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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. No. This means they're currently not working on any mount and elite specializations. That's what YOU read into it. That's not what was said. It wasn't 100% confirmed they would ever release elite specs as part of an LS release before, now we know it might happen. Plus,. why would he talk about things that would be at least half a year away that hasn't even been previously mentioned before? This is something that would happen BEYOND Episode 2, because what happens until then is already pretty much set in stone. They even mention how all teams are currently busy working on the 3 upcoming releases. OBVIOUSLY they're not working on them right now. You pretend that is a bad thing because that's the pessimistic lense you're so overly focused on.
  2. Only Anet has the true metrics on how many players are online and what they're doing. Just because you may have run out of things that you enjoy doing does not necessarily mean that the game lacks content. I want to add to this and paraphrase something WoodenPotatoes said a few weeks ago. He essentially said that the content is all there, but it isn't asking the player to seek it out. The content is inside all the various achievements and side content that usually gets glossed over, especially since many people still have the mindset that any release is just a 2 hour type of deal which will never be revisited, which is simply untrue and has been for several years.
  3. Just remove crit chance :trollface: Double damage on everything and it will still be overall power negative, with one stat less to worry about so people will dump that into HP. Turn Precision into hit rate for a bonus :trollface:
  4. There is a new article I highly suggest you read: https://www.pcgamesn.com/guild-wars-2/pvp-raids-world-restructuring They're repeating a few previous points, but also reveal a couple other things: Content team 4, for example, used to do the side content. However, they've been given the tools to increase their releases in size and scope and are currently working on something that is yet to be announced (potential side story content again between releases?) "Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation , those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’ " revealing that these things really are on the table, though they cannot or will not tell us right now. PvP: Swiss needs back end stuff done still, because "on live it would just crash", once that is done World Restructuring takes center stage. The catch: A bunch of the Swiss work will be able to be applied to World Restructuring as well, further reducing work that needs to be done on it.
  5. I think another thing many people overlook is the fact that back then you could rush through the entire story underleveled. Now it's segmented to a few instances and then you'd have to reach the next 10 levels before the next story step becomes available. That and easy access to gear we didn't have back then either. That's no excuse for having easy instances right now though. But considering how many people cried how impossible to kill Joko was in his instance... oh well. The moment an instance requires a mechanic people will complain and said instance will be made easier.
  6. Why do you want mobs that are way below your level to be challenging? That's not the point. Downscaling does the job fine, they're not supposed to be as dangerous as content you'd face nowadays. Just face the fact that it's content over 7 years old, in no way does it have to hold up to players right now. No other game does this either.
  7. It's been what.. over 5 years since the last (non bug fix maybe) change to dungeons and you only just now woke up to the fact that dungeons are legacy content? Seriously confused how this could even happen, especially since you claim to not be a new player. Look at Fractals. They're dungeon content now.
  8. Where did you hear a death magic rework is comming? They mention it on the upcoming balance changes idea thread, together with a rework to the Warrior's tactics line
  9. What are you even talking about and how does it relate to the title? People who care about that stuff don't really wipe anyway. That's why they want experienced people in the first place.
  10. It's just going to be a trailer like for every other episode release too. We didn't get it a week early because we pretty much saw everything already I'd guess.
  11. As a German native speaker: This is an example of the author, not an answer from Mike Z. Also, some more details: they took a lot of inspiration from guild wars 1 shiverpeaks, art team did a great job (well they do always, imo), the new stuff will be a mixture of season 1 and season 2, meaning; they will expand maps over time and they will add events to old maps like in season 1. Strike missions can be low manned, also there are two versions: enter it from a certain area in the game or use an LFR. It is not mentioned if these are different difficulties. His quote literally says they want to be faster, same quote that the title is based on. "Eigentlich möchten wir nun schneller sein, als in der letzten Staffel. Unsere aktuelle Priorität ist, dass wir versuchen, jeden Monat etwas Aufregendes im Spiel zu haben.Dafür haben wir die Lebendige Welt, aber auch Festivals, die regelmäßig stattfinden. Zusätzlich gibt es noch die, wie wir sie intern nennen, Bonus-Events, in denen ihr zum Beispiel Weltboss besiegen sollt."Okay, they WANT to be faster, but considering all we know so far and the fact they've started doing it with the last episode already with the staggered release of the raid a few weeks after the main patch, we can be pretty much sure that will be the case. Even still, an event or festival every month between releases doesn't sound bad either for as long as they can keep that up. What I'm worried about is another S1 scenario where they just burn out completely because they can't keep those weekly releases up, but I'm certain they can figure it out nowadays.
  12. I own:FrostfangThe Shining BladeJuggernautExordium in the order that I made them. My favorite is probably the Shining Blade, simply because the way it looks and the effects work very well with most of my characters :)
  13. They quite literally list festivals and other events as something during the months without episode release. Still, they tell us that releases WILL be faster this season
  14. I really don't think this is the case. However, I would absolutely LOVE if we got more of that old school MMO vibe of having rare drops with potentially unique skins. More things like the Branded Eye of Argon, that are far from being as rare as infusions, but drop often enough to be awesome to use and get whispers like "what shield is that?" from that you don't have to answer with "gem store".
  15. You're not entitled to any compensation just because something broke. You're entitled to them fixing whatever is broken.
  16. You don't have to buy episodes as they come out. You have multiple months time getting them for free. Expansions aren't as expensive as some other games make them either (HoT on release was, I suppose). Of course some people are spending money and funding the game, but it's still free content for everybody to enjoy.
  17. They know full well whether they're going to release one in a year or two or not, but they're not going to say any of it right now because that's still way into the future.
  18. I like most of them, got both skyscale skins because rng gave me the other one lol
  19. Well dealing with the elder dragons is kind of the end goal so it only makes sense. That being said, we have had many episodes where the dragons were kind of in the back of the story until we finished whatever was more important. I'm assuming we'll be dealing a lot with the dragon minions in the next few episodes, but not exclusively. It's good to have that story thread looming over our heads imo.
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