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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. It's a successful marketing technique. You can also use the forum search feature to read the many previous threads on this very topic.
  2. Too many other players cry and complain about that which is why Ranger continues to get nerfed. /smh
  3. There are iron nodes in lots of places. Brisban Wildlands, Dredgehaunt Cliffs are two zones I can think of right off the top of my head.
  4. I'm not denying anyone anything. I merely offered my opinion on the point made about the tail.
  5. No thank you on the fox tail cosmetic. Ugh.
  6. How dare you inject reality into my fantasy!
  7. Wouldn't everyone pretty much choose the same order for cleansing, though?
  8. Sure. I can take that beer and either sell it to someone else who really wants it or just toss it in the trash. Your metaphor doesn't really work.
  9. Perhaps, but I don't see where GW2 specifically exploits this. It's not like they're advertising loot boxes with the overt intent to target an addiction.
  10. Ok, I can agree there. I didn't see how your previous point addressed this aspect and still fit within the point of the thread.
  11. Worthless poll based on the options given. Why even bother to make this a poll to begin with?
  12. Strongly disagree. Everyone? That's doubtful. I know that I use the current system quite a lot. I tried the ARC templates some time ago, when they were the only option, and didn't like them. I think it's fair to say that I'm not the only one. And it certainly didn't make things worse for me. We know how much you despise the current template system and your crusade to eliminate it in favor of re-instating ARC. Your comment should be taken with that in context. Breaking and twisting game features? C'mon.
  13. Show me where the game specifically does this. Nothing in the BLC is mandatory or required to complete any content in GW2. Players can play the game and complete all content without needing a single thing from the BLC. It's all optional. Now, if BLC items were necessary to complete content, then you might have a more valid point.
  14. I think for more regional access to gems? Cost cheaper, perhaps?
  15. I don't raid. Have never raided. Will never raid. Also, I have no legendary armor. Have never had any legendary armor. Will never get any legendary armor. Why? Because I don't do these things. Why should I be rewarded the same as everyone else who does?
  16. No. Acquiring legendary armor should be taxing, and require effort. It's legendary. Also, please use the forums search feature as this has been brought up before. Spoiler: much of the forums community disagrees with your proposal.
  17. Wouldn't that, though, sort of force players to have to take that third trait line for core? I thought that one of the benefits of core is the ability to run any three core trait lines. Granted, they could certainly use work, but having a "core elite" enforcement would, IMO, take away the creativity that core allows. /shrug
  18. I thought I was a big deal when I hit 10M karma ... only to learn that there a players with far, far more than that.
  19. Have you completed the story in Cantha? That's another way to get experience in that area.
  20. <insert please use forums search to see previous threads on this topic here>
  21. Kessex Hills is not a starter map. Players need to traverse Queensdale first.
  22. Topic has been discussed several times already. It would be a balancing nightmare if not outright impossibility. Check the forums search feature to find other threads on this topic.
  23. This is why I often play GW2 with my headphones. I hear things, sometimes distant and to the side, which I wouldn't have heard through standard speakers. It is really wonderful the depth that the ambient sounds and conversations add to the feel of the game.
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