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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Once again, the layoffs had nothing to do with GW2. I really wish people would get that straight. As for NCSoft investing more, well I'm sure many if not all of us would welcome that. I would argue that GW2 is a big chunk of their revenue, though.
  2. That, and/or the need for instant gratification that seems to be more common with that generation.
  3. I don't understand the point or complaint. There is nothing that says players must read the wiki or must help other players regardless of what they ask or when it is asked. If someone wants to play GW2 without using the wiki or other external sources then they can simply do just that.
  4. See: Fire Elemental world boss for example. 😄
  5. So, you're advocating for limitless guild hall farming? And this wouldn't adversely affect the economy?
  6. Newer players shouldn't require high end mats so going to higher zones shouldn't be an issue.
  7. Have you tried asking in https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/25-players-helping-players/
  8. This has been suggested before. Allowing mounts to use updrafts would make gliders next to useless, especially in zones with updrafts. I don't see that Anet would want to do that.
  9. QoL Suggestions go here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/96299-suggestionsqol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged/?do=getNewComment
  10. My point justifies none of that. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion. No, GW2 is not marketed as a single player game, but there are many, many players in the game who play it as such. The rest of your post is pure hyperbole, so I won't even bother with it.
  11. Not to mention that the mega thread was on the first page of this forum when that person posted their new thread. 🙄
  12. Yeah, wait until 18 hours after the release of the next expansion for all of the "there's nothing to do" threads because people power through the content. 🙄
  13. Ah, ok. There are shrines in Dragonfall that can help one get closer.
  14. Drizzlewood, right? Use parachutes to get close to event champs?
  15. That isn't a valid comparison to the heroes in GW1, which is what is being asked for in this thread. In GW1, heroes could be spec'd out and given a wide variety of skills to use and the player could even choose when to have a particular hero use a specific skill. This is no where close to what ranger pets and necromancer minions do.
  16. Armor sets and outfits are completely different which is probably why they have different slots in the hero panel. Equipment templates allow for mix/match armor pieces, but not outfits.
  17. Anet has already told us that it takes at least 9 months to make one armor set. That's not relatively minimalistic if compared to outfits which take considerably less time for them to make.
  18. Respectfully, it may not be considered an improvement to the game by others who believe that the current set up is fine.
  19. Because, many believe that there would be a large outcry from a significant group of players who want to be able to do the entire story with a new race.
  20. This is no different than home instances. If players need more materials than what they can acquire from home and guild instances, then maybe they can actually go out into the world and gather them there?
  21. The AI for the NPCs in the instanced content is terrible. I can't imagine adding to that mess.
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