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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I just enjoy the way the game plays. I don't really hardcore invest time into it anymore, there are simply other priorities. But there isn't a better game for me to just dive in for a couple hours and then just relax or chat with people.
  2. Swiss news is also Alliances news, because it builds upon that system
  3. If people sit afk on their warclaws they don't participate in the fight. They could be much more useful dealing damage instead of just making their team win harder.On the other side if you go into downstate you're already losing. I really don't see why it would need to be changed.
  4. Given ep2 launches right at the end of Jan, I'd expect ep3 to hit somewhere after SAB in April anyway. Which about 2.5 months between releases If memory serves, they said Drakkar wont release with the episode, but shortly after. So that would prob be Feb if correct I guess all depends on the quality and quantity of the visions update, im personally a fan of smaller but more frequent updates since anet cant really nail big updades and their replayability but ep1 was too small story wise even for me. Id rather they try and stick to this 2 month schedule tho we'll have to w8 and see. Super bummed about the lack of fractal and raid news honestly, strikes are cool but where is the incentive for ppl to move further. All of all im happy we are seeing the first steps of a roadmap but this q looks relatively weak imo, still it must have taken alot of internal discussion within anet to actual give us deadlines for once. Well any communication is better than none. And this is a lot better than anything else we got, but yes I feel sorry for the instanced players who have nothing to latch onto here. I will take what they serve here though - it is something Ep2 will likely be very short again. I suspect Drakkar is going to be a significant boss which means a lot of resources devoted to it. Which is good - we really need a proper epic scale World Boss. We haven't really had one for a long, long time now. Not since HoT really and Gerent/Dragonstand. But, another miniscule story entry is not something that I will be happy to see.I hope so too, but I still think smaller & faster releases are better. Ideally the map would hold it together and offer enough value in the meantime imo
  5. Alliances is a much bigger system than Swiss, but they've said that a lot of the code of Swiss can and will be used for the Alliances as well. So they're making sure it works.
  6. Neat little roadmap. Also helps that Q1 really isn't that far off :) Exciting stuff, hope it can meet expectations.Happy Holidays everyone!
  7. Well they DID call it "Saga" and said we can expect "expansion level content" so you can't blame OP for expecting something fresh and unique. And lots of the stuff we got was a good step in that direction? For example we got multiple masteries and they weren't even one and done, it was 4 full mastery trees, which will potentially get expanded further moving forward. We haven't seen that in an Episode release before. Personally I just enjoy that we get more frequent releases. People will tell you the game is dead if an episode drops after 4 months, they will tell us the game is dead if half of it ships 2 months and the rest 2 months later. It doesn't matter. We get the same amount of content, but with less wait. What happens in between (raid, fractal or event releases) is just an addition on top of it all. Making it so that those things don't have to be tied with episode releases was the smartest move they could have made. Good step in the right direction?/opinions Same principle every single mastery line in this game has. They could have made it into one line with 8 different masteries instead. Would that make you happy? Amazing how you people can deny that something exists just because you don't consider it meaningful. ??? Even if this was the case, that's still a good amount of things to do considering we didn't wait 4 months for this. Releases are faster, but they're not as big. What's the problem with that? People are sick of waiting and people will always complain that there isn't anything to do. This happened with PoF too, remember? Probably not, because people have very selective memory when it comes to things like that. I guess expansions aren't content anyway. Show me that quote. Show me the exact wording, not some paraphrasing. They never said this. They said the opposite last I heard and we only don't get anything with these particular upcoming releases so people don't expect them. Quality overall has increased, but there are many low points as time goes on. Weak episodes by the "lesser" content creation teams for example. Story telling has become better, each map has more life to it etc. These are highly subjective things, but most people just ignore most of them even if they were (((objectively))) good because they pay no attention anyway. Call me delusional if you will, but I'm just fed up with people who just parrot some narrative they heard and started throwing around phrases like "x is not content", when by all definitions it is. Not healthy to be so obsessed with the negative, not that I am directing this at you but the general attitude towards almost everything that gets released. People are spoiled, they're running out of things to complain about. Peace. :)
  8. Well they DID call it "Saga" and said we can expect "expansion level content" so you can't blame OP for expecting something fresh and unique. And lots of the stuff we got was a good step in that direction? For example we got multiple masteries and they weren't even one and done, it was 4 full mastery trees, which will potentially get expanded further moving forward. We haven't seen that in an Episode release before. Personally I just enjoy that we get more frequent releases. People will tell you the game is dead if an episode drops after 4 months, they will tell us the game is dead if half of it ships 2 months and the rest 2 months later. It doesn't matter. We get the same amount of content, but with less wait. What happens in between (raid, fractal or event releases) is just an addition on top of it all. Making it so that those things don't have to be tied with episode releases was the smartest move they could have made.
