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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. It will be restored in a little while. Happened in the last weeks too, the servers just failed to communicate with each other.
  2. If you want some more HP you can use Marauder stat gear. It's basically Berserker's stats but with more HP, makes a difference of around 4000 hp.
  3. Would be cool if that eventually became a reality. But the time where we have 100% legendary equipment will probably be close to the end of the game's lifespan. They should all require that amount of work, so it would be bad if they just slapped it into the different modes like that. It would have to be new content, so no dungeons unless they get completely overhauled. Dunno about WvW or PvP honestly. In WvW I could see it become an issue because there are only so many things you can do. If you attach part of the collection to holding or capturing a certain objective for example I could see it turn into a situation like people waiting for it to get flipped just so they can flip it themselves quickly. If it's attached to a tier 3 objective and idk, on lord kill you have a drop chance for a certain item it could still be quite problematic, besides that those objectives turn absolutely worthless at night with 0 coverage.
  4. Well that's the problem, players join one listed as "T4 Dailies" with no other label and then still find players being elitist in those runs. I mentioned much earlier in this thread how this would begin to happen, and I was right. The general expectation of a player in T4 fractals has become "running raid subgroup builds". Most players agree on this to the point of it being so casual, they don't list that requirement in the LFG. Again I'll state how unnecessary of a discrimination this is. Few reasons why:T4s are not difficult content.Raid builds aren't even the meta for T4/CM fractals. It has its own meta.In raids, if 1 or 2 wipe, they all wipe, so we can see the purpose behind running glass cannon dps specs that rely on a single powerful healer. However in fractals, 4 players could wipe and a single custom build that has 10% to 15% cut from its expected arc dps benchmark to front twice the sustain factor, can be capable of finishing a boss fight solo and saving the group time /gging from the top of some health bar. <- So stop complaining about off meta builds when some guy solos ark for you, when the boss is bellow 10% health. <- And that is exactly why he is running a bellow average dps build to begin with, so he can carry parties when they wipe in such situations to save time, rather than be forced to /gg and waste time from a 100% health bar, with a party that will likely wipe again.It's fractals. More experienced players who are tired of running only raid meta, PURPOSELY design custom builds for fun/something different, when they run fractals. Relax and enjoy the more casual than raid content. Players need to properly label their LFGs and remember that custom builds does not always = bad player. Judge players by performance and not blind discrimination. My solution remove boonsharing and ability to kick if you start instance you stay there until its finished same for raids and also make benchmarks forbidden my soldier renegade is better than any mirage ore weaver no one has just given it a chance this would enforce the idea of no meta builds wich is better.Your damage is always going to be worse with a bad stat combination, you can't argue against that lol Soldier is 2 tank 1 damage stats compared to having 3 damage stats, that's trolling when you're supposed to deal damage and there is no way around it. Doesn't mean you're not allowed to play it, but don't call your damage good if your only way of not getting kicked out of groups is hiding the damage you deal lmao
  5. I'd love to see that hammer throw turned into a shout or something that stuns in a small aoe or something. Would still make thematic sense and not cross into guardian territory flavor wise
  6. I wanted to comment on this earlier but I forgot yesterday so.. Hey, we talked a bit. You're a cool guy, looking forward to the next random convo we're gonna have because damn right I will message you like the creep that I am And this terrible kind of humor REALLY doesn't work over text That said, let's hang out some time ingame when I'm not busy raiding in WvW or you're about to leave lol
  7. Good commander to me is somebody who is chill, entertaining and takes a minute to explain something even if he loses a lootbag or two. In WvW it's one who doesn't blindly charge in, doesn't give up after wiping once or twice and makes smart decisions (if you died 4 times trying to take a tier 3 keep maybe do something else for the moment etc.) A lot of it comes down to being clear in voice comms or text too. Not being rude. People who exclude others because "omg you don't play firebrand piss off" are scum.
  8. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/39093/ticket-response-times#latest They have a ton of messages and are just now starting to catch up to it (more staff on it as well now) Usual response times went from 3-7 days to around 11 I believe was said somewhere.
  9. 11 days and asking for 3 updates.. yeah that's the issue buddy. Do it once after a week. From my experience with supports if you "spam" bumps your tickets automatically gets lowered in priority as if it's treated like a new request entirely. Now that is not exactly how the support in GW2 will work, but all you can do is be patient about it. Don't bump too much, your request can't be lost. As long as he is updating the SAME ticket, it will not cause any issues. So do not tell people that please. He can ask for updates on the same ticket if he likes, but the thing is they only see that ticket when they see it and it could cause issues on your side of checking it unless you remember the time/day you updated it.Late response but I said not to create a new ticket, updating one is obviously okay as long as you don't spam it
  10. if you can find me any clothing that is even remotely "seductive"in this game i applaud you. There are a few pretty sexy ones. Flamekissed armor for example shows A LOT of skin. Human cultural tier 3 light armor is known as THE boob top in the game.. There are a few more but sadly I don't know the names of the armor sets or outfits. Sexy doesn't always / doesn't have to mean showing a lot of skin.I know that. But if a huge majority of all armors is basically covering every little bit of it there is a certain allure to any bit of skin you can get.
