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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Gotta go with the schoolyard clique. Just look at all of the bickering.
  2. Yeah, it's as if they didn't consider that some players enjoy smaller guilds.
  3. Elite builds were touted as a different way to play a class. If you don't like the blade mechanic of the virtuoso, and prefer clones, then there are other mesmer builds that should work just fine for you.
  4. I play very casually, so I don't really pull in a lot of gold. I like to wait until I have a pretty good surplus before I buy gems, just in case something comes up and I need gems in a hurry. I'd really love it if the prices came back down (who other than Anet wouldn't). I can recall not purchasing until the price dropped below 70G. Now, it's double that. 😞
  5. I think that this was by design. I said so back when the guild changes were made. It was a change that damaged the small guild community. Anet didn't want a bunch of small guilds; rather, they only wanted large ones so the changes were made with that in mind. No other explanation really makes sense to me.
  6. SotO hasn't been completely released yet. Of course there's less ... right now.
  7. You might ask here, too: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/forum/24-instanced-group-content/
  8. My spouse has been trying for this kitten fractal spoon for ever! I have three of them from our attempts. Wish they weren't account bound.
  9. That, and I think that they feel that they have to make them in such a manner so as to be seen; otherwise, who would buy skins for a weapon and not be able to show it off?
  10. Exactly. In literature and other lore, how many "ranger" type characters have we seen dual wielding maces? Maces!
  11. Why? It was a bonus mount and not even required to complete any content. One could argue that it shouldn't have been introduced at all since it was not needed. Personally, I hardly use the thing. I find a combination of jackal/skyscale/beetle gets me just about anywhere that I need to go. If you have some hang up about the mounts that were released after the griffon, then don't use them. Even EoD and SotO don't require them. You can get to any place on the map with the "basic" mounts (edit: and gliding) and not even need a griffon. So, again, I ask you "why?"
  12. You can choose what shows up in the chat window by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
  13. I'll bet the charr are loving all of the empty boxes, though.
  14. Agreed. As popular as we all might like to think GW2 is with players, I don't see NCSoft moving forward with a third installment of the franchise.
  15. Be very careful what you wish for. This could happen where it gets sold off to another company who decides to try to make more profits by forcing a subscription and heavy P2W model, completely abandoning horizontal progression which would force players to continue to pay and/or grind to keep up. Be very careful.
  16. I still maintain that druid came about because of raids, soulbeast was to be a wvw spec and untamed a pvp spec.
  17. Hammer was to appease the group of rangers who pined nostalgic for the "bunny thumper" build from the original GW. There really was no other reason it was implemented.
  18. Dual hand mace. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/133939-ranger-with-mace-i-think-not/?do=getNewComment
  19. But don't the number of objects in the database make an impact?
  20. I'm kind of in the same boat. Pretty much took everything that I wanted. Would like to do daily (and some of them get done through regular game play anyway) but don't want to keep running up against the cap so I end up skipping them. Wonder if Anet has metrics on players like me and if they'll make some adjustments? /shrug
  21. I get what you're doing here. 😄 Still, it is my opinion that many of the suggestions that grace our forum are ones that I believe would benefit a small sub-set of the playerbase which is why I often state that I would prefer resources to be spent elsewhere. Fun is subjective, as we all well know, so what one poster suggests as "fun" may not equate to others' definitions. Did the game really need fishing? Or, would those resources have been better spent with the PvP or WvW communities who are begging for it? Conversely, would putting resources into those mode generate the revenue to keep the servers running or was fishing really what brought in the big money? We have no way of really knowing. I disagree that LS1 was needed. I missed out on it having started a year and a half or so after initial release and it didn't really affect my gameplay or enjoyment of GW2. Yes, I agree, that it could be confusing to new players, but would not having LS1 remade really make or break GW2? I don't think so. There are a lot of things wrong with GW2 that should have some higher degree of focus, but I feel that Anet is too zeroed in on the next dollar to the detriment of making more of the existing content better received by the playerbase. Yes, they have to create new content to keep the engine running, but I question whether some of the decisions that have been made realized the return on the investments made. But that's just my opinion.
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