  9. You can't be serious... If you don't like the LW model, how did this game interest you in the first place?
  10. Relog doesn't work. You just end up back in the instance, either in the same one if still active or a fresh one WvW is the easiest option for anyone else. I had an hour of failures it was ridiculous... I don't think I've ever seen more Core Necro Full Minion Mancers in my life than I have in just one hour of trying to get my daily third clear on that mission earlier lolI thought they were a myth, but then I also noticed other Necro players who just press 1 and stand in the same place the entire fight and I instantly crumbled to dust, searching for the button to end this pain.
  11. It's in the item description. If used in DR it will teleport you to your race's first map.
  12. Yeah, I am also kind of frustrated that I can't properly leave when 5 people die in the first 2 minutes and the rest just doesn't want to /gg. Relogging puts you in a different instance if you wait a little bit, but that's all kinds of random and shouldn't be the only way to get out of that hostage situation.
  13. NANI!? Was that in the update notes? It wasn't supposed to ship, but on their test servers that change didn't work so they shipped it anyway. For some reason it works on live!
  14. So the first episode of Icebrood Saga saw the addition of tiered achievements/collections and they are a great way of rewarding people along the way. Longer achievements can feel daunting and unrewarding, usually because you have to spend a lot of time and you don't gain anything until you're completely done with it. This different approach makes it feel so much more fun if you ask me. Just wanted to drop a big thank you for doing that. Wintersday also has multiple tiered bonus daily achievements and they're a great Festivals always tend to feel a bit annoying when you have things like "Do X 3 times", which adds up over time and becomes rather boring. Getting small rewards for each time keeps me personally much more interested in seeing it through. On the other hand I also don't feel "guilty" that I'm missing out if I can't be bothered to 100% some of them because whatever work I did put in already was rewarded. Definitely expecting to see lots more of this in the future, I think it's a good idea.
  15. It was weird at first, but it's so much easier to navigate now imo. Not a bad change, but you have to get used to it.
  16. Personally not a fan of funko pops, but the ingame minis look very cute and good.
  17. A lot of the reason why I don't like this festival is that it's literally all contained within one district of the entire city. Sure, race and the orphans will get you around but it's rather boring. Would be way cooler if for example toys broke out and attacked different parts of DR occasionally.
  18. Are you using the alchemy glyph or whatever its called?
  19. They could just lower the player cap on each side by 10 imo
  20. "Selfish" is not a personal attack, it's just that you do not offer much if anything to a group so it is indeed selfish, because it is focused on yourself rather than others.
  21. Could you make an argument as to why you think things are like this? Why do you think the map is bland? Why did you think the story was predictable? Being able to know where a story will go and not being impressed with the way it was done are two different things. Did we know who will die or what for/who did it? Anybody who played the story will know that. That doesn't mean anything. The masteries are like.. whatever? They're a bonus, they're not really required. Assuming you're talking about the essence manipulation thing. I'm sure that mechanic will return in future episodes, especially the second one as that is directly tied to this release. I haven't even leveled it yet. Basically what many people have said is they want Anet to reinvent the wheel every time a new mastery comes out. That's just silly.
  22. They made it this way for a reason you know
  23. Honestly I feel like it should be made unblockable. Would help the 5 people running Banner and maybe make it more of a choice for a few more.
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