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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. He didn't spawn? Did you check the event timer? Did anyone not do the pre-event? For me, every time I do the Frozen Maw on timer it fires. However, there is an event which is almost identical where you destroy the totem ... and that's it. I call it "Mini-Maw". That's not the actual world boss event and can happen off-timer.
  2. This is the way I feel when I see players begging to get into other players' full home instances. Why don't they do their own? I have no issue with players who offer to let others into their instance. That's their choice. But the begging? Egad.
  3. Because people have been crying for OW lege for years and have said that they would do anything other than WvW to get it. Another case of not being careful for what is wished for.
  4. Not only are research notes a material sink, but a time sink as well. Time spent crafting things is time spent in game which pads the numbers of logged in players. RS serves more than one purpose. This is why I don't think Anet will change them.
  5. No housing for the many reasons stated in the many previous threads. No new mounts are needed. The existing ones pretty much cover all modes of movement/transportation. PvP suggestion is ok, I guess, as long as it remains within the existing PvP format. GW2 seems to be predominately a more casual open world game, so I'm not sure Anet really wants to spend a lot of resources in PvP if it isn't bringing them enough return. A lot of these have already been suggested and addressed. Might I suggest you use the forums search function to see all of the previous threads and comments on them.
  6. This is highly subjective. I've seen some posts where players have mentioned that they very much enjoy the latest release. Also, we don't know the number of players who do enjoy it as the forums represent such a small, limited scope of the total player base.
  7. Wouldn't that, then, dismiss the point of calling it a "guild" chest piece?
  8. Using one's wallet is exactly what ANet wants. They need real cash to keep the servers running. Also, as has been pointed out already, if loot were worth so much more in game gold, then you would devalue it since everyone would be getting more gold per drop. Check out the economy in SWtoR where items in the shop are sold for hundreds of millions of game currency as an example of a system gone wrong. Virtually everything in the gem store is not required to play the game or complete content. Items cycle in and out, especially during annual sales. Players don't need to "grind for gold" to convert to gems. Just play the game and the gold will accrue naturally.
  9. Exactly. Just like the dozens of previous threads on this topic.
  10. They have flat out told us that they will not be reworking the older backpieces.
  11. Sorry, but I fail to understand the premise here. How are genuine players being punished?
  12. No. We don't need it. You might want it, but we don't need it.
  13. Loot in GW2 is there to sell for gold to convert to gems to buy the stuff from the store that you really want. Or to breakdown and be used for crafting.
  14. Or use shared inventory slots which has been suggested in many other threads on infinite gathering tools. /shrug
  15. Great idea. Surprised no one has requested this yet.
  16. Ironically, Obtena and Astralporting arguing is on topic of "more of the same" 🙄
  17. Maybe Anet's intention with luck is that player's aren't supposed to horde it? /shrug
  18. This is a highly subjective statement. I found PoF to be a great change from HoT as if the devs listened to much of the players' opinions of the latter. If not for the ridiculously large aggro radius of most mobs, I'd probably spend the bulk of my time in these zones. And, yes, this is my opinion.
  19. Cannot disagree here. Joko was, for me, the most memorable villain. The entire arc with him made me more deeply consider the actions of my commander. I had hoped to see some results of this going forward from there, but it was an opportunity that was sadly missed.
  20. As an older player, this does not apply to me with regards to SotO. For me, there just isn't enough there to reward me for spending my time in those maps. I have no interest in legendary anything which seems to me to be the major point of this expansion. As for learning new ways to play, having worked my way through all maps from core to present, I don't see any radical changes to game-play that would make your observation make sense. I'd wager that many other older players would feel the same way.
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