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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Sorry for your frustration. Apparently, you're not alone as is shown by the previous thread on this topic.
  2. No thank you. I enjoy GW2 for many reasons. One of them is the lack of PvP or WvW in open world PvE. There are plenty of other games out there that have this type of thing. Now, should ANet push more resources toward the existing PvP and/or WvW modes? Probably, however they have their internal metrics and know where the majority of the player base goes. It would seem to me that PvE is much more heavily populated, thus the reason for lack of significant updates that the OP mentioned.
  3. What about a hint in chatbox remind ppl to tip their commander ;) To me, this would be begging for tips which I feel is cheap. I know that I wouldn't tip if someone "reminded" me to do so.
  4. You can find a lot of threads on UI suggestions by using the forums search feature.
  5. Did anyone say it was? Don't bother, there is always someone who likes to make controversy even on good news.What controversy? Congratulating people for what everyone kinda figured out anyway?
  6. That statistic is wrong. More like 72.5% of 400h+ players have MORE than 100g (just wallet gold). https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.gold Even still, that site still represents a small portion of the player base. Citation? Really? You believe that gw2efficiency accounts for each and every GW2 player? Get real.
  7. That is more of a sign that they have allowed too much gold into the economy. Must be all of those AFK farmers
  8. That statistic is wrong. More like 72.5% of 400h+ players have MORE than 100g (just wallet gold). https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.goldEven still, that site still represents a small portion of the player base.
  9. I disagree. I really would not like to see this type of update. I also don't agree that the base is not already strong and that an overhaul is needed. If anything, GW3 would be that overhaul, and that assumes that the studio would even want to take that route rather than something completely new. My $0.02 :)
  10. I used to love to drag creatures into packs of other creatures in GW1. EDIT: my ranger main uses Taunt on her pet's F2 command skill which makes clumps of AI fight each other for a second or so.
  11. I highly doubt that the next expansion will feature HoT-like difficulty. PoF toned things down from HoT, which leads me to believe that Anet heard the uproar and designed accordingly. At least, that's my hope -- one casual gamer to another. :)
  12. If the game was based about the lack of trinity the cration of the Druid was a incongruence. Well, druid was released with HoT which also introduced raids, so....
  13. I didn't see where you suggested a path for development. It just seems to me that you are complaining about the difficulty level of HoT and that's about it. Regardless, sure you can voice your opinion but to me it doesn't appear any different than the other threads of complaints of HoT. If you have some solution, and I'm not asking for developer-level knowledge here, then propose it. Otherwise, your post comes off as nothing more than just another HoT complaint. Sorry if this offends; that is not my intention. Dont worry, I am just having a friendly discussion, no offense taken.Thanks. Sometimes written words on a forum don't come across as intended.But you just contradicted yourself. I thought u said, i was the only one with the problem? If there are complaints about HoT everywhere, then maybe... just maybe there is a problem for a larger spectrum of people than you think?The forums represent a very small sub-set of the entire player base. Also, these complaints to which I refer are from way back pre-nerf. Sure, there are some that crop up more recently but usually those are more due to what Randulf points out:@Randulf.7614 said:There aren't complaints about HoT everywhere. Most of the very few we still see on the forums come from people who skip all the content before and jump straight in (yours being the exception). GW2 is a learning curve that peaks somewhere around PoF/LS4 imo and HoT/LS3 is naturally very different from what comes before. If HoT was to be nerfed, everything after would have to be as well, because the entire game pretty much stays close to that level with some small jumps in difficulty later.
  14. Its 8/8 is what i mentioned, obviously there are more than 8 if u look at the million player base, obviously. As for the whole point of the post, its to voice MY OPINION and a few other i know , and to let them know few of their customers, have an issue with the game design, i'm not a developer, not yet atleast. I suggested a path for development, IF it can be taken, i'm not demanding, I'm requesting. I hope you understand. No other MMO, as far as my knowledge is, did the region based balancing by having a level limit like in GW2. And that was brilliant! If they could have come up with that, I'm sure if they are committed towards a change in balancing of HoT, The game Devs, not me, but the game Devs who developed everything else, can come up with something. I'm nothing less than love towards the Devs of this game and the community. And i Have been playing this game for a while for me to be voicing any of my opinions, and i don't see why another player has to have a problem with the experience of a player to voice their opinion. I have paid for the game and so have you. I didn't see where you suggested a path for development. It just seems to me that you are complaining about the difficulty level of HoT and that's about it. Regardless, sure you can voice your opinion but to me it doesn't appear any different than the other threads of complaints of HoT. If you have some solution, and I'm not asking for developer-level knowledge here, then propose it. Otherwise, your post comes off as nothing more than just another HoT complaint. Sorry if this offends; that is not my intention.
  15. Agreed, however it doesn't make me play the game any less. It just keeps me playing in other areas and avoiding this map.
  16. IMO, raids shouldn't have been introduced in GW2 in the first place. That would have made this entire argument academic /shrug
  17. Please use the forums search for threads on LWS1. Anet has already said that they cannot bring it back.
  18. I have never gotten anything worthwhile from a BLC. I only open them when I get a free key. Maybe that's by design? haha
  19. Then do interesting stuff with them like events and map exploration. The fact you can't make the game interesting by being out of the loop how to make leveling fun is not an issue with the game. You can level perfectly fine without doing a single heart quest. But times change, and Guild Wars 2 is now 8 years old. The people who are going to start playing are people who are veterans of other MMORPGS - not people trying an MMO for the first time. It should be tailored towards this - just like it naturally has been since Guild Wars 1. Not going backwards to increase user play-time by stretching out content. It takes me 1 week to lvl a character to 80 without tomes One week? How many hours? For me, one week is about 4-8 hours because that's about all of the time I can allot. Just curious so that I can compare. I have to do everything at times and i take breaks Right, so how many hours do you play on average in a week to level to 80? 2 hours a day (14 hours a week)? 4 hours a day (28 hours a week)? 1 to 2 on that character. I think op only focus on mobs So, 1-2 hours a week or per day (on average)? DayOk, thanks. That is what I was trying to understand. So, you're able to level to 80 without tomes playing 7-14 hours a week (1-2 hours a day on average).
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