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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. It seems to work perfectly. All kinds of people are coming out of the woodworks to complain about an achievement of all things, something most players ignore in their pursuit of complaining that there is no content. Just don't bank on getting a rare item, do the rest and maybe you'll be surprised.
  2. Agreeing with this. Absorption is the perfect Sigil for Hammer in WvW. On top of that other spellbreaker trait that removes boons on CC that's just a boon ripping machine
  3. Except a build with axe/warhorn GS will beat the longbow build 100% of the time while doing way better against everything else in general, yet longbow got nerfed lol. LB damage got nerfed because it can do the damage it does at like double the range of anyone else so they can’t exactly “counter” it, and LB also has utility. kitten LB outrangesLiterally every weapon in the game due to how arrow projectiles work, only thing that even rivals it is Deadeye rifle. It only does that damage with a kitten glassbuild anyone with half a brain should be able to beat easilly. A core warrior will close the gap and eviscerate you a new one for 13k. So how was LB better than boonbeast, mirage holo and core war again?Neither of them can flank one shot anybody from the same range. You can't deny facts. They all are annoying in their own rights, but not everybody has access to invuln on demand or reflects and blocks immediately before getting chunked way too hard for what it does.
  4. While the being a good dev does not necessitate being a highly skilled player. I also think that there has been a shift in the balance dev team around a year ago, and whoever is in charge right now (or maybe the entire team) lack the required competence. And devs tend to on tangents (like the chrono changes last 2 patches) that are not needed, no one asked for them and tend to break things that were already working. The end result is less build diversity, and alienating veteran players. Considering all of the balance patches this past year were really good I don't think anybody can call the team incompetent... On that note: Warrior will never lose it's passive stances, get over it. It has enough drawbacks as is.
  5. You have access to a lot of weapons, you're very self sufficient and there is a decent skill ceiling with fun skill rotations imo. Try testing around some. Use Axe Axe/Greatsword. Get to 80, go Dagger/Axe as Spellbreaker or Longbow for some fun as Berserker. This is a very "feel good" class to me, packing the right amounts of damage, utility with easy access to condition cleanse and stunbreaks as well as CC whenever it matters. Nothing in this game can be quite as satisfying as using a Hammer F1 -> Fullcounter -> Hammer F1 in WvW or even PvE into a group of mobs either :)
  6. Why would it be? Because devs who were most likely not working on GW2 left? Okay then, rationality seems to be lost on some
  7. I hope that they go and look over it next (balance) patch. It has potential, but needs some additional fine tuning imo. They probably didn't want to make it ridiculous right off the bat.
  8. Make winning matter and harshly limit transfers beyond a certain timeframe into a matchup. Add more Warclaw skins. Add skins for "WvW outfits" or whatever. Oh wait, how did the first sentence get in there..
  9. I read about the drops, and did not see anything I really wanted...nothing worth paying money for, anyway. If you buy it at the start, the mount licenses and unlocks are worth more than the price you normally pay for it. However, that would require you actually caring about mount skins. I'd argue a majority of people cares about those skins, given that virtually every player you see has a bunch of them. It's just good value, as it should be.
  10. Honestly playing without storage extensions feels awful and I wouldn't want to ever do it again. That's the one thing I'd say is necessary just because of how quickly you will run out of space to store wood and mithril especially. Those two drove me to buy more space and it was worth it.
  11. The closest to a sub we get are those supply packages that give new stuff every week until the release of an episode. I hope they continue those.
  12. We had 7 years without them and we get it for free. It's just another account upgrade.
  13. I'm sure the few people who even care about templates are going to be fine with what they get.Those people were already using Arc templates (which will stop working when Anet templates get released, as part of the deal between Anet and Arc developer), so no, they won't be fine. In fact, they will find themselves with less options after this, not more.I'm not sure how many template slots they need... why wouldn't 6 be sufficient? Do these people play 100 different builds and isn't the ability to store equipment convenient enough? That's a fraction of an already tiny minority, while everybody else only has to gain from this one way or another. I don't think anything of value is lost there.
  14. I'm sure the few people who even care about templates are going to be fine with what they get.
  15. Free transfers would mean nobody would ever fight each other. Brilliant idea
  16. the 30% dmg increase after using a physical skill is looooooong gone.... it's 10% since ages That was a recent thing. Like in the last year. It's also 20% in PvE I believe? Or unchanged. I cba to log in just to check an arbitrary number.
  17. Honestly I don't see an issue with an insane multiplier like that. Why? Because Warrior for such a long time easily could stack beyond 50+% damage multiplier just from 2 traits alone (Berserker's Power + that 30% after using a Physical). They know they have to make this previously almost useless traitline appealing to take over those other ones that have such useful traits that are this easy to access. The only issue with this might be a Core Warrior that tries to get ALL of them for some cheese, but even then one shot warrior already exists and is a one trick pony only.
  18. Once more the split between people who play PvP and who don't lol Scourge didn't have a trade off before, now they do. It might also be a buff in many scenarios, like WvW, where longer duration and more targets hit can get pretty nasty. However, introducing a CHOICE when using skills (use it on myself or a shade) is a brilliant gameplay decision on its own. No longer do you eat the entire cake, you only get a good slice.
  19. Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k. The problem with Shrug it off in wvw is that it will always trigger on 1200 range away from an enemies autohit.Now all its effects are wasted and on a 25s cd.And most fight will be over before it gets off cd.Honestly that effect might not be linked to the shrug off but cleansing conditions in general. Have to read the full text and see if they are one sentence or two, like with the hammer trait that always gives you adrenaline on CC, not just from the hammer etc. That Soldier's Comfort might also be nice, though that seems to have that 15 second cooldown for sure.
  20. Depends how strong the new heal is I'd say. The range on it is decent enough. I could see some very bunker-y builds with that. I'm assuming it's upwards of 1k.
  21. Y'all talking as if Thief was untouched. You will no longer get double dagger stormed, does that not count for anything?
  22. Excited to dust off my Warhorn after this goes live. Thank you so much for moving Burning Arrows, bless your souls.
  23. The Six beware that the race (read: legions) who has little to no contact to humans as they are now is still a bit miffed about what happened over 250 years ago. Of COURSE they still hate humans, they are far away from them and left to their own ideas of how bad and awful they all are. They didn't have time nor intereest in getting over the past because they were only ever exposed to their own idea of it.
  24. GvG doesn't even exist. The amount of actual people that care for it is way too low.
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