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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I would rather Anet spend resources elsewhere.
  2. Yeah, I have. Keaton doesn't get enough credit for that flick. 🙂
  3. I believe this is by design to encourage players to purchase more shared inventory slots. If that's the case, then I really don't see Anet implementing something that would reduce revenue.
  4. Wouldn't that break the very definition of a clone?
  5. That doesn't support your argument that housing is one of the most popular features. This link only shows that some MMOs provide it.
  6. What? I would be willing to wager that a significant number of GW2 players have paid a lot less for their game experience by not having to pay a sub fee. With the ability to convert gold to gems, GW2 is even more consumer friendly.
  7. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/111491-steam-release-and-steam-deck-compatibility/?do=findComment&comment=1608587 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/98381-gw2-on-the-steam-deck/?do=findComment&comment=1408794 Maybe try forums search?
  8. The game, once purchased, is F2P. For goodness sakes, toss the devs a few bucks every now and then!
  9. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/107820-pros-and-cons-of-adding-heroes-in-the-future-and-the-difficulty-of-group-content-in-empty-disposable-maps/?do=findComment&comment=1563306 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/25587-ideas-“heroes”-system-masteries-for-gw2/?do=findComment&comment=25586 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/60081-heroes/?do=findComment&comment=60080 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/33451-bring-back-gw1-heroes-feature/?do=findComment&comment=33450 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/29209-the-return-of-our-heroes-needed/?do=findComment&comment=29208 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/8036-is-it-possible-for-heroes-to-comeback-to-guild-wars-2/?do=findComment&comment=8035
  10. Not sure what kind of resources you think ANet has to both polish existing content and develop new while still keeping a steady flow of updates.
  11. I didn't find a more recent post that spoke to the question of this thread (migrating accounts to steam).
  12. Thanks for that insight! 🙂
  13. Comparing LW chapters cost to that of a jade bot skin to make an argument that the jade bot skin pricing is predatory is stretching things.
  14. Probably one of the least populated game modes, and you want Anet to develop around it? Clearly, they get more revenue from PvE which is why most of their resources are more dedicated to that format. Good luck with your suggestion, but I cannot see Anet making such a change with so little benefit. As I remember, pets in WvW were nerfed because of the complaints that players there thought it was unfair and didn't like dying to pets (which are AI controlled rather than losing to an actual player whose skill is the factor). Boosting pets for WvW would just bring all of that back and I'm not sold that Anet would want that all over again.
  15. That's why I asked. 🙂 I guess YMMV, but I was running Sw/D on core ranger prior to untamed and have found untamed to be better with this weapon combination than core, for the ability to unleash and re-leash with the pet. In both builds (core/untamed), I have high interaction with my pet(s) which I feel are complimented will with Sw/D in melee. Perhaps those who find it less useful aren't using the pet skills during combat as much as I am? Dunno. No, I don't engage with high end content (fractal/raid/SM) so yeah, it works well for me in what I do. I'll have to accept your word on it being not as viable in "serious" content. No argument with ranger needing a rework/overhaul. I would only worry that Anet would make things worse by doing so.
  16. Here is the answer from last year: It wasn't difficult to find with a simple forums search.
  17. I don't understand how something available in the gem store that is completely optional and has absolutely no bearing on whether or not a player can complete content is considered "predatory". No, I don't agree with the price point but predatory? Not sure that means what people think it means.
  18. Similar experience with Fire Elemental, but there were a kitten-ton of players there. Some new mechanics that, IMO, were pretty well advertised to help new players avoid. Seemed to be a larger HP sponge.
  19. Well, to be fair, it is a starter zone world boss. How much more rewarding should it be?
  20. Yeah, kinda like the dev who admitted on reddit that they didn't play ranger and made adjustments based on what they read in the wiki (sigh)
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