  11. if you can find me any clothing that is even remotely "seductive"in this game i applaud you. There are a few pretty sexy ones. Flamekissed armor for example shows A LOT of skin. Human cultural tier 3 light armor is known as THE boob top in the game.. There are a few more but sadly I don't know the names of the armor sets or outfits.
  12. ^ This I'm just worried it wouldn't stop at Ascalon. Maybe warbands would split up from the rest to get more human territory now that the main threat is gone, peace is fragile after all no?
  13. 11 days and asking for 3 updates.. yeah that's the issue buddy. Do it once after a week. From my experience with supports if you "spam" bumps your tickets automatically gets lowered in priority as if it's treated like a new request entirely. Now that is not exactly how the support in GW2 will work, but all you can do is be patient about it. Don't bump too much, your request can't be lost.
  14. I'll just list of a few things that should generally be pretty useful. Best if you're on teamspeak/discord to coordinateStay cool, even if you wipeAsk if somebody wants to organize groups for boonsharing if you don't know it yourself (not THAT important, especially as an open tag)Know the spots to place catas atStock up on sieges. Nobody takes a comm who asks for donations seriouslyKnow when to push and CALL IT OUT (Push with me, countdown,) call dodges (dodge forward, get out their bubble) ask for bubbles yourself, call which direction you want to go next.. etc. if you attack a group from left or right so that everybody is ready to follow. Remind them to cleave downs Lots more stuff, but that's the most important things probably
  15. The map is still heavily farmed, I don't see any issue with that. You can even get the meta event to progress that far with 10 people and those should be on every map, always.
  16. Outfits are great. They are a bit of a lazy way to customize your characters but I think that they are still pretty damn good. They are definitely worth the price, considering you get an entire set of themed armor in that sense.
  17. You're missing the point where you SELL INSTANTLY for THIS PRICE
  18. Dodge jumping gives you more distance because it is like having normal movementspeed + Swiftness, even in combat
  19. Lets get one thing very clear here, it's their Job to entertain me, that is why I pay them. It is not, nor shall it ever be, my job in this relationship. I do this for fun, and escapism, not work, not a job, not a duty, but frivolous mindless escapism. No.. I don't plan to "git gud" as I don't have the time or the give a kitten to turn this game into a work. You're right in that it IS their job to entertain you. You're missing the point however. I clearly said multiple times that not all content has to appeal to everybody and why that is perfectly fine. If something has a requirement you're not willing to commit to, your choice. Don't beg for them to remove that requirement for no reason other than you not wanting to put in any work. You can get things done with 30 minutes a day if said things are set up properly. Niche content that doesn't aim at the target audience is a massive failure, nothing else. Casuals can stay in their own lane and not demand everything to be casual friendly, despite 95% of the content being aimed at them. Let that last 5% aim for its own specific audience. Easy.
