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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. All of this has been discussed to death in the many, many previous threads which is what makes this one so disappointing as the OP very well knows this.
  2. This is all I needed to read . This is the crux of the complaint. You should have stated this from the beginning. All of the rest is irrelevant.
  3. Me too. Shift+1 through Shift+8 (9 whenever I decide to get the turtle) Simple.
  4. Too many keybinds? EDIT and you don't want to install the radial dial either. So, what is your suggestion? How would you make it work?
  5. Yeah, because Anet would release a big expansion and in less than a week people would finish it and complain about not having any new content.
  6. Come on. You've been around long enough to have seen the almost countless threads on new playable races. This poll is completely unnecessary.
  7. No, thank you. That would diminish the attractiveness of the skins which would probably affect their sales and not generate enough ROI.
  8. C'mon, it's Anet. You act like they've never taken away certain players' fun before.
  9. I believe that this is due to the game's change of direction toward instanced content (raids, strikes) in order to keep players close together for boon-sharing.
  10. That's fine. Just don't complain if/when you get banned for doing so, assuming that you follow through with the intent of your thread title.
  11. That's true. It just isn't GW2's model. Changing it may not be what Anet envisions for their game. Maybe they don't want the playerbase focused on cooperative content like raids, dungeons and so on. It is a more casual game after all. Gating cool gear and/or weapons behind that kind of content might be more detrimental to their ideals of what makes GW2. We already have a thread on gating the new map behind story content and there have been complaints in the past about certain things being gated behind instanced content. While I won't argue that this might well appeal to some players, my opinion is that Anet doesn't want GW2 to become a game where such content is required to achieve rewards. They'd much prefer, I believe, for people to pay for gems.
  12. As a ranger main, I don't really want any new pets because they really wouldn't fill any niche that isn't already done. I'd rather the existing zoo be fixed/adjusted first, but the competitive crowd wouldn't like it.
  13. Why should it directly compete with WoW? They are different business models with (probably) different goals. I'm glad that GW2 isn't a WoW clone. Or, you could convert gold to gems and not pay anything. That's what I expect a lot of players do. I know that it works for me. I've only paid for the original game and expansion content; other than that, I've been converting gold to gems for years and I have all of the cosmetics that I want. So, yeah, I've "earned" my cosmetics in-game by simply playing. I've not had to spend any money every so many weeks, unlike in WoW where I'd be forced to pay a subscription for all of the "free" stuff you mention.
  14. Also, that thread seems to indicate that this is not a bug. Nothing official, but apparently the wiki has been changed which leads some to believe that it is so.
  15. GW2 is B2P. You don't need the latest to still enjoy the game. With no vertical progression, you can choose to purchase the new content or not and you really won't lose anything.
  16. Certainly is enough to keep me off of those maps. I almost never go there.
  17. Gosh, playing the game for gold to convert to gems or maybe even (gasp!) paying RL cash to Anet for gems is still a thing, no?
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