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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. You right I just reread my bad. But still its not really that annoying
  2. Condi engi mouhahahahahaha XD are you for real XD hahaha guy a condi emgi hahaha what a joke... Noone talked about condi engi thoHe did reread the OP ^^
  3. If youre build is int meta welp, dont even try GG. Engineer is pretty weak in gemeral. We do have some build in pvp and wvw that work to a certain extend. For pve is dead in the water tho
  4. Holo as fallen. Its pretty weak right now. For power youre way better with scrapper, way more sustain and better damage with an easier rotation. Im not really sure what the point of holo right now to be honest. As other have said you can do a condi issssssh build but lets be honest condi holo is probably the weakest condi build.
  5. Condi engi mouhahahahahaha XD are you for real XD hahaha guy a condi emgi hahaha what a joke...
  6. It was not a problem in the past because engis always took prime light beam instead or elixir X or whatever other elite was stronger. Mortar kit pulsing blind has ALWAYS been too much. If it needs to blind let it do so when it first lands only. Edit: Really, tbh any pulsing skill (that's not channeled) that takes up a whole standard point is not acceptable in my eyes for conquest mode. I'm aware that's just my philosophy. . .(Edit for typos) So the solution is to nerf our last decent elite skill? Engineer is getting constant slap in the face, you pvp whinner are killing the fun of the class and in the sametime rendering the class useless for pve...
  7. I main emgineer for so long always love its visual and its build craft.PS. The joke lasted long enought now. Can we please remove the 450 minimum range on aim assit rocket? No one use it, and the fiew build that were trying to have fun with got kicked in the nut...
  8. Engi needs a barrage of seeking missiles You know if they do this, they will add a random 900 minimum range requirement because we dont have good ranged weapons and both e spec added a melee weapons :angry:
  9. Engineer is kind of umderwhelming everywhere maybe less in pvp. They kill my perk, aim assit rockect.... why the 450 its not fun to play around this... it feel like Im fighting the game mechanic not my enemy...
  10. How about....40 MAN story raids!!! Im not even sure their at least 40 mans doing raid at the moment? But joke aside, I would prefer for them to focus on the open world rather than instance. Never like the idea of instance in a mmo, its does not sit well with me. I prefer to keep the feeling of a living breathing world rather than an arcade boss rush :/
  11. Its on engineer what do you excpect? to work? What a crazy idea!
  12. They’re login rewards for the 26th day. Also, I’d rather have the spirit shard rather than a transmutation charge for levelling up after level 80, which is the existing reward Why not both?
  13. Play your main, collect gold doing things, exchange for gems, buy charges, done. So I need to farm to use the reward I earn by farming? Its does not sound really fun...
  14. Its not a solution its just a band aid. Its not fun to city explore after the 100 time...
  15. Yeah but they are all festival currency wich I already farm for unlocking said skill, while in pvp wvw its just handle to you, you dont have to pay for it with any currency. Its feel bad If a need to farm for skin and for charge. And in between festival what to do except credit card farm wich I wont do...
  16. Its kind of sad that the main reward in this game is skin but I cant use them cause I did my map completion a while back and I dont have any left. Dont tell me to go in wvw or pvp I hate those game mode and could care less about them (frankly do you really want some, dont care, afk farm in your game mode?) Why not give us 1 charge every level up after level 80? Its not normal that pvp, wvw player are flood with them and pve its a dry desert of charge, only a fiew drop here and there... And no reroll an alt to fashion my main is not a solution, its mainly a band aid and its not fun...
  17. I have 12 characters but only completed the original world map 4 times and still I float above 1.400 transmutation charges. If you play PvP and or WvW is almos impossible to get rid of them. Try pvp its not fun not at all. I do wvw from time to time but I get bored really really fast I can handle more than 1 hour by month XDSo basically Im a pve main, but it suck that I have to play other toon to change the look of my main... the way to obtain charge in pve is really not great
  18. I would reset on my main for the simple reason that transmutation charge after world completion are pretty rare if not impossible to obtain. Why do I need to play on a random toon to do fashion on my main its a huge issue on a skin driven endgame. Give us 1 charhe after a level after level 80...
  19. Oky oky just to get back on track with my posr I dont mind at all coop content, in fact I quite like strike. The coop story content is another question on is own this post was only abput strike being stepping stond for raid wich I think, for my own opinion, is a failure. Like I said I like strike for what they are, bit no I wont strike and in fact I see a lot of group just skiping the hard one like the boneskinner. For me what I see, the more they will make strike closer to raid, the more people will stop doing it. Gw2 is not a raid game, its a casual open world game. I dont want them to start focusing on instance content, I want to feel like in a fantasy world, not in a hub game jumping from instance to instance, why not try open world dungeon like in ESO. A zone of the map with higher spawn rate and way harder enemy, which you can loot the end chest once a day for good reward, with the anet rng obsession of they want XD.
  20. As the title say. Just so you know anet, you know that no matter how much you try, I wont ever raid, right? Oky just my cents. Cx
  21. Guys guys you all know anet never come here and never listen to engineer player. They only give us attention when other class cry about us because we have finally something going on. The best we can hope at this point is for no one to notice us...
  22. Also the desert screen, no offense to the artists, is kind of bad the music is just ambient noise and the visual art well... its brown... too much brown...
  23. I didnt like this, would probably never do this strike again... I dont like instance base content in a mmo... And nothing about this need to be a strike could have easly been an open world meta event so yeah.... And most of all is an escort mission...
  24. I didnt like that... I dont play guild wars 2 to farm a story mission instance... the push to strike is not my cup of tea... what happen to behind in a fantasy world... now everything must be instance all the way... And the crystall thingy is just complicate for the sake of beind complicate... I appreciate that they try something new, but I didnt like that.
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