess we do not need the forum anymore then. Honestly though, it doesn't. People in this thread a basically just a loud minority of maybe 5-10 people. I'd be pretty sure that most players wouldn't care. Still doesn't make it a worthwhile implementation, just saying the the "arguments" in this thread are 99% "I don't want this and most of the other players who do not speak up probably don't want this as well."
  18. Same. First crash at round 2, shortly after it started, second crash in round 3, again shortly after it started.
  19. I don't disagree with the existance of a cash shop. I disagree with selling lootboxes and ingame "time savers".
  20. If the people answering here are 99% of the PvE Playerbase, then the game has much bigger problems than 1v1. Bad analogy. 1v1 duels disrupt noone. People RP'ing in a PvP match (wich is a team gamemode) do.
  21. I personally hope for MORE bosses like Liadri to be added to the game. It took me quite a few tries until I beat her and Turai, but I really enjoyed it.
  22. Noone says it's absurd. We simply say that the reasoning is the same, no matter if you fight other players or NPC's. Because fighting an NPC who asks you to "show your strength!" or to "help him train!" is ultimately the same thing as 2 players fighting with this as as an ingame lore justification, because in the end, both are fictional characters. And lets be honest: There isn't much involvement in the overall "story" for most of the NPC's either. They are there. They have a short dialogue as alibi-reason to fight you. Thats not story. That hardly even is considered to be lore.
  23. No, because it's literally in the game right now. We get to fight pact members and other allies all the time for hearts and Hero points. Yeah, and there are ways to tie it in. Ways that are already in the game.
  24. It's actually very simple: You started the whole debate about "why would we fight each other in the open world?" We gave you reasons for how that could be adressed by something that is already in the game. At this point, all you do is defending your point forthe sake of not being "wrong". There are so many reasons for why 1v1 in the OW will probably never happen and why Anet wouldn't want to implement it, but the lack of a tie-in for this feature into the story is not one of them.
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