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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Wait 'til the Steam release. I'm sure we'll see many similar complaints. We already have quite a few now that are much like this one.
  2. I don't often use it because of the really long CD.
  3. Why bother? Anet released this after years of people whining that they cannot get AP from LS1 anymore and that the story makes absolutely no sense at all without this vital part of LS. So, if you don't care about AP or how the story starts, then yeah... there is no reason to do it.
  4. They've already released their GW2 version of the rainbow phoenix. They won't go back and add another (or re-do it).
  5. Probably referring to ARC templates. A lot of posters on the forum who used them seem to feel cheated by Anet's implementation.
  6. Maybe use the forums search feature to read all of the previous Tengu threads? This one doesn't add anything new to the discussion.
  7. Only when in proximity to one another. According to some posts on the forums, maps are dead so....
  8. (sigh) Here we go again with this kitten. Look -- you can pay $15/month on your own and have all of these things that you mention. Heck, you can pay even more per month if you want. There is your subscription.
  9. True. And I believe that Anet knows what the majority of the players enjoy which is why they continue to release this type of content.
  10. I disagree. Anet has the metrics to know what their target audience is. Time and again, we see pretty much the same style of content, so those numbers must be telling them where they will make their most revenue.
  11. Yes. So much this one. Usually the very last heart quest I do, and I despise it.
  12. You're kidding, right? This very forum has plenty of examples of players wanting stuff for free. I'm not sure that you understand how marketing works.
  13. I would interpret this as griefing, which is an actionable offense. As always, report and let Anet decide.
  14. Exactly. I'd rather resources be spent elsewhere than on something which is redundant.
  15. I agree that the end result is probably not in line with what Anet intended. I was merely pointing out that saying that these specs were designed to be better than core is simply inaccurate. The statement was hyperbolic.
  16. Sure we do. It's Anet's current iteration of it. Just not what everyone who pined for it wanted. Put this in the "be careful what you ask Anet for" basket.
  17. Waypoints aren't designed to tempt anyone to purchase expansions. They are used for moving around the world, much like your taxi idea (which is redundant since, again, waypoints exist for exactly that purpose). I believe the incentive to getting mounts is seeing other players with them. Then, if a player wants mounts, they would need to purchase the expansion for them which is in Anet's best interest, not giving away free mounts or taxis which don't produce revenue.
  18. If something like this is really an issue, and enough players report it, Anet will probably take notice.
  19. Because I haven't seen these actions personally, so I don't want to call them trolls based on hearsay. Regardless, the point is that players should report them if their actions go against the CoC.
  20. Actually, this is inaccurate from Anet's perspective. Elite builds are meant as a different way to play a profession, not as an upgrade or better spec. Now, that may not be how it turned out, but let's not misunderstand Anet's original intentions.
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