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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I've only managed to complete the first map, but was encouraged by what I perceived to be a lack of invisible walls around most places.
  2. Why limit mounts? Make the cliff as you describe and let players who want to climb do that but don't lock anything behind it where mounts are excluded. More mobility options, sure, but not at the expense of current ones.
  3. Nothing is forcing you to use mounts to explore Tyria. If you want to do that without mounts, have at it. I really don't understand how some players want to force their play style preferences on the entire community.
  4. Does a 2+ hour meta event need more time? I'd prefer changes that would lessen the fail rate that don't increase the time required.
  5. While I agree mostly with that, I have found swapping in and out in order to get the ambush to be kinda fun. Again, I'm on Sw/D and not hammer (LB on weapon swap where ambush is not too bad for me either) so maybe I'm getting something more out of it by not using the "preferred" e-spec weapon.
  6. I'm a ranger main and I've been running a non-standard untamed build with Sw/D instead of hammer and I've been doing ok with it thus far.
  7. No worries. Anet will probably release more skins through the gem store so you can spend gold instead of karma.
  8. As a ranger main, I was really disappointed in the forum's cry for the (IMO) stupid bunny thumper. I was even more disappointed when the untamed released in beta with a hammer. Didn't like it. Still don't. But... I started EoD with the untamed as I always start expansions with my main and the newest elite build. However, I ditched the hammer and have been using Sw/D and LB as my weapons and have found my own enjoyment with this spec. True, I may not be getting everything out of it because I'm not using the weapon designed for it, but I've found what works for me. YMMV
  9. And here I thought that I was impressive with my measly 10m karma.
  10. Yep. It has always been per character and not per account.
  11. They did listen to the players. The ranger sub-forum wanted bunny thumper. That's why we got a hammer spec.
  12. (sigh) Again with the mount comparison. Anet never said that they did not want to add mounts.
  13. You will have plenty of time to decide while waiting during the buggy release that is sure to happen.
  14. And look what happened to SWTOR after the latest "expansion" 🙄
  15. Please use the forums search feature. There are many threads which have already discussed this issue and why Anet will not translate into other languages.
  16. This suggestion should go in the QoL Suggestion thread. I jest! I jest!
  17. Lately, I find that this only happens when the argument begins to devolve into personal attacks and not on the merits (or lack thereof) of the topic. In those cases, yeah, lock the thread. I'm pretty sure that many don't care to read through multiple posts going back and forth off-topic or insults toward other posters.
  18. The QoL thread has become the de facto Suggestions thread as we've been told that the devs look through that thread. It's easier for them to do that than to comb through pages of forums for suggestions that players would like to see implemented.
  19. I disagree. Why spend the resources to create a fast, underwater mount when an underwater mount already exists which could be given a speed mastery to increase it's speed?
  20. Other than mystic coins, what items are farmed that can be considered to have an inflated price? Most (if not all?) map currencies are account bound, so there's no rate of inflation on those. Of course there are sinks. Those are in place to provide incentive for players to return to certain maps to engage in content to either farm or spend the currency there. Can you be more specific as to what this proposal is trying to address? It almost seems like a solution in search of a problem.
  21. If you tie it to PoF, then the new player can simply go into PoF and get the raptor mount. Gliders are very useful outside of HoT. Not sure what game you're playing?
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