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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. If the desire is so great, they could always purchase gems with real cash and then buy their mystic coins.
  2. This is the same debate as "dont use mounts, dont use glider etc " just the fact it's implemented in the game is enough. Restraining yourself to use a part of the game shouldnt be a thing. I respectfully disagree. Waypoints are not needed to complete content. There is no need to use them, especially with the inclusion of mounts which are completely optional for core content.
  3. Since they insults everyone who disagrees them, they'll need it. As for the actual premise, I would much rather developmental resource be put into something... better. Like actual fractals and revitalizing dungeons. Yeah, that's kinda why I bowed out now. No longer worth my effort.
  4. There is no rotation. Items appear when Anet decides to bring them back. You may want to watch this thread for announcements which is also stickied at the top of the forum for convenience: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/458/news-gemstore-items-new-returned-sales
  5. I have a mute button on my keyboard and my headset. I could just mute that music when downed. Maybe try something like that?
  6. Not to detract from the work involved, but implementing mounts was a massive QoL for everyone who purchased the expansion (which was probably the reason why they were implemented in the first place), but probably not the level of development that would be involved with what is being proposed here which, to be frank, seems to me to be for a niche audience. That's why I don't believe that the comparison is valid.
  7. Arguing for/against mounts is significantly different than what is being presented here. I don't believe that to be a fair comparison to support one's argument.
  8. "very high difficulty" is very subjective. There is content that I find highly difficult which others might breeze through.
  9. Well, as HoT was nerfed after significant blow-back from the player community I really don't see Anet going back to that level.
  10. Have you done the story steps? They award mastery points, too.
  11. We already have a balance of professions (3 light, 3 medium, 3 heavy) so I don't see adding another profession as something that would be on the table. /shrug
  12. 100% agree, transmutation charges hurt their backline, people would purchase more gem store skins if they were easier to use. Also, hairstyles would make more money if they were free to apply, but also sold individually in the gem store, just as weapon and armor skins. Where is your marketing data to support these claims?
  13. Been waiting years for a set like this. Glad I had been saving up gems. Thanks, Anet!
  14. I would think that this might entail a lot more work, to have both main and off-hand weapons animated for every attack. My experience is that off-hand weapons are only animated for their specific skills (4, 5).
  15. WoW is, what, $15/month? GW2 is $0/month. Pony up the $15/month and buy all of the transmutations and hair style kits you can each month. That way, GW2 would be like WoW.
  16. I would think that Anet's metrics might show you to be in the minority. If they could generate more sales/profit by changing the current state, they certainly would.
  17. Hard no. I really wish people would stop comparing GW2 and WoW. The business models are entirely different. Transmutation charges are easy to obtain and relatively cheap if one needs to purchase them. I prefer this current arrangement in lieu of a subscription model which would probably turn more players away.
  18. Might want to post your suggestion here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/gemstore-requests-new-items-items-offered-again-merged for better visibility.
  19. There's a stickied thread above for QoL requests which the developers watch. You might have better luck there. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged
  20. Have you done the story steps? Those award mastery points, too.
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