  20. And I'm going to reference a video by , that not having alternate difficulty modes can alienate potential players and greatly limit the number of people that can enjoy the gameplay mode. There is no harm in serving multiple audiences. Yes, it obviously changes the experience, but to many players, that "changed experience" is exactly what they are looking for. You're presenting two completely contradictory arguments here, "Not everybody has to enjoy every little part of a game" and "instead start working on getting in." Which is it? Should players accept that this element will never be for them, or should they force themselves into it, even knowing that they will never enjoy it? If there is a reward that they want from it, should they be fine accepting that they will never have that thing, or should they endure an experience that they will never enjoy in order to acquire it? I feel like your basic argument boils down to "I'm fine with this, so you should be too, stop complaining about things that don't bother me, just because they bother you." It's not contradictory at all. It's just the perspective you didn't quite catch there and I could have written it differently. People who are grumpy about raids are unlikely to enjoy them, even if they try them beyond what might be expected. Those can live happily ever after without going back in there - I brought up my anecdotal story about how I just recently got into it after not being interested in it at all. That is accepting that this part of the game simply doesn't interest them. No need to talk about this. These people shouldn't comment about how raids should have to change just so they might enjoy it themselves because they chose to not be part of it. There are people who are simply not good enough to enjoy this content, those need to put in the work in to get to that point. That's what I was talking about. Somebody in full soldier gear from a level boost without spending a second thought on gear or skills shouldn't be able to clear raids in a normal group that can't hardcarry him. Those are the people that I don't want to see any complaint from either. Learn and get there, realize it isn't all that difficult once you're past a certain point of the learning curve. It's like collections. Not everybody does or cares about them but the people that do can get a lot of enjoyment from it. Should collections be made easier so everybody can enjoy them? No, because that defeats the point. Doesn't help anybody enjoy them who didn't want to do so in the first place.I guess you could say that having a barrier of entry (really like that term) like in those cases is the main issue here. How do you get people into raids? By telling them there are fancy rewards in legendary armor and easy ascendeds/challenging content and amazing lore! Meanwhile people still don't enjoy actually playing the content. If you don't enjoy what you are playing then you probably shouldn't do it. It's that easy. That's where I was looping back to point 1.If you absolutely HAVE to have that special armor skin or whatever, then you will swallow the bitter pill and do it one way or another. I think we need to differentiate that from the rest. Again, it's about putting in effort vs "this should entertain me even if I don't try" You could also bring up that the Super Adventure Box may be super exciting for many, extremely uninteresting to others. Why is that okay? Because it's only temporary? But it comes back and will bore you to death again! A looming threat! That even, quite literally, has an infantile mode that allows you to breeze through everything. I loved that default feeling back when it first came out, though by now I simply can't enjoy it at all anymore. I accept that this content simply isn't aimed at me, because it doesn't appeal to who I am and how I (and want to) play the game. I will not go around and demand changes because this festival in particular is annoying the hell out of me because I don't think that my opinion is exactly qualified to do that. That is not to say that people aren't allowed to have opinions. It's just that somebody who isn't part of that target audience can't really speak for that target audience.
  21. Just gonna note how hilarious it is to see people say that GW2 is past its prime etc. because the expansion was weak. The story has never been stronger and coherrent. The expansion was fine. It is sad that beyond collections there is no reason to ever return to the beautiful maps, but they still give a really good amount of playtime if you really do decide to finish achievements and collections and that is perfectly fine. LS4 brought with it multiple meta events that are extremely profitable and seeing people talk about how they're mostly abandoned at this point.. have you seen Istan for the past months? It went down a little, but it's still a very active farm map. Now on raids: I believe they are fine the way they are. I'd like to bring a point videogamedunkey made in one of his videos: Games that have one set difficulty are much more interesting to play. They are set and balanced around this and they offer one solid experience. Not some varying health numbers, stat checks or what gives. Adding different difficulties completely changes the experience. Not everybody has to enjoy every little part of a game. If raiding isn't for you, don't do it. Don't cry about it, instead start working on getting in. Why would the game accomodate YOU when it's mostly your job, you are playing the game you shouldn't complain about having to do so. I've enjoyed open world and WvW for years and only recently got into raiding - it's fun. But I don't hardcore grind progression either. I play with friends/guild and we slowly make our way forward. No pressure, no hard feelings when somebody is a little slow. That's fine. Random people might not be fine with that and in a way, even that is perfectly fine in itself. I just wish for people to be a bit more open about things. I've seen people declare something a "TRAINING GROUP" just to then insult people who were new and then ragequit instead of explaining mechanics in the first place. It's frustrating if you fail, then somebody leaves, you explain the same stuff again, then another person leaves or the classic "uhh this takes longer than 10 min??? I have to go" people come in and you just toss your keyboard at your screen because progression is done for today. People should bring more than 30 minutes of time if they are serious about it and that isn't asking for too much. On the other hand people should also be more willing to explain mechanics etc. to new people. ease them in and perhaps remind them of something important happening. It would also be great if multiple people did explaining, not one guy that just gets extremely tired of doing it over and over on his own. Okay, that was quite the tangent there but you get the point. One difficulty because it is supposed to be one special experience that isn't washed out by additional dev work.
  22. Not to mention that each of them have daily purchases like map currency behind them. Is it asking for too much that you play the game and get rewarded with a small amount of guaranteed currency? Definitely not. Especially for Bloodstone Rubies or Petrified Wood
  23. But they don't force anybody to do it? And boohoo, you need to play 5 min to buy an item for a collection if you actually have to talk to one of them, big deal.
  24. Because Charrs exist we will probably never get real cloaks. Many armors also have back parts that would clip and coding that all.. probably going to be a nightmare at this point, especially with Backpacks kind of filling that slot in an okay-ish way anyway.
  25. You can just jump to the portal that directly leads you to the end anyway, you just need the bunny inside the sanctum, jump up a pillar and on top of the right portal lol
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