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Everything posted by Sovarica.4368

  1. I feel like the rangers are usually the ones that get the most salty or toxic
  2. Doesn't the ranger with the unblockable signet rek the dh build?
  3. Would be cool if they gave warrior some poison skills/damage cause the bleed damage they do is pretty crap
  4. Can't keep a condi on can't land a hit can't leave the node for a second without the thief decapping it and slowly die from excessive crit like an annoying fly pestering you from behind
  5. Jeez it takes forever to land a hit on the DH and they're cc'ing you harshly and randomly getting high crit damage and escaping while three people on my team go off and chase and can't get the kill.. this is really fun to go up against..
  6. Getting tired of seeing the spectral forms it feels like it lasts too long and one pops after another it feels so low effort for necs to duel or tank.. it reminds me of getting a star power up like in mario kart
  7. Just wondered what you guys think.. The Utility section feels bare bone and they always seem to be changing how some skills work.. sometimes it's good sometimes people prefer how they used to work.. So instead of flushing all of the work of the rework how come they don't add a variation 2 mode to utilities and give people more options
  8. Just wondering if I buy an account for a friend can I just send him the account key code and does he access to any of my personal info?
  9. GW1 had iffy balance at times but they gave you so many skills to pick from it was still fun to experiment even though you were losing it didn't feel bittersweet whereas GW2 it has so few skills you feel stuck playing a meta build and doesn't have the fun factor of skill experimentation cause utility section is so boring
  10. 2v2 is too stressful with this type of balance they should have kept adding new utilities to counter other ones instead of constantly reworking everything and making things less fun
  11. Many players like me have been starved for new Chest/Leggings I want to see more of that in the gem store
  12. 2v2 feels even worse now cause Resolution is spammed so heavily it really feels like this boon is training wheels but backfired destroying the fun condi builds and making all of the tanky specs even stronger
  13. They should at least try it for a season.. The PvP mode has been getting reallly stale.. At least it could create some buzz from the people who have left GW2 and might want to try to come back to check it out
  14. This meta gives me the feeling of broken Renegade too much spam burst and sustain it's like hardly anything can counter it Healbreaker creates too many weird situations there's too much support going around when especially when you have a tempest or sand shield nec on the same team and the banner stomp feels incredibly cheap This wouldn't be so bad but it's almost the same type of team set up in every ranked match
  15. Also it would be cool if we got an ascended nicer looking set of Warlord armor we get through PvP
  16. Anyone else feels top 25 feels a bit too unobtainable perhaps adding a 25-35 title would make it a bit more nice and soften the pain people get when they get pushed out xD
  17. PvP - hardly any chat in the map except for the usual ''hello or toxicity or gg''Strike missions - only to complain about how damage is low or ping armor statMap chat - hardly anyone says anything except guild recruitingFriends list - 75 percent is unresponsive Idk even in 2012 launch the game didn't feel as social as gw1 did, you had outposts back then to chill then you had heroes and henchies doing most of the work you could pretty much reply with low effort but idk there's something about this game that makes you feel more introverted
  18. A while back my laptop went to sleep mode while gw2 was on the client glitched suddenly the windowed mode just goes into minimized and stuck there. I used Nvidia optimization and could get it to full screen but now it feels like the game is choppy and every time I use windowed mode the game glites goes into minimized mode and is stuck there. Any solutions?
  19. Yeah it's the same people all of the same with the most safe cheesy team and the worst part of it is waiting for the tournament to start which can be a huge time consuming thing only to lose early on
  20. I took my character non level 80 into PvP and noticed the ranger skill ''spike trap'' does damage of 5 and condi damage of 252 I'm not sure if the other skills are bugged as well but it seems like there's a bug conflict between PvE and PvP damage skills
  21. They should have had some tools for machinima creators earlier in the game it could have maintained more promotion/buzz for this game and more fun content for us to consume
  22. How do I check if a player has been top 250 ever? I ask and they usually don't know what that even is or ask them to show me how far they've gotten via title and they usually have a fit say that titles are all obtained by wintrading
  23. I notice a lot of people who give advice are the ones who never have never finished at top 250
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