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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I've seen in the Ranger sub-forum where some players use main hand axe and enjoy the ambush from that. Might be worth a look? The wiki does a good job of showing which ambush skills go on which main hand weapons. I have been enjoying several of the new specs by not using the weapon that is specifically for it. True, I do tend to lose a good bit mechanically as I limit my options this way, but in some cases I really don't like the weapon that is intended to compliment the spec. The ambush on main hand sword is also a daze, which is cool. I will jump in with Sword 2, then dagger 4, toggle F2 for the ambush, strike with sword 1 and then sword 2 for the second attack that is still available. Toggle F2 for my tiger's boon (fury) before toggling F5 again. Then, I might sword 3 to bounce out (which re-activates sword 2) while F1 the tiger for the pet's unleash. Rinse and repeat, which the very short cool down on F5 helps a lot. I get you going back to SB for the meta. Far easier to engage with content with a well known spec. 🙂 That's why I've done a good deal with core ranger over the last year or so. Not optimal, sure, but I enjoy all of the bouncing around and the unleashing between my ranger and her pet.
  2. Yeah, and I posted right after that if you read down further. 😉
  3. Not trying to make any case. I just don't see the need for it. I was able to proceed through the game without LW1. Apparently, thousands of other players have been able to do so, too. My preference is for newer content, not re-hash of older content.
  4. I guess it depends on what game mode and/or what weapon. I play OWPvE with my ranger main using Sw/D and LB with untamed and find the ambush rather useful albeit situational. I bound my F5 to my side-mouse button so I can hop in and out of untamed mode frequently. Sometimes, it helps to have the pet "normal" for the set skills it has (I use tiger F2 to grant buffs to melee characters around its target which often times is me with my Sw/D while I hit with the ambush skill on sword). Haven't yet gotten the feel for the hammer. I probably will never use it. Obviously YMMV
  5. I missed LW1. Certainly don't feel that I've lost out on anything. Not sure how this is supposed to impact my objectivity. For me, EoD and now the LW1 announcement show backward thinking and a lack of originality. It's as if the team can't come up with a new, original story so they will simply re-hash old stuff for nostalgia and call it a success. Maybe, financially, it is but I don't see such a path as being highly sustainable in any long run.
  6. That's subjective. I found several of the EoD specs quite fun in open world. There are some that I don't really like, so I don't run them, but I see plenty of other players who do. Now, if you're referring to PvE things like strikes and raids, well, I can't speak to those as I don't involve myself in them.
  7. Yeah, so it would seem that the studio is all about nostalgia now. (sigh) I'm guessing heroes are next.
  8. No, OP wants 10 year old stale cake with new frosting.
  9. Again with the Season One request? That's your top choice? (sigh) There is a reason that Anet moved away from it. Dungeons? Why? Anet has abandoned them in favor of fractals and strikes. Going back would be a waste of resources that could be better spent on current or future content. You realize this by your fifth point on fractals. New playable race? Plenty of existing threads on the forum for why this will probably never happen. Feel free to use the forums search feature to read about it. Henchmen? Um, no. This isn't GW1. Henchmen aren't necessary. The rest of the list is a pipe dream, really. I'm not sure where you think Anet will get the resources (time/money) to implement any of those suggestions and still be able to release fresh content. New content is what drives sales and without it, the studio will fold.
  10. I don't think that it should be a player's choice. Perception is everything. If players are running around in armor sets that don't mesh well, it would just look bad and GW2 would get a reputation that their fashions are terrible. I'd imagine Anet wouldn't want that. As for capes, they hadn't been introduced yet and Anet took some time to figure out how to get them to (mostly) work. To make interchangeable armor, they would have to start from the beginning and that would take a lot of time and resources.
  11. My main has the tiger skin for the jackal. I've dyed it to match my tiger pet and tiger mini. 🙂
  12. Yeah, as a ranger main I really miss the pet sanctuary of GW1 for this reason.
  13. I wouldn't think that time spent on a map should increase the odds. I think that the odds should remain static so that players need to boost them on their own with the methods currently available. But that's me -- I don't plan to do any fishing anyway. I never thought it should have been added. I would have preferred that resources would have been spent on something else like better game balance or fixing stuff that's been borked for years. /shrug
  14. Your opening post doesn't seem to leave room for discussion, nor does it appear to be a suggestion.
  15. Is fishing on one map for long periods of time affected by the diminishing returns mechanic?
  16. This is a design decision from Anet from the start. You can use the forums search feature to find the many other threads that have already discussed this issue.
  17. Right, but if a lot of players do this, won't a lot of instances need to be opened/closed?
  18. GW1 was instanced content. I don't think the mega-server architecture and design of GW2 would easily allow for this. Probably goes against one of the core concepts of GW2 as an MMO (as opposed to GW1 style).
  19. QoL suggestions should go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  20. You cannot. Feature does not exist. Please use forums search for many other threads on this topic.
  21. It affects any players who do not wish to see it in open world. At any rate, there are plenty of other threads on this point already so I won't derail this one any further.
  22. I ask you again to read the previous posts on this topic. At least as far as the forums go, there is a significant majority who don't even want to see dueling in open world, whether it's opt-in or not. We just don't want to see players fighting other players in OW. There already exists a format for it. There is no need for Anet to spend additional resources for this request.
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