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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. I don't see the issue with this? Water has some bursty skills on it so having traits that augment them makes sense, no? Some people use that traitline because they're supports, they could do with a little bit of additional damage for sure. Don't be so narrowminded tot hink that supports aren't supposed to deal damage. Bad supports don't, that's why they're bad or at the very least not played.
  2. It's not out of question, but I find it highly unlikely for now. Issue is they have to be rolled out in batches through several releases, which would leave people mad for having to wait long & setting some weird expectations.
  3. Combat buffs are a horrible idea and I shouldn't have to explain to you why. How is the current buff nonsensical? You don't grant them any score. They can farm you 24/7 and they don't gain anything from it besides an ego boost and 5 world exp per kill. Fantastic. Have you tried, I don't know, using one of the 2 other spawn exits?
  4. I know you're a warrior god, but I can't count the times where a single extra second would have been amazing for the feel of the spec. Most likely working out tno be two additional seconds per skill because y'know cooldowns. I think your expectations are somewhere in the clouds. Sure, I'd love more changes to the spec I play, but we can't have them all and honestly we don't need many changes at all.
  5. Keep in mind that the entire outer wall of DR is houses too :) As impractical as that would be defense wise. It's definitely housing all the way up there. Well, impractical only because it can't be used to fire stuff from, living up there should be pretty safe as it's too high to ever be in reach of any attacks lol NPCs are just a stand in for the thousands of other people that would live in the world. Remember that gameplay and lore are separate, because just imagine how large a city would be if you could actually see every single house. It's impressive how many there actually are to be quite honest.
  6. Just want to throw in that giving cooldowns to these skills shouldn't be a point to complain about, as spamming them is generally an awful idea anyway. Nothing of value lost, but more people might be able to pick it up and understand it more easily, basically.
  7. I like the Head Butt change. Outrage didn't exist in open world and those two skills are OBVIOUSLY made to synergize. Outside influence shouldn't completely negate synergy between skills. Warrior on its own has on demand stability and that part of the spec was designed around exactly that. Overall very good changes. I will switch back to Berserker again once this goes live. Don't underestimate how valuable a few seconds more on the duration will be.
  8. Despite still being very popular (esp compared to regular wow), have you even seen the drop in classic a week into their testing? People lost interest really quickly, most people didn't log back in. I don't think these two games have the same audience anyway. Sure, you'll have a bunch of people check it out (again) and maybe play for a while, but they're not going to quit one for the other.
  9. I agree it's too soon after the last boss rush & boss event, however it's the first time with adjusted rewards similar to the meta event rush, which should make the whole thing feel much better already. Doesn't change the fact that world bosses are the lowest common denominator and probably the worst content of the entire game.
  10. Is this something we other people are supposed to be sad about? Soulbeast had it coming since its release. Just wait until you realize that most likely the Longbow change is also a nerf :)
  11. Perfect patch from my standpoint. Good job, can't wait to see it all play out. (Most importantly the range threshold stuff. Gimme that)
  12. Really hope you didn't waste too much money since most JPs can be skipped anyway via mount jumping.
  13. You can have a lot of them. They fly synchronized.
  14. Always keep in mind that GW2 is a single player MMO. Only raids and fractals require a group to clear efficiently, meta events just happen. Bounty trains might have a squad, but only to show where to go and to coordinate some heals maybe. None of it requires a single word in chat. Trust me, that's how I played this game during my quieter months :) If you like we can play together some time, maybe to make it easier? I'm usually very patient when I'm online.
  15. There is actually quite a lot of thought behind skill placement and I don't think somebody who hasn't played the game in almost a year is able to make any judgments about that whatsoever.
  16. I wouldn't mind GW3 as long as we got to carry over our AP in a way again. With the right system it wouldn't be invalidating GW2. Take us somewhere new, maybe give us another perspective on the world.
  17. That's a great change, hope they keep it.
  18. Honestly it makes sense, because reset is extremely busy as is.
  19. Enter the raid training area (requires commander tag) and use the special action to refresh cooldown. Maybe ask a friend who has a tag if you don't have one.
  20. They changed how the skill works and it is not a warhorn skill anymore since then, literally.
  21. Well it's nice you get them out of the forge or as drop, most people aren't that lucky. Over my 4000 hours I got exactly none. The price for them simply goes down because the supply is steadily increasing, with little people actually wanting to go for them. The majority of the legendary cost comes from upgrading the precursor anyway.
  22. Next release is months away, summer festival season has started. We will get the Festival of the Four Winds next, couple weeks after the current one ends most likely. Nothing to talk about right now.
  23. You don't have to follow a zerg to do the projectors. There are many different ones, just go to a far away one. Besides that it's way easier to kill the mobs in the instance.
  24. They're easy enough to avoid in all cases. I remember being annoyed by it when I first played PoF, but at this point it's just the same. Engage, burst, mount up and go away as necessary.
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