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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Expect delay for everything cause of the covid situation. But yeah engi is in need of love turret and invention are almost on the racial skill level...
  2. I dont know about other class but in pve and wvw engineer feal weak
  3. Yeah but without them it take much more time tho
  4. Nah my commander is an Asura mad scientist, she need a lab coat and anything else
  5. The skill fx that stay on other player even when the skill animation is over. Like the greatsword 3 on ranger or sometime the mesmer shield, etc
  6. Asura are clearly the master of tyria. They are the most pure race! It was proven by science! Since they emerge, their dominace over the land of tyrie as never been contest.
  7. Just one warn8ng be prepare to be disapointed with balance, never love your build to much. Anet love to take stuff and break engi, I learn it the hard way XD
  8. Holo feal underwhelming now, was good and fun at first but nerf, after nerf. Now what does it have that scrapper cant do better? Yeah self damage I guess...
  9. Can we have the new gatling turret that charr use on the new map please? Also the rocket launcher instead of the mprtar would be nice
  10. I feel he same... In fact its maybe a sign that anet aknowledge their existence XD
  11. Xpader is also a very good option and its free.
  12. Dont worry the rest of the community is not like this at all, I do T4 frac and sometime CM. I just start my own lfg, and accept everyone even non meta build, if you know what you do and are somewhat competent with your build I mever say anything, maybe a tips here and there but that about it. Let the small toxic elitist community die in a corner, they are the whole reason anet stop doing raid XD
  13. No worry log once when it release and youll have it unlock for ever. Dont need to start anything. Just need to log when it release, if you didnt buy PoF you wont be able to play it but it will still be unlock for your account.
  14. Just to make the post go up. I myself would like to have this information.
  15. Lol a ban for this are you for real? Banning people in game is generaly the last thing dev want. Dont get me wrong they'll do for extreme case, but lying in the lfg, really queen?
  16. Raid is dead content. Gw2 was never design for raiding. Ok just trolling but to be homest dont exclect anything for raid soon
  17. Id say learn how combo work. Play a bit with kit, they are not mandatory tho but you should at least try them out and learn them.
  18. They did give 2 daggers for the warrior, who already had a gigalion tone of weapon. And give us 1 underwhelming sword, we still dont have power off hand...
  19. Yop! next step, they are preparing to delete holo build. At least we have scrapper... how ironic to say... and sad...
  20. Maybee a new redesign of the engineer mortar kit, we have a placeholder since pre HoT.... :anguished:
  21. Becouse gw1 dont have a forum anymore. Oh I didnt know my bad then ^.^
  22. So if I hit a Boss with a grey break bar, the sigil of celerity will give me the 5 sec of quickness (if not on internal cooldown)? Im very confuse about the disable thing on break bar.
  23. Unlimited transmutation? Thats called playing pvp/wvw.Yeah put why I should be force to play an unfun game mode just to farm charges?
  24. Pretty sure this bug is there since game release. So its "on the table" is this how they like to say it?
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