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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. I dont care if the spec is good or not. I just want a Golemancer class/spec. Dont care about playing with IA and Im in the team that was really disapointed when they change the gyro, the well are better in term of utility but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring. And frankly they look ugly in well form... I want a real Golem suit!
  2. If its a pet base spec for engi like a golemancer. Omg I gonna be so happy!!!!!!!
  3. ITS UNACCEPTABLE... please fix it for the love of Asura show that you care a little arenanet! 3:
  4. Or I dunno why not make elite map. Maybee a expansion release 5 maps. 4 of them are regular with story etc, and 1 of them is a optional map with the difficulty cranked up. When you enter the map or near the portal, you get a message or see a billboard which said: "Elite map, if youre noob, get ready to get youre kitten kicked." Obviously Im just throwing idea, but something like this. If people are that noob, they could zerk it, but at least you could run it in small group without needing to follow the zerk.
  5. Who the kitten care? Its a videogame, dont take it that serious.
  6. I just want replayable hard open world content. I never liked the idea of instance pve in a mmorpg. But the open world is waaaaaay to freaking easy in this game (at least for me). And the only real challenge are meta event but zerking in a blob of light aint really fun either...
  7. Anet fix it please. Dont you see it?! Wont buy any gem till you fix this...
  8. We need a power weapons main hand for CORE since for ever! Mace could have been nice... but guess its gonna bbe lock behing elite spec maybe...
  9. Really really really hope its not another melee spec... again...
  10. Its not a easter egg, its a bug. Youre not supposr to be able to play core engineer.
  11. N I do agree with you, and its not like its been that long since the bug start to appear. Maybe a month or 2 at max.
  12. Yeah but it was not like this from the start its somewhat new, they kitten up something and didnt fix it after ward wtf...
  13. Yeah I mess jp, its one of my favorite part of the game. I would like to have more aswell!!!
  14. Strike reward are not the only problem, its a game wide problem. So it wont change anything
  15. They should have put basic glider skin and basic mount skin in the loot table or hearth vendor etc. I find it very annoying that the only glider you can get are in the gemstore... Gw2 want to be horizontale with skin as reward, yet they put all the new skin type in the gemstore only... And since I dont have infinite transmutation charge, I dont change the look of my armor, so I have basically no reward for playing....
  16. No thank, errrrg would be so lame, we already have elixir -__-
  17. Pre order EoD. I did receive the goodie but no extra shared inventory slot for me... I hope I can have it pls... 😞
  18. Didnt have my shared inventory slot either... I did get the other goodie tho... I really hope I can have it... 😞
  19. Anet dont like that we still play engineer... We always have the short end of the stick... Did you know that the mortar kit skin is a place holder? For about 6 years now, but its still just a place older is it?....
  20. Why only having 1 drone in the well. The visual was fine when it was a AI, but now that they are well, the visual suck. It would be nice if they did a drone swarm in the well instead.
  21. I dont mimd 1 follower for the sake of fun. Always love costoming an ally npc, but I dont think it would be that great of a feature. Fun gimmick yes, core gameplay nah.
  22. Hi I play on an Asura engineer (female if that matter), I notice for a couple weeks now the shield is tilted a bit, the arm clip threw it, I didnt change my shield skin nor my armor skin. Its look like the shield was move from a 30isssh degree toward the head.
  23. I fully agree, infusion and legendary effect did make the game more ugly ans in a way less fun in group play... Its even more tiresome to the eyes. Please let us hjde other player effect or at least hide none party memeber effect...
  24. No I wont give up! They did give our old and better looking VFX for the orbital strike. Please change the mortar kit and redo drone animation...
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