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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I have a similar problem with the small fire circles during the Fire Elemental world boss. They appear and instantly knock me down before I can even acknowledge they've appeared. I'm sure it's more likely due to some client/server lag, but it's pretty much one of the few indicators that I can never seem to avoid.
  2. The OP isn't asking for them to be heroes that accompany the player-character in content; rather, just having the other characters "idle" on the account appear here and there doing random, mundane things or hanging out in the home instance. I think that would be kind of neat, but I'd rather the devs spend their resources elsewhere.
  3. Many players don't even WP when downed during world bosses (Golem MkII, Frz Maw for 2 easy examples of nearby WP)
  4. Not everyone. Just curious where in GW2 lore do you think vampires would fit in?
  5. Where? Where in GW2 lore would these fit?
  6. If you need that much gold to convert into gems, then why not simply buy the gems outright?
  7. I'm not disagreeing with the literal definition. To me, "censoring" has a strong, negative connotation. Modifying something in effort to increase profit doesn't fit my definition of censorship.
  8. Not sure I'd call it censoring. More like making a business decision to adjust something that is expected to positively affect revenue. Businesses don't make changes like these in a vacuum.
  9. Well, sure, that would be something wouldn't it?
  10. Is it really, though? A phoenix? To me, it is a sad representation of one.
  11. And people wonder why the devs hardly post on the forum or even engage with players here. Except for when players make a suggestion and say that it is easy to do and wonder why the devs don't do it. We get that A LOT around here.
  12. That would very much be considered griefing. If you suspect bots, then report and move on.
  13. Or more traffic on the fiber route than was on the DSL
  14. That's where I think the differences lie. Many players don't see this as a problem.
  15. I haven't done all 4 of them yet, but this was certainly my take on Frozen Maw. I like the new mechanics of the fight and that he moves around a lot, but it feels like a huge HP sponge that takes forever. Once many vets stop doing this boss, what will then become of the newer players and their attempts at it? Have only done Fire Elemental once, right after the patch hit and I didn't see an inordinate number of deaths lying about, but again, once veterans look for more profitable pastures, how will newer players deal with this boss? Certainly hoping that Anet is looking at numbers and will do some tweaking. I do like the changes that I saw so far (and that they ar different from the other starter zone world bosses for variety), but either the scaling is way off or something else in the numbers needs to be addressed.
  16. You think that Anet designed their transmutation charge specifically to be a problem for you?
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