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Everything posted by Sovarica.4368

  1. I feel like a lot of the veteran players become too cranky and too rating obsessed I've seen a shift to friendly to very bitter personality changes. Duos are probably more prone on winning and with the depopulation they probably get irritable faster if someone is not on their play level
  2. Very unfun with Holo being so potent it's very draining the way they can turn matches around
  3. Some of the extra reasons: PvP is too toxic there's too much consistent blaming going on and it can be an awful feeling when the match is over. It's starting to feel like a club that don't want new players to even compete.
  4. Okay I did the black lion key run this week and was wondering if I make another toon could I go through the 1st part of the story again and park it at the end of the story mission right before you get a key so I can have the coming week with less effort on obtaining a key
  5. Seems like a lot of introverted people play PvP
  6. Can be many classes but bunker metas feel the most boring and give the impression that the game is broken
  7. Is it me or does it happen more often when there's players from EU?
  8. Disconnects have been happening to me. Sadly my isp has already come to my house 5 times and can't really pinpoint the problem I get so many network errors and high random pings and the support just shrugs and says web congestion
  9. The escapist part of holo is really annoying we can have 3 people targeting it and it still manages to escape even mid tier skill level Holo's manage to outperform in this class
  10. A lot of people I run into feel the same exact way as the original poster on the surface it gives the impression that the game is broken or they are running an exploit auto pilot build and it's more trait based rather than skill based.. so that's why the population feels pretty dead and not very welcoming to new people
  11. Most people give the vibe that they are being bothered in text chat so I lose interest of socializing and I get the feeling that people are on discord so why bother using text chat since people clearly find discord the best way to communicate. It seems like out of 15 people you could private message in one day, only one will actually be responsive so.. sadly this can be a downer for people who want to make random friends.
  12. Some PvP special events would be nice when there's downtime, it's probably not feasible but would be cool having a week of core only gameplay then 2nd week of HoT only gameplay then PoF
  13. Just wondered and thought it might be a fun idea to see a fixed camera perspective as a 2D game in GW2 I think all of the mechanics are here like jump etc and maybe they could use the big maps to set a fixed perspective destination or an instance I'm kinda surprised it has not been attempted before what do you guys think?
  14. They should do a 2v2 season after a normal season ends just to keep things more interesting
  15. The last week/weekend of the season was pretty ugly with the duo queues that's when they come out on full force and full cheese is in effect I would like to see them disable duo queuing at a certain level during the last 2 weeks because it can give the casuals a fighting chance to make it far in pvp and not be left with a taste of lameness towards the end of a season
  16. Very tough to beat especially with a decent condi thief thus ensues toxic pointing fingers type matches are happening quite often now
  17. More color variations of the Wings of LoveDifferent colors for Holographic Dragon Wings There's a lot of gliders that can be converted into some sort of cool backpack Like.. the Dynamics Glider.. Phoenix Glider
  18. There's those exclusive chinese client gw2 hairstyles for human they never released.. this game is getting older they should just release them already so we can all enjoy them while the game is active
  19. Some ideas..2v2 Tournament every Thurs/Friday a bit after reset maybe few hours after reset (this mode is a lot of fun yet hardly utilized and infinitely less toxic)New Backpack collectionReset all of the PvP Achievements for AP hunters
  20. Holo is top too dominant too much damage nice cc and I never see them overheat plus they are too good at escaping with low health and also shrink elixr stomping I'm also seeing a lot of strong scourges lately they are def a growing threat Scrapper is good in the right team formula otherwise they can be mid useless Thief is also feeling too strong it takes too long to get a hit in and when you can dmg they are gone cause of mobility
  21. I know a lot pf people who stopped playing pvp because they finished their backpack and don't have a goal anymore to lure them back. so.. I think if they added another backpack with achievements more casuals will probably return
  22. Yeah I skill click and would be nice if you could turn off the descriptions when you hover around the skills
  23. The new map gives you so many rares and that the big meta even gives you like double the rares of a full world boss run and in less time. I think that world bosses should have it's own currency with special armor/weapon vendor because there's not much incentive to do it and it's sad cause a lot of players do like to do these runs and it is a huge time sink for some people
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